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InCircles' brother

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InCircles' brother

its not that new but my brother just picked it up yesteday and it only confirmed to me that Zao is the best hardcore band of all freaking time... simply amazing... wow... um maybe someone else here is into them...

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Ah yes, I would have to agree.

I am surprised I saw this on phatmass.

I loved every part of this dvd. The history of this band is something to be seen by everyone.

I found it very interesting the spiritual mindset of the band. They were so Protestant and it shaped nearly every part of the band, even now.

Even though I could sleep through whatever Dan Weyandt he is certainly a very interesting character.

I love ZAO's music, amazing.

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InCircles' brother

dude awsome im glad someone else on here is into Zao... i remember the first time i brought Zao home and my brother gave me the funniest look after i played Ravage Ritual for him he looked so confused almost scared... it was halarious then we ended up getting into the hardcore world and in the process made lots of amzing friends and listened to alot of awesome and talented bands... i just want to say that the live disc the second show is so flippin amazing and packed with energy that its crazy its too bad the sound isnt as good as the first show... but still freakin wow!

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i saw zao at cornerstone a few years back . . . i remember liking them, but i get them confused with project 86 who was either right before them or right after them

they both put on a show, but project 86 seemed like jerks

and i would like to see the dvd because i don't remember their show that well

thanks for the heads up

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[url="http://www.zaoonline.com"]Here it is...[/url]

I find it odd while making Parade of Chaos they didn't really care about it. And yet POC is 30X better than anything else on the hardcore/metalcore scene.

1. Liberate Te Ex Inferis
2. Self-Titled
3. Where and Blood and Fire Bring Rest (tie) Funeral of God

I think thats their best stuff in order.

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InCircles' brother

yeah i totally remember buying Parade of Chaos and thinking oh my gosh this is freaking insane... and then watching the dvd and scott saying that the only reason they realeased that and the other one was just for money i thought that was crazy because i was totally into POC... and oh my i remember the day i got Save Yourself From Hell... my dad bought it for us and on the way home he was like :hey lets listen to your new cd: and my brother looked at me and i gave him the same look back and we almost both answered... no dad you wouldnt like it besides i just want to listen to it when we get home... cuase my dad didnt know we listened to hardcore... but he insisted and oh my gosh my heart almost stopped every 5 seconds in the intro and then when Savanah came in i looked at my dad and his looked said it all "what the hell is this?"

that was such an awesomly funny moment now that i look back at it.

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Liberate is such a creepy album. If people are not used to anything like the last song, they'll think you're satanic. And you can't explain to them that ZAO is a Christian band.

Yep, same thing with Funeral of God...

And I hear this new album will be as the same as Liberate...I am so excited.

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I wouldn't mind buying the DVD, if only I didn't have to get it online; a while back some people said that they might be anti-Catholic, do they talk about the Catholic Church at all in the DVD?

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of course we talk about Zao on PM!
There should be some links on them from past posts. My favorite song is Angel Without Wings.
Unfortunately, I've heard they are not claiming to be a Christian band anymore.

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of course we talk about Zao on PM!
There should be some links on them from past posts. My favorite song is Angel Without Wings.
Unfortunately, I've heard they are not claiming to be a Christian band anymore.

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InCircles' brother

my brother bought it at tower records... i dont now if you have access to a tower records or not...

[quote name='DemonSlayer' date='Dec 20 2005, 12:25 AM']I wouldn't mind buying the DVD, if only I didn't have to get it online; a while back some people said that they might be anti-Catholic, do they talk about the Catholic Church at all in the DVD?

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[quote name='DemonSlayer' date='Dec 20 2005, 01:25 AM']I wouldn't mind buying the DVD, if only I didn't have to get it online; a while back some people said that they might be anti-Catholic, do they talk about the Catholic Church at all in the DVD?

:( Yes I've heard quotes, not directly anti-catholic. Only Weyandt mentioning something along the lines of "religion" being unnecessary, meaning tradition/rituals that Catholicism is filled with.

Though if you read the lyrics to "Ravage Ritual", you can sense some resentment of the sacrifice at Mass.

I tend not to listen to that song though.

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