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for sports players...not for me, dont worry..but I have a friend who is a great baseball player and is curious..

btw, proof, links, justificiation is what i want..i assume it is wrong cause it harms the body

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It is an illegal and harmful drug, and therefore, immoral. It's also a form of cheating.

There are legitimate uses for steriods. I believe MS patients are given steroids.

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Steroids are prescription drugs, and I doubt the Church would approve of illegal use of them. I'm not talking about people that are prescribed them for various diseases.

Besides, have you heard about what they do to your body?!? :shock: The body deserves more respect than that.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Dec 12 2005, 10:35 AM']I would say that it is morally illicit for many of the same reasons that underage drinking is ;)


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Don't think there is any "official Church statement" on 'roids. However, it would be wrong insofar as it harms the body in the long run. The Church is against the abuse of drugs.

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Steriod use has many negative consequenses. And really unless you want to be a world class 100 m runner I dont see the use for it. We have so many other options now that if you wish to gain mass fast or improve your performance, such as Creatine monohydrate, protein shakes and such.

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[quote name='Matty_boy' date='Dec 13 2005, 09:22 AM']Give to Caesar what is Caesar's.  If the law isn't unjust, we must follow.

wasnt God talking about a tax though?

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