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Witchcraft vs Faith?


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Hey folks, Just thought I would pop in again for some clearity on this subject. I know some people think that witchcraft is just someone playing around with some candles and stuff. While there are others whom believe that sometimes bad things do get involved. I personally believe that sometimes bad things get involved and that is from knowing people whom where into that stuff and from a bestfriend whom was from New Orleans whom stated Vodoo does exisit. I am not just basing my believe on my bestfriend but I have had many reasons to believe this stuff is out there. Ok here is the question is it possible that bad things may harm others because they don't believe in God and thus are open to bad things? I am just saying that lets say a person put a curse on another person is it possible that something bad may happen to them because they don't have faith, or know whats going on. I am just wondering where ones faith comes to play in this stuff.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 03:41 PM']Hey folks, Just thought I would pop in again for some clearity on this subject.  I know some people think that witchcraft is just someone playing around with some candles and stuff.  While there are others whom believe that sometimes bad things do get involved.  I personally believe that sometimes bad things get involved and that is from knowing people whom where into that stuff and from a bestfriend whom was from New Orleans whom stated Vodoo does exisit.  I am not just basing my believe on my bestfriend but I have had many reasons to believe this stuff is out there.  Ok here is the question is it possible that bad things may harm others because they don't believe in God and thus are open to bad things?  I am just saying that lets say a person put a curse on another person is it possible that something bad may happen to them because they don't have faith, or know whats going on.  I am just wondering where ones faith comes to play in this stuff.
Witchcraft or "magic" (sorcery) of any kind is soundly condemned by the Church. It opens one to the influence of demons.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 27 2005, 04:36 PM']Witchcraft or "magic" (sorcery) of any kind is soundly condemned by the Church.  It opens one to the influence of demons.

Ok its condemned by the church, but it does happen right?

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 05:43 PM']Ok its condemned by the church, but it does happen right?
Does what happen?

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Fidei Defensor

Yes, "magic" can happen, but only because demons are ultimately behind it. There is no magic in the sense of what people think it is, but the powers of demons are the real source of magic.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Dec 27 2005, 05:58 PM']Yes, "magic" can happen, but only because demons are ultimately behind it.  There is no magic in the sense of what people think it is, but the powers of demons are the real source of magic.

Ok , So magic can happen but why? I mean why would God let something like that happen?

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 06:04 PM']Ok , So magic can happen but why?  I mean why would God let something like that happen?
Because demons still retain all their angelic powers, and have the capablibily of doing anything an angel can do, plus worse.

They can do these things because of their free willed choice against God.

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[quote name='fidei defensor' date='Dec 27 2005, 06:11 PM']Because demons still retain all their angelic powers, and have the capablibily of doing anything an angel can do, plus worse.

They can do these things because of their free willed choice against God.

yeah my question is if bad things are out there what can one do against it. I mean does one just need to have faith?

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 06:19 PM']yeah my question is if bad things are out there what can one do against it.  I mean  does one just need to have faith?
Pray for assistance, particularly from St. Michael.

Strong faith is never required to pray. But of course, genuine prayer increases faith.

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Ok, my question is why does God allow these evil spirits to take hold of some people? They may be strong in faith but still fall prey to these evil spirits.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 05:58 PM']Ok its condemned by the Church.  So what does that mean?  Sorry for having a moment there.
It means don't fool around with it.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Dec 27 2005, 06:47 PM']Ok,  my question is why does God allow these evil spirits to take hold of some people?  They may be strong in faith but still fall prey to these evil spirits.
If you are strong in your faith and pray , you are unlikely to fall prey to evil spirits. God sometimes allows them to attack holy people in order to strengthen those people so they might share in victory over evil.

One might as well ask: why does God allow evil people to do malice against good people?

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Anyone in a state of mortal sin is suceptible to influence of dark powers, demonic obsession, demonic posession. If you want to be safe from evil confess regularly, recieve the Eucharist often and grow in holiness.


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Your question ultimately comes down to the problem of evil. Why does evil happen or why does God permit evil (understood either as an actual thing or an absence). I do not think that we can fully understand why. We can ponder and meditate upon it though.

One could be because suffering is redemptive. For instance, a person seriously injurs another. That is an evil both physical and moral. The injured person could use that suffering to unite himself closer to Christ through His Passion. This would result in meriting grace and following Christ more closely. Rather than leaving our cross in the dirt, we pick it up and live a live worthy of our calling.

Another could be because no matter how evil things seem the goodness of God is able to overcome it. Evil could be permitted to show for the almighty power of God. It is not necessary that evil exists so that God's power might be known, but God could permit it so other might see the one God triumph over evil and come to a deeper faith.

Yet another reason could be to show for the justice of God. Evil may be permitted, but it does not go unpunished (even if repented for we know of purgatory unless indulgenced of course). God punishes those who do wicked things and this may be an example for the righteous. As the Psalmist says, "As you used us to show them your mercy, use them to show us your power."

The important thing to remember here is that all creation ultimatly serves its purpose to give glory to God. Even the angels and men who shall suffer divine judgment shall glorify God by justice; those that enter heaven, by mercy. It is a matter of faith, and one that cannot easily be brushed off. As far as magic being permitted by God for evil purposes, God will triumph and trample the foe exposing those who use false ways. Have faith and you will be protected. St. Michael is a strong defender against such foes, as is the medal of St. Benedict.

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