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Are Mormons Christians?


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on Christmas Eve, my grandma was watching the Mormon Tabernacle Choir special on PBS. They sang a bunch of traditional Christmas songs, so it made me wonder if Mormons really believed Jesus was the Christ. I've never read the Book of Mormon, or met any Mormons or studied the religion much at all. What do Mormons believe, and are they Christian? Most stuff I've read about Mormonism would suggest they aren't, and I've even heard that they believe that you become your own god, which sounds more like satanism to me.

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Check out the following site. It answers your question...

Mormons want you to believe that they are "Christians" and that their church, "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", is just another Christian denomination. Mormons themselves believe that they are Christians and that their church is the only true church.


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Were Arians Christians? How about Marcionites? History ascribes them to the same movement, and stemming, essentially, from our roots. Hence like the above, Mormons are materially Christians.

However, they are not believers/Christians in the sense that they have any communion, however imperfect in the case of Protestants and Orthodox, with the Catholic Church, since their rite of Baptism is flawed by their lack of belief in the Trinity. They cannot receive the inheritance of Christ, nor participate in the benefits of his redemption without it.

Then again "Christian" is a name imposed on us (first at Antioch), "Catholic" is the name we have chosen for ourselves..

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Acts 11:26...Then Barnabas went to Tarsus to look for Saul, 
Verse 26 and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. So it was that for an entire year they met withe the church and taught a great many people, [b]and it was in Antioch that the disciples were first called “Christians.”[/b]

[i]The believers were called Christians because they worshiped Christ, the Messiah. The historian Josephus called them “that tribe of Christians.” Tacitus, the Roman historian, referred to them as “Christians, a name derived from Christ.” Originally, the church called themselves “The Way.” But later they began to refer to themselves as Christians, despite the fact that the name most likely was originally used to ridicule the believers.[/i]

Edited by cappie
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so mormons are materially Christians because they come from the samemovement? But they don't have valid Baptism so they are not true Christians?

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Dec 26 2005, 11:57 PM']so mormons are materially Christians because they come from the samemovement?  But they don't have valid Baptism so they are not true Christians?

Well, it's like they started with some of Christianity and twisted it beyond all recognition so that it's not really Christian anymore. It's interesting that the article linked previously compares them with Islam.

They claim that after Jesus ascended, he reappeared to indians somewhere in the Americas. They recorded stuff from him on golden disks or something like that. Joseph Smith then was revealed the location of these and taught how to translate them perfectly into english. Then they were taken up into heaven or destroyed... convenient...

There was also a well publicized change in their "morality." When they went out to Utah, they claimed polygamy was great... When they wanted to join the US as a state, the US wouldn't allow them unless they didn't allow polygamy. Well, all of a sudden there was a revelation that it was wrong to be polygamous... I'm probably over-simplifying, but that's the gist of it.

They also claim that if you're a good mormon, you wind up becoming a god of some other planet that you rule over... They also claim that God is not universal, just the god of this planet...

So, I'd say it's amazing that it's lasted this long. I think I've shown enough to show that they're not Christian. I know they have a lot of other odd beliefs as well.

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crazymaine catholic

i heard that they used to kill people if they did not give the church enough money. i also remmeber reading in the local newspaper about God being some sort of extratrrestrial being, or something like that. just plain weird.

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[quote name='scardella' date='Dec 27 2005, 09:42 AM']So, I'd say it's amazing that it's lasted this long.  I think I've shown enough to show that they're not Christian.     I know they have a lot of other odd beliefs as well.
Not only has it lasted this long, but it's also one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. I recently read a book about Mormons called [url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1400032806/qid=1135697955/sr=8-1/ref=pd_bbs_1/104-2607869-6545539?n=507846&s=books&v=glance"]Under the Banner of Heaven[/url] by Jon Krakauer (not a book for the faint of heart) but it contains many details about the history and current growth of the church. Fascinating stuff.

Oh yeah, and on the subject of "Odd Mormon Beliefs," one of my favorites is the "magic underwear." Do a google search on "Mormon magic underwear" and you can read all about it.

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If you were a member of the proper level, you could buy some [url="http://www.ldscatalog.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay?catalogId=10001&storeId=10001&categoryId=100163&langId=-1&parent_category_rn=100139&bcname=Mens%20Bottoms%20(For%20Members%20Only)&top=Y&resetCat=N&initBC=Y&level=2&replBC=subcatlist100139"]here.[/url]

As you're not, the idea (which I've heard confirmed from friends who were Mormons at one time) is that the underwear is sacred, offering some form of protection to the wearer. It has symbols sewn on it (some of which I've heard from various sources are Masonic).

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:wacko: wow

....I have heard that they where a paricularly twisted branch of protestantisim, and I guess that I had heard that they believe they become "gods" when they die. but I never heard al of this at the same time, or realised just how much it contradicts Christianity.

I have heard that they that they believe that only a certaint number of people can be saved(I could be wrong on this one), doesn't that go against the [i]Catholic[/i] nature of cristianity?
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[quote name='chickens4life' date='Dec 27 2005, 01:21 PM']I have heard that they that they believe that only a certaint number of people can be saved(I could be wrong on this one), doesn't that go against the [i]Catholic[/i] nature of cristianity?
I don't know about Mormons, but Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 will go to heaven.

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