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An Old School Catholic Message Board

A Letter To The Moderator II

John Lowell

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QUOTE(Black Friday @ Nov 30 2005, 12:31 AM)I'd contact the IRS about investigation of election intervention. This place looked like one big GOP rally for months before the 2004 election, and Phatmass is supposed to be a non-profit organization.

Black Friday,

Well, while my initial thoughts turned out to be something less than fruitful, as you can see from the earlier and related thread, it didn't take long to find promise along alternative routes. Perhaps I should have been thinking along those lines from the outset, the history of modern religion, after all, being replete with associations of snake oil and tax irresponsibility. In any case, there's a certain entertainment in watching cockroaches scatter when the light is turned on.

Thanks for your attempt to be helpful. Be assured, I won't fail to keep my promise.

John Lowell

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My requirement of you at an end, you are instructed to remove my name from your list of registrants.

John Lowell

Edited by John Lowell
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Just so you know, you are still welcome at phatmass. And I really hope you find peace. PM, Email, or AIM me if you really want to dialogue, but stop with the threats.

Besides, if you really want to be serious abou this, bragging about it in a public forum really makes me question your intentions.

-James III

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