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shutdown planned parenthood..

MC Just

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If we can get the supreme court to realize that Planned Parenthood is carrying out a Nazi agenda, I think we can get it shutdown..

There is a HUGE connection between Planned Parenthood and Hitler's "Breed selection" process that went on in Nazi germany. Abortion and Contraception are the products of Eugenics, made to do the same thing the doctors did during the holocaust.

There was no way hitler could pull off a worldwide "holocaust" so him and Margaret sanger decided to try abortion and contraception, that's why most abortion clinics are in the following neighborhoods: Jewish, Slavic, Hispanic, Catholic and African american.

G.K. Chesterton wrote a book called "eugenics and other evils" That explain this. Margaret Sanger even wrote in her own books that jewish, Slavic, Hispanic, Catholic and African americans, arent fit "breeds" so they shouldnt have babies. That they should apply to have babies like immigrants apply for visas.

planned parenthood has nothing to do with womens reproductive rights or "choice". It has everything to do with exterminating so called "worthless breeds".

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here is some [url="http://dianedew.com/sanger.htm"]info in support[/url]...she actually thought Hitler was moving too slow in his efforts to cleanse the world... :ohno: :wacko:

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[quote name='zealousrap' date='Dec 14 2005, 10:29 PM']here is some [url="http://dianedew.com/sanger.htm"]info in support[/url]...she actually thought Hitler was moving too slow in his efforts to cleanse the world... :ohno:  :wacko:

She was hugely into eugenics. The sight of that woman makes me shudder. :ohno:

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Dec 14 2005, 07:18 PM'] Abortion and Contraception are the products of Eugenics, made to do the same thing the doctors did during the holocaust. 

This of course ignores the fact that both abortions and contraception were practiced before 'Eugenics' was even a concept, often by women (peasants) who wanted to avoid having some nobleman's illegitimate child.

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[quote name='JoeB' date='Dec 14 2005, 11:38 PM']This of course ignores the fact that both abortions and contraception were practiced before 'Eugenics' was even a concept, often by women (peasants) who wanted to avoid having some nobleman's illegitimate child.
The ideology and propaganda that was the impetus of the societal acceptance of contraception and abortion was at heart eugenic.

I think this was the point MC Just was making. And beware, there are countless myths regarding contraceptive and abortive practice prior to their legalization. Much of this is simply propaganda.

Before Margaret Sanger’s crusade, contraception was illegal and universally opposed. It was something prostitutes and sailors partook of.
And an archaic dictionary of the English language will reveal that it wasn't so long ago that the word abortion was synonymous with an abomination or unthinkable monstrosity. I think this gets at the general perception of abortion prior to the social-Darwinist, Malthusian eugenics movement.

But I agree, abortion and contraception are not modern inventions. I know the ancient Romans practiced forms of sorcery (herbalism really) that were meant to sterilize or induce miscarriage (abortion). But if such facts are brought into the question of morality and law, I'd say upon reflection that such facts undermine the agenda of those who make such appeals.
Rather than uncritically concluding that since they did it we should do it too, it should be noted that civilizations that succumb to this sort of decadence break down and ultimately decline to ruin.

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[quote name='JoeB' date='Dec 14 2005, 11:38 PM']This of course ignores the fact that both abortions and contraception were practiced before 'Eugenics' was even a concept, often by women (peasants) who wanted to avoid having some nobleman's illegitimate child.

i worded that wrong...

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I'm all for this. I just have a few questions about PP for those who may know.

-why does PP encourage sex for everyone if they are eugenic?
-additionally, what does PP get out of everyone having sex?
-why does PP oppose abstinence SO BADLY?

thats all for now.

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[quote name='Sirklawd' date='Dec 15 2005, 01:32 PM']I'm all for this. I just have a few questions about PP for those who may know.

-why does PP encourage sex for everyone if they are eugenic?
-additionally, what does PP get out of everyone having sex?
-why does PP oppose abstinence SO BADLY?

thats all for now.

Pretty simply really. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
The more people that have sex, the more people will need to have an abortion. Of course, they try and hide this aspect of their business, but that is only so Uncle Sam gives them more money. If no one were having sex, no one would need to use their other "services."

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You still have to pay a couple hundred for one though.

Shut down Planned Parenthood, and I'll have a huge party complete w/fireworks and champagne, if I'm legally old enough by then :)

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[quote]I'm all for this. I just have a few questions about PP for those who may know.

-why does PP encourage sex for everyone if they are eugenic?
-additionally, what does PP get out of everyone having sex?
-why does PP oppose abstinence SO BADLY?[/quote]

A) Because according to the philosophy of P.P. the more sex people have the more birth control pills they need to take, purchased from P.P. and if the birth control pills dont work the more abortions they will need to have. Which by the way P.P. has its hands in.

Thus if they can get a greater percentage of teenage girls to start having sex at a young age they will be forced to come to P.P. to get their annonymous percription for birth control pills and or referanced to an abortionist that will give P.P. a cut of the profits from the abortion. Its all a buisness fit perfectly for the culture of death. If they can get them to use them early they will carry it though for the rest of their life and with any luck become a steady customer for P.P.

If it feels good do it, you wont get hurt, the only person that matters is you and dont let anyone, or any organization tell other wise.

Its the same lies:

[quote]Genesis 3:
And the serpent said to the woman: No, you shall not die the death.
5  For God doth know that in what day soever you shall eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened: and you shall be as Gods, knowing good and evil.
6 ¶ And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and fair to the eyes, and delightful to behold: and she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave to her husband, who did eat.[/quote]

B) See A

C) See A

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