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Women In Ministry--ordination

Brother Adam

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In the female ordination post that someone made in the other forum, could someone please point out that scriptures forbid female pastors when listing the conditions to be a pastor? i suppose though if a woman can naturally be "the husband of but one wife"....

And why I can't i post there. You don't trust me? Huh? :P

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Brother Adam, I am not sure which post you are referring to but just because the Bible doesn't explicitly forbid it does not mean that it isn't so. I will acknowledge, there is no line of Scripture I can point you to that says, "Women cannot be ordained priests." but the constant and inerrant Traditon of the Church does say that for the following reasons.

1. Jesus chose only men to be the first apostles.

2. These men in turn chose only men to be their successors.

3. Therefore, we should continue to only chose men to be the current successors of the apostles and presbyters (priests).

The main argument to this idea is that women were persecuted at Christ's time and it would have been hard for them to get anyone to listen to what they had to say. This may be the case, but Jesus did not let cultural prejudices stop his ministry. He was God, he could do whatever he wanted. This included chastizing the pharisees, dining with prostitutes, forgiving sins, calling himself the Son of God, and staying in the homes of tax collectors, who were on par if not slightly lower than women in society. He even called a tax collector to serve him. Furthermore, if you are saying that Jesus did not call women because they were persecuted at the time, you are saying he was one of the persecutors, which would make him guilty of the sin of sexism. Since Jesus is God and can't sin, he could not have been a sexist, unless you are suggesting that Jesus isn't God.

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Yes scripture does say that woman are not to be pastors:

1 Timothy 3

Overseers and Deacons

1Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets his heart on being an overseer,[1] he desires a noble task. 2Now the overseer must be above reproach, the husband of but one wife, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach, 3not given to drunkenness, not violent but gentle, not quarrelsome, not a lover of money.

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our priests marry the Church as they act in persona Christi and Christ's bride is the Church.

so priests shouldn't be married according to scripture :P

<lol i'm just kidding, i know it doesn't mean that. but the discipline of not marrying priests is biblical especially from St. Paul's advice to widows and single people>


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i was interested in the question that "huh?" asked about women getting ordained. This question intrigued me to search the Bible and ask what you think about such scripture and the meaning behind such scripture..... Galatians 3:26-29 states "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor reek, slave nor free, male nor femal, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise".... this question then influenced another one...i have read that holy orders is a sacrament and that women not being able to obtain this sacrament is infallible because you cannot change sacraments. So, where does the whole foundation of sacraments come from. is it scriptural b/c i know Catholics call them sacraments and Protestants have another word for them-ordinance- and they don't have as many other. which brings up another question, THE ONE TRUE CHURCH--"How deep is your faith if you don't accept Jesus' Church? Or do you accept another Church has the true Church?"--this statement was in another topic section and it made me think of this scripture--Ephesians 4:3-6 states "make every effortr to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. there is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" i also read this from a professor that commented on this scripture that i found enfascinating, "in the New Testament Letter that provides the fullest undersatnding of the Church, Paul makes an appeal to maintain the unity of the faith, and identifies the seven elemtes of unity. a deepened understanding of these vital elements by all denomination of believers could well provide a ground for that unity of the Church of the living God that is so urgent--a unity amid diveristy. certainly a SAMENESS in every detail is not the expectation of the One who has never created any two things exactly alike. certainly differing styles of worship, for example, are of great benefit, making their appeal to different types of individuals. it is fervently hoped that in the days ahead more and more GOd's peple will speak not of Anglican religion, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc. but rather all denominations as BRANCHES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH--'the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints'Jude3" thank you for your replies in advance and i pray for an open heart for each one that reads and responds!

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  DesiringMore said:
i was interested in the question that "huh?" asked about women getting ordained. This question intrigued me to search the Bible and ask what you think about such scripture and the meaning behind such scripture..... Galatians 3:26-29 states "You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor reek, slave nor free, male nor femal, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. if you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise".... this question then influenced another one...i have read that holy orders is a sacrament and that women not being able to obtain this sacrament is infallible because you cannot change sacraments.  So, where does the whole foundation of sacraments come from. is it scriptural b/c i know Catholics call them sacraments and Protestants have another word for them-ordinance- and they don't have as many other.  which brings up another question, THE ONE TRUE CHURCH--"How deep is your faith if you don't accept Jesus' Church? Or do you accept another Church has the true Church?"--this statement was in another topic section and it made me think of this scripture--Ephesians 4:3-6 states "make every effortr to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.  there is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to one hope when you were called--one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all" i also read this from a professor that commented on this scripture that i found enfascinating, "in the New Testament Letter that provides the fullest undersatnding of the Church, Paul makes an appeal to maintain the unity of the faith, and identifies the seven elemtes of unity.  a deepened understanding of these vital elements by all denomination of believers could well provide a ground  for that unity of the Church of the living God that is so urgent--a unity amid diveristy.  certainly a SAMENESS in every detail is not the expectation of the One who has never created any two things exactly alike.  certainly differing styles of worship, for example, are of great benefit, making their appeal to different types of individuals.  it is fervently hoped that in the days ahead more and more GOd's peple will speak not of Anglican religion, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc. but rather all denominations as BRANCHES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH--'the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints'Jude3" thank you for your replies in advance and i pray for an open heart for each one that reads and responds!

it is fervently hoped that in the days ahead more and more GOd's peple will speak not of Anglican religion, Baptist, Catholic, Lutheran, etc. but rather all denominations as BRANCHES OF THE CHRISTIAN FAITH--'the faith that was once for all entrusted to the saints'Jude3"

DesiringMore, welcome. Are you Catholic? Just my two cents here, I think it would be great if we didn't have any denominations anymore, but one Christian Church. Naturally, this one church would have the fullness of truth as revealed by God through His Son, Jesus Christ. There is a Church like that today, it is the Catholic Church. Every other Christian denomination has some aspect of the Truth, some more than others. However, the fullness of truth can only be found in the Catholic Church and we should sacrifice that truth for the sake of all being one.

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Think of it as a tree with branches all over the ground...wouldn't it be amesome if all those branches would unite to the tree, be healthy and strong, all one big tree?? :D

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  JP2Iloveyou said:

DesiringMore, welcome.  Are you Catholic?  Just my two cents here, I think it would be great if we didn't have any denominations anymore, but one Christian Church.  Naturally, this one church would have the fullness of truth as revealed by God through His Son, Jesus Christ.  There is a Church like that today, it is the Catholic Church.  Every other Christian denomination has some aspect of the Truth, some more than others.  However, the fullness of truth can only be found in the Catholic Church and we should sacrifice that truth for the sake of all being one.

What makes you think that the Catholic Church is the ONE TRUE CHURCH? I don't understand that? what makes what the Catholic Church says truth to the fullest? I am not saying that you are wrong, but i would like you to state your case on why. i feel that if you say you believe something then you should be able to give reasons why.

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Because we are the only Church that Jesus Christ actually founded and gave the promise that the gates of hell wouldn't prevail against it. He founded the church on the rock of Peter (mathew 16) the first Pope and we can trace a line of successors to Peter all the way down to John Paul II. Plus, we're the only Church that actually makes sense.

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  foundsheep said:
All others are almost like the folks in John 6:66,since they dont believe in his presence in the Eucharist.

just as you cannot categorize/stereotype all catholics, people, whatnot into the same boat, you cannot also categorize all non-catholics....i am seeking to find TRUTH and within those questions to finding such, i have begun to look fervently and prayerfully at the whole "presence in the Eucharist".....just because one is not catholic doesn't mean they don't believe that it is the presence...there are so many differences among Catholics and Protestants but to be honest, even though one may not be Catholic, does not mean that they don't believe everything a Catholic believes....just a thought :)

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  DesiringMore said:
just as you cannot categorize/stereotype all catholics, people, whatnot into the same boat, you cannot also categorize all non-catholics....i am seeking to find TRUTH and within those questions to finding such, i have begun to look fervently and prayerfully at the whole "presence in the Eucharist".....just because one is not catholic doesn't mean they don't believe that it is the presence...there are so many differences among Catholics and Protestants but to be honest, even though one may not be Catholic, does not mean that they don't believe everything a Catholic believes....just a thought :)

It is not possible to categorize all non-catholics into a general group; there are thousands of groups out there calling themselves christian.

But we do tend to put people in broad categories just so dialogue is easier. :)

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