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Home Schooling

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I notice that a few people on here seem to support home schooling. (homeschoolmom) HAHAH.

Anyway, I guess I am new to this concept as I personally know of no one that has done this before. I was just wondering what your opinion on this would be and reason for it.

If any of you are involved in home schooling what is your take on this compared to a Catholic school for your children or self?

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I was homeschooled and I will homeschool my children (when they start poppin' out). Public schools are loaded with junk "education" that is a waste of time and ends up being retaught by the parents anyways. The Catholic schools in Dallas are great as far as scholastic abilities, but they lack orthodox Catholicism. I can teach my kids the truth and they will learn skills that kids in public schools don't seem to pick up. Homeschooling also allows the ability to experience things that wouldn't be possible in public school. My mom spent a whole semester teaching us about the Civil War and took us to Louisiana to meet with some reenactors at their camp.

However, hmeschooling should not be used to shelter your kids from the outside world. Many homeschoolers are thus because their parents don't want them to become "bad kids". I've seen it work, but I've also seen the kids become socially inept.

"But what about social lives. How do homeschoolers meet people?" Good question. When I was homeschooled, there were very few homeschoolers, and it wasn't fully legal yet. (My mom used to tell us to tell the truent officers that we were in public school co-op if we were ever approached.) Now there are homeschool youth groups, as well as church youth groups, sports with the YMCA, homeschool co-ops, etc.

"Didn't you miss the socialization during public school?" The jr. high and high school kids in the youth group here tell me that they have assigned seating in the cafeteria, they aren't allowed to talk between classes, in classes, etc. There doesn't seem to be any socializing.

One thing about homeschooling. If you homeschool your kids, you shouldn't use "grounding" as a form of punishment. They already have to spend all day with mom or dad, the aggressor, then for punishment they have to stay home with the aggressor. Make them wash the car or clean out the attic or something.

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Sounds like some good points there, I notice even at the University level the junk they teach there. My girl friend has a class in woman in society that was mandatory for her to take. I read a couple pages from her book, and I can’t believe the pollution of the mind that these institutes pump out! Let alone what a public school will do having people coming from this background at the university!

I was raised in the Catholic school system up until college. In grade school I remember actually having nuns for teachers... Sr. Rebecca...I thought it was great. Our school was across the street from the Church so we would always have mass weekly, and Father would come visit often. This wasn’t that long ago I'm only 23 (well 24 next week!) I guess almost 20 year... MAN I’m getting OLD HAHAHAH

I notice that there are no nuns in the schools anymore, and most of the teachers do not even uphold traditional Catholic values anymore.

However I have a question in regards to credentials for home school teaching, how can a Mom or Dad teach their children especially in High School on a subject that they are really unfamiliar with? Say if both parents have a poor understanding of mathematics, how is their child supposed to learn algebra or calculus then?

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Some hsers use special books and videos ond software to help them learn subject their parents aren't knowledgeable about. Others may have a tutor for such sunjects, often found through church or thru home school co-ops.

Is homeschooling legal in Canada?

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I think it is legal here. If it is legal it deffenatly not common. I think its a good idea. I was just thinking of all the cool stuff I could teach kids if I ever have some.

I would totally do fun experiments all the time. Take them rock climbing to learn of physics, geology, and ecology!

Man that would be sweet! I wish I was homeschooled!

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i have encountered a good number of people who have homeschooled and quite frankly would turn me off from homeschooling my own children. while i am still debating whether that would be suitable for my lifestyle, i do belive homeschooling is healthy, positive, and a great thing for the families that can make it work. there are a lot of things that have to go into homeschooling, just like in regular schools, and i think as long as the parents work really hard to keep their children well-rounded in all areas then it is a positive experience for everyone.

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I don't have any personal experience with homeschooling, but personally, I would prefer to attend a real school. There's something about the social interaction that is irreplaceable. But, I respect how other people school their children.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Dec 13 2005, 05:20 PM']I don't have any personal experience with homeschooling, but personally, I would prefer to attend a real school. There's something about the social interaction that is irreplaceable. But, I respect how other people school their children.
Probably the most persistant myth about homeschoolers among those unfamiliar with homeschooling is that homeschooled kids are kept locked in their rooms away from any contact beyond their family. In most cases, this is not at all true.
Most homeschoolers are involved with other kids in a variety of social activities, sports, jobs, etc.

The school "social experience" is highly over-rated, and is in many cases a destructive waste of time.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 13 2005, 07:27 PM']Probably the most persistant myth about homeschoolers among those unfamiliar with homeschooling is that homeschooled kids are kept locked in their rooms away from any contact beyond their family.  In most cases, this is not at all true.
Most homeschoolers are involved with other kids in a variety of social activities, sports, jobs, etc.

The school "social experience" is highly over-rated, and is in many cases a destructive waste of time.

I didn't say they were locked in the room.

Rather, I said that the social experience of a real school is something unique. It's something that is separate from home life in a way that social activities are not. Six hours a day, for most of the year, your life is at school. It's a microcosm of the real world, and teaches valuable social skills. The process of going to school, getting through the year with your classmates, with your friends, communicates a certain independence from your home life, and from your parents.

I have no doubt home school kids can be sociable and well-adjusted. Personally, however, I feel a real school is a more effective option to that end.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Dec 13 2005, 05:34 PM']I didn't say they were locked in the room.

Rather, I said that the social experience of a real school is something unique. It's something that is separate from home life in a way that social activities are not. Six hours a day, for most of the year, your life is at school. It's a microcosm of the real world, and teaches valuable social skills. The process of going to school, getting through the year with your classmates, with your friends, communicates a certain independence from your home life, and from your parents.

I have no doubt home school kids can be sociable and well-adjusted. Personally, however, I feel a real school is a more effective option to that end.
School is not "real life." People are artificially herded together in groups of the same age, often without anything meaningful to do. What results is much mindless cliquishness, ostracizing, and bullying, while time is wasted on worrying about being in the "right" clique, wearing the "right" clothes, and listening to the "right" music, as well as the pressures of drugs, sex, etc.

This time would be better spent doing something real and productive.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 13 2005, 07:49 PM']School is not "real life."  People are artificially herded together in groups of the same age, often without anything menaingful to do.  What results is much mindless cliquishness, ostracizing, and bullying, while time is wasted on worrying about being in the "right" clique, wearing the "right" clothes, and listening to the "right" music, as well as the pressures of drugs, sex, etc.

This time would be better spent doing something real and productive.

Perhaps that was your experience of school. It was not mine.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Dec 13 2005, 05:50 PM']Perhaps that was your experience of school. It was not mine.
I was actually homeschooled in my highschool years.
I've heard plenty of stories though. I honestly don't think I missed much.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 13 2005, 07:56 PM']I was actually homeschooled in my highschool years.
I've heard plenty of stories though.  I honestly don't think I missed much.

That's fine. I went to public school my whole life. I wouldn't trade it back. If I were Catholic, I would prefer a Catholic school, however.

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I've been homeschooled my whole life and I have absolutely no desire to go to public school. My friends come home and they tell me stories about how there was a bomb scare, or this kid beat up that kid and what not. They complain about their homework and getting up in the morning. Then they tell me that I should go to school.HAHA! You're kidding me right? But anyway, that's just my two cents.

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