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There's a list somewheres, but I don't know off-hand...
The only reason for me to get one right now would be to play Forza... 'cause I don't have the original.

Right now I'm just having fun playing FFII aka FFIV, which was ported from SNES to PS1 and being played on backwards compatibility on a PS2... :P:

Then I might play FFIII aka FFVI on a SNES emulator on my Mac... Then maybe FFVII on backwards compatibility on a PS2... then...

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crashes all the time? Have to give it breathing room? ruins disks if you move it around? Sounds like a money machine to me.

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[quote name='beatty07' date='Dec 11 2005, 06:11 PM']Does it play Super Mario Brothers?  What about River Raid and Joust?

You can actually play Joust on it through the Xbox Live Arcade. For some money (Microsoft Credits), you can download games online such as card games, arcade classics, puzzle games, etc to your 360 harddrive.

Xbox games are backwards compatable by using emulators. There's a list out there of the official backwards compatable ones, and they're working on making most (if not all) of them backwards compatable eventually.

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New horrible problem with the Xbox...sounds like someone taking a buzzsaw to your $50 game.

Why anyone would willingly hand over more of their money to Microsoft is beyond me...

[url="http://dwl.xbox-scene.com/video/Xbox-360-Scratch-Disks3.wmv"][u]You'll have to download the file to view[/u][/url]

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[quote name='curtins' date='Dec 19 2005, 02:48 PM']unjust to sell what?

did you look at the thread title?

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[quote name='curtins' date='Dec 20 2005, 07:11 PM']how is it unjust to sell xbox 360ss?

If they aren't working right and were rushed, then it's at least unjust to do that.

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welcome to the world of gaming.

EVERYHING- games and systems is rushed and ussually dont work right on the first version.

Hence the need for patches and downloads.

and thats why you never buy a system when it first comes out.

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[quote name='curtins' date='Dec 20 2005, 07:11 PM']how is it unjust to sell xbox 360ss?

Oh, they cost too much...bad games (immoral)...et cetera.

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[quote name='zabbazooey' date='Dec 20 2005, 04:47 PM']maybe it's making the chainsaw noise because the guy keeps tilting it side to side suddenly

He's not moving it 'suddenly'. There isn't a single other system out there that does something like this...would you expect your cd player to chew nasty swaths through your music if you moved the player?

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