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I have no idea why I put this here. Maybe cause it'll get a good number of views quick. I really just a have a question(though a rather loaded one possibly). :)

Which of the following documents are considered by the Church to be infallible? I realize I may state the same document a couple of times, I don't mean to, ignore the multiples. Thanks:

Pope Boniface VIII - Unam Sanctum
Pope Leo XIII - Satis Cognitum # 9
Pope Pius X - Editae saepe # 29
Pope Eugene IV - Council of Florence “Cantate Domino"
Pope Pelagius II - epistle 2 - Dilectionis vestrae 585
Pope Eugene IV - Council of Florence "Cantate Domino" Session 11
Pope Pius XI - Mortalium Animos # 7
Pope Pius VIII - Traditi Humilitati # 4
Pope Gregory XVI - "Commissum divinitus" # 11
Pope Pius IX - Amantissimus # 3
Pope Leo XII - Ubi Primum # 14
Pope St. Celestine I - Council of Ephesus
Pope Gregory XVI - Summo Iugiter Studio # 6
Pope St. Damasus I - Council of Rome, Can. 15
Pope Pius IX - First Vatican Council, Session 3, On Revelation, Can. 1
Pope Pius VI - Charitas # 32
Pope Leo XIII, - Satis Cognitum # 13
Pope Gregory XVI - Inter Praecipuas # 2
Pope Pius IX - Syllabus of Errors #55, # 77 and #78
Pope Leo XIII, Libertas # 21
Pope St. Pius X - Vehementer Nos
Pope Gregory XVI, Inter Praecipuas - # 14
Pope Gregory XVI - Mirari Vos # 15
Pope Leo XIII - Immortale Dei # 34
Pope St. Leo IX - Congratulamur vehementer
Pope Eugene IV, Council of Basel, Session 19
Pope Clement V - Council of Vienne
Pope Benedict XIV - Quod Provinciale
Pope Benedict XIV - A Quo Primum # 4
Pope Eugene IV - Council of Florence "Cantate Domino"
Pope Pius IX, Qui Pluribus # 15
Pope Gregory XVI - Summo Iugiter Studio # 2
Pope Pius X - Pascendi Dominici Gregis # 26
Pope Pius VI - Auctorem fidei # 33
Pope Pius XI - Casti Connubii
That's all for now, thanks. And just so I can be sure(I should know all this :D) What is the level of infallibility attached to the Catechism of the Catholic Church? Thanks much.

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Do you mean specifically [i]Ex Cathedra[/i] or infallible as in they contain infallible teachings?

Oops, and I mean also in regards to council [i]infallibility[/i] as well.

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Well quickly I can tell you none are infallible by [i]Ex Cathedra[/i]. :)

That's about all I can say off the top of my head.

Also, the ones by council infallible by being a council.

The ones by Popes alone are infallible by the Ordinary Universal Magisterium (on this list at least).

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