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St. Nicholas


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I'm teaching my kids to believe in Santa. Heck, now that I'm Catholic, I sure do! If I write a list (prayer intentions) for Santa (St. Nicholas) and I've been good (am in a state of grace), then he will bring me gifts (answered prayers through his intercession).

And I have no problem with legendary symbolism being added to make things more colorful. Many real saints have had myths and legends grow around them that better illustrate the point of their lives or teach some kind of truth.

Oh yes. My kids will believe in Santa. And hopefully, their belief, when given with an easy explanation, will draw all their friends into the desire to be Catholic...because who DOES'NT want to believe???!

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If I ever get married and have kids, I think I'll do the whole Santa Claus thing, too -- at least in the early years of childhood (8 or 9 would be pushing it a little). I think it's important that little children have their imaginations and sense of wonder stimulated like that, through positive mythology like Santa and the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy. It's a good, clean, safe introduction to the Real Thing: Christ.

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Dec 7 2005, 02:51 PM']:santa:


:bishop: ?

lol, either-or.

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I see no point in the myth of Santas Claus, that is for people who don't have religious traditions.
At least tell the kids we give presents like the Magi like they do in Spain.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Dec 9 2005, 07:51 AM']I see no point in the myth of Santas Claus, that is for people who don't have religious traditions.
At least tell the kids we give presents like the Magi like they do in Spain.
Yeah, I always liked that. Santa always rubbed me the wrong way...

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 6 2005, 11:43 PM']everybody here should watch the movie "Millions"
is that the one about the little Irish kid?

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idk, I like keeping Santa just because so many fundies push him away for being "unbiblical," generally i liek to embrace amy good traditions, in order to promote greater cultural appreciation for traditions....

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Dec 9 2005, 11:30 AM']idk, I like keeping Santa just because so many fundies push him away for being "unbiblical," generally i liek to embrace amy good traditions, in order to promote greater cultural appreciation for traditions....

So you are in favor of a made up myth over a real live Saint? THe only thing Santa plays to is Christmas shopping and keeping up with the Jones.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Dec 9 2005, 07:51 AM']I see no point in the myth of Santas Claus, that is for people who don't have religious traditions.
At least tell the kids we give presents like the Magi like they do in Spain.
[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Dec 9 2005, 11:35 AM']So you are in favor of a made up myth over a real live Saint? THe only thing Santa plays to is Christmas shopping and keeping up with the Jones.
i could not agree more. cmom and i are definitely thinking the same way on this one. if i didnt have a heart i would totally tell my bro and sis right now that santa wasn't real. the only reason i wouldnt is because i know the heartbreak that will come when they realize he wasnt real and im not about to have that on my hands. no way.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

Santa = Saint
Claus = an older form of the name Nicholas

Santa Claus is very real, and is close to God. I think we should teach our children about the REAL Santa Claus. The whole reindeer and sleigh thing are silly.

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Santa is a nice story and its ok to read the story to them, but St Nicholas was a real live person. Christmas means honoring Jesus and all the saints in heaven and participating in the joy of His birth.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Dec 9 2005, 01:35 PM']So you are in favor of a made up myth over a real live Saint? THe only thing Santa plays to is Christmas shopping and keeping up with the Jones.

Not at all!!!! Or at least he doesn't have to! My goodness....

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Dec 9 2005, 12:54 PM']Not at all!!!! Or at least he doesn't have to! My goodness....

I agree with Tom. Throwing out Santa is about as useful as throwing out Saint Christopher, just because the story for which he is most famous is probably made up...you could think of a ton of symbols, traditions, and stories in Catholic culture/devotions/disciplines that aren't "true" or relevant in and of themselves, but point to a higher reality and distinct aspects of our faith.


good little girls and boys (those in a state of grace)
write a list to Santa [Saint] Clause [Nicholas] (prayer intentions)
and on Christmas they get gifts (answered prayers)

Of course you can add the idea of the Magi...the point is, none of this detracts of distracts from the meaning of Christmas.

What a Protestant notion!

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