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The Raelian Movement


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[quote name='Raelian1' date='Dec 23 2005, 09:38 PM']They have no religion per se. The closest thing to a religion is the fact that geniuses are cherished in their society.
Does their society also cherish idiots?

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[quote name='Myles' date='Dec 23 2005, 10:32 PM']Should you not be a troll, and for now I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt (I know phatpham but there's a Prince Myshkin in all of us...) would you care to defend this statement? Pointing out wherein you find errors within the Catholic system? Perhaps one of our Church Scholars would be able to answer you?


The www.rael.org website explains it all. Look, everyone is entitle to believe as they wish. I'm not trying to convince or convert anyone about us.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 23 2005, 11:41 PM']Does their society also cherish idiots?

They cherish everybody. If you downloaded the free e-book "Intellligent Design: Message from the Designers" from the [url="http://www.rael.org"]www.rael.org[/url] web site and read it you would have known that. Everyone in their society is housed, fed and taken care of in every manner possible. The point I was trying to make was that intelligence and geniuses are idolized and treasured the most because only the most intelligent can vote and govern their planet (also called geniocracy).

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After visiting the website.... this is a bit strange to say the least :ninja:

[quote]Who Created the Elohim?
If we believed in God, we might ask "Who created God". If we believed in evolution and the "Big Bang" we might ask "where did this matter and energy come from that created the big-bang?".
For the Elohim, it is the same - they were created by people coming from the sky as were their creators. It's an infinite cycle of life. One day scientists from earth will also go to another planet and populate it.

This creates the infinite regress that Aquinas disproves in his arguments for the exisitence for God. (I think the 3rd one does this the best? Am I right here Myles?)

Sounds like Intelligent design with an Atheist twist...

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[quote name='Raelian1' date='Dec 23 2005, 09:46 PM']The point I was trying to make was that intelligence and geniuses are idolized and treasured the most because only the most intelligent can vote and govern their planet (also called geniocracy).
I guess us crazy ufo cult people don't get voting privileges on their planet, then.
What a shame! :ohno:

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I'm from outer space, and my spaceship can outrun the Raelians' anyday!
She's the fastest ship in the galaxy!

(She may not look like much, kid, but she got it where it counts!)

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"I think I'm a clone now.
Always seems to be another me around.
I think I'm a clone now.
I can be at home and be out of town!"

~ "Weird Al" Yankovich

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wait wait wait......this is actually real????



sorry continue on

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Guest Rick777

"Now is the time to stop believing, and begin to understand." - Rael. what?????????????????

i thought this whole Raelian thingy was just a joke.....kinda sad....

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Guest Rick777

i just went through the website and heard the followers of this cult's testimonials, a couple were catholic, this is so depressing because people actually sincerely believe in this whole alien thing, prayers

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Dec 23 2005, 01:10 PM']other alien scientists.
who made them?
other alien scientists.
who made them?
other alien scientists.
et cetera..

but who made the original alien scientists?
answer: we do, in the future when we invent time travel.

dun dun dun!!  :unsure:

My thing is cooler than raelianism.. :P:


anyway ohhhh OH OH OH !

Ummm I have a question for the raelian....YOUR CRAZY!

hAha no but seriously I'm here all week. Actually I wanted to know weren't the raelians the ones that supposedly cloned a human being but didn't want to provide scientific proof?

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[quote name='Rick777' date='Dec 24 2005, 02:15 AM']i just went through the website and heard the followers of this cult's testimonials, a couple were catholic, this is so depressing because people actually sincerely believe in this whole alien thing, prayers
hehehe, "I now know who my creator is, they're the elohim and they're people like me". Talk about making God in man's image.
We come from an infinite regress of "people like me". That's cute. :hehehe:

"No more spirits and miracles, saints and virgins... No God, but as a realization of geniuses, who created other geniuses... Now isn't that clear enough?"
Oh yeah, that's clear.. geez. :wacko:

The logical and philosophical astuteness is staggering.

I can think of plenty of ideas that are in some ways similar to raelianism but even better (IMHO). I just signed up for their message boards so I can share this new wisdom. muahahahaha
One of the main weakness in their thing is the idea of immortality as having your memory "transferred" to a cloned body. This is simply too weak to be called immortality, to say nothing of the fact that even if you could hypothetically "transfer" memory, this new person would simply be a new and distinct person with some of your mental content. But the whole thing presupposes a weak and absurd philosophy of mind and of the human person (or a lack of one altogether). A brain transplant to an identical clone body would make more sense. But of course even if this were possible, the brain would be decaying. But I suppose genetic manipulation could produce a more robust brain.. But in the end, were talking about something far different from immortality anyway.
What seems cooler to me is the idea of a cosmic mind which is the end product of evolution, of which our technology participates in a certain stage of its development. Something like a vast supercomputer, but much more than this. Its processes are trans-dimensional or even trans-temporal, and far beyond any computer or brain as we think of them. We attain immortality by assimilation with this ultimate being. When this being reaches its climactic stage of existence, the result is the conception of new universes, and those who are mentally assimilated into this being participate in this new cosmic aeon as "gods". The only purpose of Raelian "immortality" is to maintain a personal and mental existence long enough to partake of assimilation in this ultimate being.
But this ultimate being is not benevolent, it is beyond good and evil, and it has no "will" to assimilate creatures just because they desire a transcendent state. It simply desires the fullness of consciousness and so in its primitive state it attaches to human nature as avatars, but later is capable of a personal assimilation, thus its conscious threshold is enriched. And when it reaches a supreme consciousness of the current cosmic order, it transcends and effects a new cosmic order. This is the infinite and eternal cycle of cosmic generation. The dynamism latent in the cosmos is the evolution of this supreme conscious being, of which we (and our technology) are just little steps along the way in this ultimate evolution. Any hypothetical extra-terrestrial beings are also neatly incorporated into this schema.

The funny thing is that this sort of thinking is nothing more than ancient gnosticism with a science fiction type face. Authentic Christianity is far more profound and true than gnostic speculation. I've been developing an idea for a science fiction novel for some time which is designed to illustrate this point. In the face of pseudo-scientific gnosticism, Catholic Truth is crushingly more clear and true on every level. To arrive at the apprehension of this truth, my pending book reflects upon the nature and meaning of the cosmos, as well as man and personhood as microcosm. The two paths, as it were, are the objective (outer) and the subjective (inward) and where these coincide with harmony is precisely the Christian Mystery. It is the heart of Christology, and the Christian Revelation of God, that definitely "answer" the fundamental questions regarding man and the universe, not ludicrous gnostic speculation.
From what I've seen thus far, a throrough systematic critique of Raelianism, from a historical, philosophical and scientific perspective would be utterly devastating to its claims. But I also think an articulation of Christian Truth, in the face of the various flavours of pseudo-scientific neo-gnosticism which have materialized, would be quite interesting and useful for the culture today. A complete theology of technology is also something that has been on my mind for some years. In other words, a holistic interpretation of technology, and an elucidation of its meaning, in light of the Christian world-view. What is perhaps most interesting to me, are the parallels between the emerging "mythos" of science, and that of ancient gnostic superstition. But I'm babbling..

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 24 2005, 04:51 AM']hAha no but seriously I'm here all week.  Actually I wanted to know weren't the raelians the ones that supposedly cloned a human being but didn't want to provide scientific proof?
Yeah, Rael founded cloneaid.. As I recall, that whole PR stunt was a bunch of b.s.

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