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Don John of Austria

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Don John of Austria

Onb this my 1648th post I thought I would bring up that this was a very important and very sad year. This is the year that the Thirty Years War came to an end( sounds a lot better than it was) the conclustion of the Thirty Years War was a catastophy for Catholicism and Christendom Christendom was truly ended here,after the Treaty of Westphilia Catholicism became subject to the will of the State, the soverign became the one who decided the religion of his land and any Hope of restoring the unity that had been Christiandom was shattered. The Hapsburgs who had Championed the Catholic Cause kept the title Holy Roman Emperor but it failed to really mean anything as each little county and ppprincipality became independent of any kind of central control--- The ceased to be fuedal and essentially became independent states. Never agian would there be a Catholic Europe and from that ear on every one knew it.

The were some good things however the Treaty of Westphilia did define several Tenants of Just War and entered them in to the body of international law. The Church approved this treaty and declared the Just war portions binding on all. Furthermore the Horror of this war( which I would argue was as much a world war as World War One) had ended -ome scholars put the population of Germany declineing by 40% with an equal number of cities and villiages being destroyed utterly. All in all this was a Sad year one that should be remembered and mourned, as the end of Christendom.

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  Chrysologus said:
You seem to know a lot about history. Were you a history major or something?

He can't answer you, because if he does, his post count will mess up and this thread won't have as much meaning anymore. He's actually put himself in quite the predicament.

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Kilroy the Ninja

Yes, he's got a BA in History.

And I live it every day.

Imagine NEVER being able to win an arguement about ANYTHING historical (and I do mean ANYTHING).

The man's a walking, talking encyclopedia of history. And my house is proof. But I digress...

You should have seen him when he missed another "important" post number....

But he does make a cute baby!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

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  Kilroy the Ninja said:
You should have seen him when he missed another "important" post number....

You're not talking about 982 posts prior, are you? lol_grin.giflol_grin.giflol_grin.gif

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  Kilroy the Ninja said:
No, no he actually caught that one...

something about Don John is the Devil....

lol You know, I'm amazed he doesn't have a new great historical date post for each week. Reading them I am reminded of my older sister--she has her BA in History, too.

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I love history. I wouldn't mind if he came up with a new historical fact every day. Of course I don't live with him. :)

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I think it would be dangerous to put Don John and my husband in a room together. They would never shut up. I know he doesn't post much here, but he is a complete blabbermouth. Get him started on a subject he likes and there is no stopping him. He loves history. Don John loves history. These are the kinds of things nightmares are made of. :)

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I have one chemical engineerinbg and one electrical engineering student in my house. They diagram chemical bonds, and circuit boards on everything. Strange little pieces of wiring and gadgets abound. Their great joy is writing out googleplexs on my chalk board.

Ahh! The joys of geekdom.

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