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Bishop Opposes Vatican Ban on Condoms


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[quote]but isn't it safe sex when using a condom?[/quote]

Sex can only be safe if neither have any STDs. Condoms fail from time to time.

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[quote name='Fides_Et_Ratio']"safe sex" (truly!)= between a man and a woman who are married and were both virgins (entirely) before marriage.[/quote]

Are you talking about STDs or sins?

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Dec 2 2005, 02:40 PM']I can understand wearing black clothing in extremely hot weather can be a torture (especially in Africa), but why not have a simple white collar? 
They make WHITE clerical shirts by the way...

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Dec 2 2005, 06:54 PM']They make WHITE clerical shirts by the way...

Didn't know that, thanks for the heads up.

Though judging by the image, he's wearing a sky-blue shirt.

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well, the problem is obviously that people don't want to abstain. And when you have people believing that they can cure AIDS by forced sexual intercourse that's a clear indicator that these people need Catholicism to straighten them out.

You know what, I have faith that they will figure out the answer over there. It might take a lot more deaths beforehand, but I think they'll learn to keep themselves abstinent.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Dec 3 2005, 09:22 AM']well, the problem is obviously that people don't want to abstain.  And when you have people believing that they can cure AIDS by forced sexual intercourse that's a clear indicator that these people need Catholicism to straighten them out.

You know what, I have faith that they will figure out the answer over there.  It might take a lot more deaths beforehand, but I think they'll learn to keep themselves abstinent.

Yes, I have faith too.

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By keeping condoms banned you are just killing people. You have to ask yourself this question: Which is morally more unacceptable, people dieing or people having sex? To me this is a no brainer, but maybe some of you see death as the lesser evil...i just don't know what you are thinking by allowing this disease to continue by not using protection. When you get in a car you wear a seatbelt, when you are going sky diving you wear a parachute and when you are having sex in africa you wear a friggin condom.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 3 2005, 11:27 AM']By keeping condoms banned you are just killing people.  You have to ask yourself this question:  Which is morally more unacceptable, people dieing or people having sex?  To me this is a no brainer, but maybe some of you see death as the lesser evil...i just don't know what you are thinking by allowing this disease to continue by not using protection.  When you get in a car you wear a seatbelt, when you are going sky diving you wear a parachute and when you are having sex in africa you wear a friggin condom.

Our whole point is that if the act of making love was done in accordance to God's will then the need for condoms would be nonexistent. And besiedes the best way to protect yourself as it was already said here is to abstain until marriage.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 3 2005, 11:27 AM']When you get in a car you wear a seatbelt, when you are going sky diving you wear a parachute and when you are having sex in africa you wear a friggin condom.

:ohno: :ohno: :ohno: :ohno:

Bad comparison. There is nothing sinful about getting into a car or going skydiving.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 3 2005, 11:27 AM']By keeping condoms banned you are just killing people.  You have to ask yourself this question:  Which is morally more unacceptable, people dieing or people having sex?  To me this is a no brainer, but maybe some of you see death as the lesser evil...i just don't know what you are thinking by allowing this disease to continue by not using protection.  When you get in a car you wear a seatbelt, when you are going sky diving you wear a parachute and when you are having sex in africa you wear a friggin condom.
Come on. The Church teaches (and rightly so) that contraception is intrinsically evil. But its not as if people who are out there fornicating indiscriminately really give a rats ass about what the Church teaches.
Like if the Church suddenly said it was ok, all those fornicators out there who aren't using condoms because the Church forbids it are suddenly gonna start having "safe sex".

I'm just imagining a guy who picks up a prostitute and when the hooker hands him a condom he's like, "I'm sorry, but the Church teaches that contraception is wrong, will you be open to life for an extra 50 bucks?"

I'm being facetious btw. :P:

Btw, the concept "safe sex" is propaganda, planned parenthood lies. Also, I'd say Africa's need for food right now greatly outweighs any hypothetical "need" for condoms. While we were shipping cases of condoms to villages that just used them as chewing gum, and dangerous do-it-yourself abortion kits, tens of millions of people were starving to death.

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[quote name='Semalsia' date='Dec 2 2005, 05:31 PM'][quote name='Fides_Et_Ratio']"safe sex" (truly!)= between a man and a woman who are married and were both virgins (entirely) before marriage.[/quote]

Are you talking about STDs or sins?
both ;)

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Since when are people who had pasts comitting a sin for getting married? :idontknow: STD wise, I agree.

Oh, and the AIDS pandemic will stop when people start respecting each other. Particularly, when they start respecting women. Condoms, and worse... are only a hinderance to the process.

FYI, it's having sex with a virgin that "cures" AIDS... according to traditional medicine. Not specifically rape, not specifically young girls.
It's more plain old ignorance, and less... horrible.

Did I mention the reason AIDS is so bad is because many societies have no respect for women?

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some are trading sex for food in the article below that one......

seems to me he should be asking for food publicly, not condoms.

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