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Swinger's Sex Clubs now legal in Canada!

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 22 2005, 01:32 AM']well i think you were saying you can't have ultimate freedom because that means you have no values?
Basically if freedom is defined as simply the power to choose or not to choose (arbitrary autonomy), then it is an end in itself. But when this is supposed freedom becomes meaningless and absurd. It is the realm of values in which freedom is exercised according to meaning and a higher end. Free-will (a bit distinct from freedom, but that's ok) is self-transcending so freedom must have a goal or end beyond itself to avoid arbitrariness and absurdity. Thus freedom is the power to choose what is good. It is the capacity to participate in the transcendent realm of values. Choosing what is evil is a misuse of freedom and really negates authentic freedom.

I'm just kicking around ideas. The real question as I see it is: how does one go about discovering or encountering this realm of values so that they might participate in it and realize authentic freedom as well as attain an apprehension of the true meaning of their life?

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you can have freedom and not make a choice. Like right now I could go in my room and get my gun and start shooting people. But my frontal lobe works correctly so it tells me that's a bad idea. Having freedom and values is really only a problem for serial killers and psychopaths. If one of these sex clubs showed up in america, which btw they are everywhere already, people who are into would go and people who weren't would stay away.

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the biggest differance between these clubs in the US and in Canada is that in Canada the women are completely nude, no underware what so ever. In quebec men or patrons are even allowed to touch these girls while they are dancing. Now you are even allow to have sex with them if you want! This is way different than the current laws in most of the US - well most states, where dancers are required to have their lower potion must be covered.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='Dec 22 2005, 01:27 AM'][snip]
They are encouraging the degradation of women, which in turn effects the way men perceive women (as objects, etc) this effects marital fidelity, and sexual promiscuity, etc. this effects the lives of our children.. Basically I don't see any way that such evils contribute any good to society, they are just destructive on many levels. Given that the family is already being systematically destroyed, it strikes me as odd that a government would think it wise to encourage and legitimize such things.

i agree fullheartedly L_D
This law or court decision sends the message that this sort of behavior is acceptable. Now I'm stuck trying to teach my children why the goverment is wrong to accept these things, and that even though the goverment gives them every opportunity to endulge in these things, these things remain unnacceptable.

My kids aren't teenagers yet... but I can see the arguments coming.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Dec 22 2005, 08:25 AM']Isn't this type of sexual deviancy what causes great civilizations to crumble?

Absolutely. Unfortunately, the left is historically-challenged. Progressives don't study world history; they're only interested in what is "new."

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Well we have a chance to oust these imbeciles currently in power in January. Pray much that we can get a just government that supports the truth or at least tries to.

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Dec 22 2005, 08:43 AM']Absolutely. Unfortunately, the left is historically-challenged. Progressives don't study world history; they're only interested in what is "new."

The bible does say that there is nothing new under the sun. These people 'think' they are the enlightened portion of humanity, the likes has never existed before. They are actually re-itterating old stories that have repeated themselves since the beginning.

The hope I see is that with media being so advanced these days, we'll finally be able to record the dounfall of this type of thinking so that future generations will rely on undisputable evidence of the faillings.

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This is worse than strip clubs. Total open debauchery.

Lord have mercy
Christ have mercy
Lord have mercy.

For the sake of his sorrowful passion have mercy on Canada and on he whole world.

Edited by thessalonian
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Will not harm society? Would these people who participate in these sexual activities be tested for any STD's [b]before[/b] they get involved? From a medical standpoint, this can be extremely dangerous. From a moral standpoint, this is exactly what Satan wants to happen, to desecrate the sacredness of sex, and to turn people away from God even more.

Also, how would they prevent men from harmful/aggressive encounters with these women, this could lead to physical abuse as well.

Edited by Paladin D
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1337 k4th0l1x0r

[quote name='Nathan' date='Dec 22 2005, 09:43 AM']Absolutely. Unfortunately, the left is historically-challenged. Progressives don't study world history; they're only interested in what is "new."
That's not true. They know all about Hitler. They seem to bring him up all the time in arguments.

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[quote name='1337 k4th0l1x0r' date='Dec 22 2005, 03:15 PM']That's not true.  They know all about Hitler.  They seem to bring him up all the time in arguments.

I've personally experienced this in debates far too often.

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The political philosopher Leo Strauss called bringing up Hitler in a debate, "reductio ad Hitlerum."

From Wikipedia: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum[/url]

It's funny, because you see it so much in daily life.

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Dec 22 2005, 03:21 PM']The political philosopher Leo Strauss called bringing up Hitler in a debate, "reductio ad Hitlerum."

From Wikipedia: [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_Hitlerum[/url]

It's funny, because you see it so much in daily life.

lol I clicked on that, and then watched the flash movie it refers to...

"Hitler never wore a seat belt. You don't want to be like Hitler, do you?"

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