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Mass stipend

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WTFreek? no offense...but this is like tippin a waiter?

[quote]Mass stipends when a priest says Mass for a departed loved one. This does not make the Vatican rich. A typical Mass stipend is five dollars, and if a priest gets an occasional five dollars for saying Mass for someone’s loved one, it doesn’t make him or the Church rich. The priest himself keeps the stipend, and the practice is closely regulated to prevent abuse[/quote]CIC 945–958.

someone wanna talk to me here? :idontknow:

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The stipend is not to pay for the Mass, as stated, but may more properly be understood as support for the priest. It is not so much for his service of celebrating thing Mass, as it is for his support.

It is not like tipping a waiter in the sense that you are supplimenting a salary and then you are tipping him in correlation to the service that he provided you.

Stipends also go to pay for what is needed to celebrate a Mass (hosts, wine, etc...)

I hope that helps. If you need more information I can explain more, or I am sure that someone else will be able to.

Edited by Paphnutius
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[quote name='Revprodeji' date='Dec 15 2005, 06:43 AM']WTFreek? no offense...but this is like tippin a waiter?

CIC 945–958.

someone wanna talk to me here? :idontknow:
No offense taken.
Unlike tiping a waiter, the priest and church incur costs in providing the service. I am not aware of any person being denied for lack of ability to donate.

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[quote name='lifescanticle' date='Dec 15 2005, 07:46 AM']No offense taken.
Unlike tiping a waiter, the priest and church incur costs in providing the service. I am not aware of any person being denied for lack of ability to donate.
WTF, are you that cheap and unappreciative? Are you really that generous in your giving to the Church that you can't show a little green gratitude to a priest for taking the time to do a nice wedding? The Priest shows up for rehearsals, takes phone calls, and coordinates and provides alot of 'extras' that aren't needed to marry you. Tell you what, skinflint, don't tip the priest, don't ask him to meet with you at all to explain how the ceremony goes so that you can have your nephew be the ring bearer, your in-laws carry the gifts, suggest readings, etc., etc. Just join the regular congregation and you and wife-2-be walk up when he waggles his finger.

I have NEVER heard of a priest refusing to marry somebody who can't pay a stipend. I have NEVER heard of a priest using stipend $$ to upgrade his car or go to Hawaii. I do know of priests who use the stipend $$ for private donations to St. Vincent De Paul that nobody else knows about. I do know of priests who donate the stipend $$ to retirement funds to nuns.

Just so you know, I was highly offended by the tone and blockheadedness of your post. It is obvious you assumed the worst and was trying to make a negative point. WTF? A priest is like about as important as a waiter?

Edited by jasJis
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hmm..well I'm almost a priest and I wasn't offended at all. The theology and theory behind Mass stipends is completely solid. Theologically, it strengthens the connection between the offering of the individual and the offering of the Church for his or her intention. And in theory, any priest can tell you that it's not about buying a Mass, it's about making an offering and offsetting expenses and helping the priest maintain himself.

HOWEVER a lot of people don't understand that. I'm quite confident in saying that the majority of American Catholics could tell you that "a Mass costs ten dollars." I think that's a problem. In our consumer-driven society, it gets mentally grouped in with all the other daily situations of "payment for services rendered." Not completely, of course, but somewhat. The proof is in the practice. If you suggest $5, that's what you'll get per Mass. Practically nobody will give you more, and practically nobody will give you less. Doesn't that suggest a consumerist, rather than a theological, mentality?

In most dioceses the priest is paid quite enough to subsist without stipends. I'm told there are exceptions. It seems to me that it might be better to do away with the stipends as paid to the priest, and instead encourage any offering to be placed in the collection with everyone else's. That would better reflect and preserve the real reason for the stipend.

I'm not saying stipends are evil or must be categorically abolished! I'm just suggesting that in this society the current system seems to have given rise to unfortunate confusion.

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[quote name='jasJis' date='Dec 15 2005, 09:09 AM']WTF, are you that cheap and unappreciative?  Are you really that generous in your giving to the Church that you can't show a little green gratitude to a priest for taking the time to do a nice wedding?  The Priest shows up for rehearsals, takes phone calls, and coordinates and provides alot of 'extras' that aren't needed to marry you.  Tell you what, skinflint, don't tip the priest, don't ask him to meet with you at all to explain how the ceremony goes so that you can have your nephew be the ring bearer, your in-laws carry the gifts, suggest readings, etc., etc.  Just join the regular congregation and you and wife-2-be walk up when he waggles his finger.

I have NEVER heard of a priest refusing to marry somebody who can't pay a stipend.  I have NEVER heard of a priest using stipend $$ to upgrade his car or go to Hawaii.  I do know of priests who use the stipend $$ for private donations to St. Vincent De Paul that nobody else knows about.  I do know of priests who donate the stipend $$ to retirement funds to nuns.

Just so you know, I was highly offended by the tone and blockheadedness of your post.  It is obvious you assumed the worst and was trying to make a negative point.  WTF?  A priest is like about as important as a waiter?

woah there buddy, calm down :huh:

I think lifescanticle agrees with you - read the post more carefully. They were just explaining some of the practical reasons for stipends, and said the same thing you did.

[quote]I am not aware of any person being denied for lack of ability to donate.[/quote]

[quote]I have NEVER heard of a priest refusing to marry somebody who can't pay a stipend. [/quote]

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