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Speaking in tongues


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Ave Maria Totus Tuus

[quote name='scardella' date='Dec 7 2005, 10:06 PM']I want to chime in on this:

BTW, I've been involved in a Charismatic community for some 7-8 years.  Without the Charismatic movement, I wouldn't be the man I am today.  I have seen people embrace it, then fall away a short time later.  I have heard tongues.  I've heard them interpreted.  I've spoken in tongues.  The Charismatic movement is the hook that landed me for Christ.  I've struggled w/ it as my faith deepened.  It is something I've thought about a lot over the past few years.

Here's my conclusion regarding "prayer tongues":
It is a gift of the Holy Spirit.  It cannot be forced upon one.  God grants it to some and not to others.  Our language is limited.  There are many times that our words do not do justice to what is contained in our hearts.  Tongues is a gift to let us express those deepest groanings of the heart.  That has been my experience with tongues.

Here's my conclusion regarding the Charismatic movement in general:
It is not enough to be charismatic.  It is an outward expression of the joy and wonder one has at the gift of the faith and God's Love.  So, yes, it is emotional, just like art.  That does not make it invalid, however.  It also cannot be the main focus of one's spirituality.  It must be built upon the foundation of orthodoxy and orthopraxis.  It is nourished by the Eucharist and adoration and and a deep prayer life.  That is why many make it their focus, then fall away.  People must always be conscious that it is a devotion and nothing more.  When it accompanies a solid prayer life, it is like art.  It shows outwardly the spiritual realities that you base your life upon.  That is how it is a sign for the building up of others.

I hope that this is helpful :)

I totally agree with you and thank you for posting this. This is exactly what I would have said if were as eloquent. That is pretty much my story, too.

I have been involved in the Charismatic movement. And for me, it was a time that I overheard my very dear friend speaking in tongues during some prayer/meditation time that sparked my "revert" to the faith. It is so true that it took a full immersion of the heart, not just living on spiritual experiences, to turn my life around and truly understand who Christ was and why He was a part of my life. I've seen many friends get sparked by a spiritual experience, only to fall back when the "high" of that moment died away. It takes effort, though, in any preference of worship, to maintain a prayer life.

In my experiences, speaking in toungues has only been a personal form of prayer, when words of human language simply do not suffice in what we want to express. God interceeds though the gift of tongues for our spirits, our hearts, to express what they feel.

So maybe I just totally repeated and rephrased scardella's post, so I will stop. I surely cannot top the art metaphor. Well done.

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I echo scardella.

Tongues... real? Yes.

Frequently abused? Yes.

Frequently misunderstood? Again affirmative.

A language which only God can understand (angelic language) is clearly not for any group edification. It is personal. Keep it that way.

If someone just offs and starts speaking tongues for no reason it is silly... and probably just an imitation, even if they have spoken tongues before. You shouldn't be using that unless at God's prompting and His alone.

Sometimes when I worship I feel I'm about to burst. I praise until I have no more to say to the Lord. Sometimes at this point I fall silent, sometimes I continue speaking but have no idea what I'm saying... but I know that it is praise.

Don't open yourself up to "spirits". Also very dangerous. Don't feel pressured to speak in tongues... that's ridiculous as well, only God wants you to do it... if He does.... and on His terms not yours.

If tongues is used in a group setting it should either be interpreted (I've never actually seen this) or kept close to yourself. There is no need to be shouting in nonsense if no one but God understands you.... it's silly and sounds wierd and it freaks people out.

So that's my take.

The only new scripture reference I could give is from Ephesians 6:18 and has to do with spiritual warfare:

"With all prayer and supplication, pray at every opportunity in the Spirit"

Praying in the Spirit, capital P, is a powerful spiritual weapon.

Could someone praying in tongues be saying blasphemies or be channelling evil spirits? Of course! Someone at mass could be doing the same thing. Someone praying silently in the chapel or at home could be doing the same thing. Satan has many tools, we must be fixed on Christ always.

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Ave Maria Totus Tuus

[quote name='God Conquers' date='Dec 8 2005, 01:47 AM']Sorry that's a pretty nasty ramble.

I enjoyed it.


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YOu guys have all been Wonderful. I know that this is off topic but I have to take a moment to just congratulate everyone who has responded to this post.

Not only has this post been thoughtfully responded to but it has also been responded to so positively!!! :grouphug: Kudos to everyone!!! I have rarely seen the debate table so full of positive reinforcement and such a spirit of encouagement of one another to explore the Catholic Faith and to explore other topics.

I really can't tell you how absolutley thrilled I am with all of the responses. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! :yahoo:

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I am SO struggling with the gift of tongues. On the one hand, the most devout people I know speak in tongues. On the other hand, I've heard similar stories of people speaking curses.

But I definitely understand the desire to praise God in a way that ordinary words just cannot accomplish. He is worthy of so much more than I can say to Him!

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I don't consider myself a charismatic, but I'm not against the charismatic movement in the Catholic Church. Aside from the abuses that occur (just like with the Novus Ordo mass), I believe it's beneficial to the Church faithful (for those who desire to express themselves in that matter). If it brings people closer to Christ, while still inline with the Church's teaching, I'm all for it.

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Gal. 5:22, 23.

I feel you here.
I beleive in true tongues. I beleive that God gives miraculous gifts to people. BUt I also have a hard time discerning which is truth and which is falsehood. I know both are out there.

Perhaps instead of praying for tongues more people should pray for discernment of truth. After all one of the devil's most siniser tricks is mimicking God to lead us astray.

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BTW, I wanted to add that I acknowledge that the Charismatic movement isn't for everyone. Some it appeals to and assists in their spiritual journey, and for others, it isn't their thing. That's ok.

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[quote name='Ave Maria Totus Tuus' date='Dec 8 2005, 02:42 AM']I enjoyed it. 

I agreed with it. I think speaking in tongues is about as prevalent as the gift of stigmata. But the sigmata is a much clearer sign of God's activity.

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[quote name='scardella' date='Dec 7 2005, 11:06 PM']I want to chime in on this:

BTW, I've been involved in a Charismatic community for some 7-8 years.  Without the Charismatic movement, I wouldn't be the man I am today.  I have seen people embrace it, then fall away a short time later.  I have heard tongues.  I've heard them interpreted.  I've spoken in tongues.  The Charismatic movement is the hook that landed me for Christ.  I've struggled w/ it as my faith deepened.  It is something I've thought about a lot over the past few years.

Here's my conclusion regarding "prayer tongues":
It is a gift of the Holy Spirit.  It cannot be forced upon one.  God grants it to some and not to others.  Our language is limited.  There are many times that our words do not do justice to what is contained in our hearts.  Tongues is a gift to let us express those deepest groanings of the heart.  That has been my experience with tongues.

Here's my conclusion regarding the Charismatic movement in general:
It is not enough to be charismatic.  It is an outward expression of the joy and wonder one has at the gift of the faith and God's Love.  So, yes, it is emotional, just like art.  That does not make it invalid, however.  It also cannot be the main focus of one's spirituality.  It must be built upon the foundation of orthodoxy and orthopraxis.  It is nourished by the Eucharist and adoration and and a deep prayer life.  That is why many make it their focus, then fall away.  People must always be conscious that it is a devotion and nothing more.  When it accompanies a solid prayer life, it is like art.  It shows outwardly the spiritual realities that you base your life upon.  That is how it is a sign for the building up of others.

I hope that this is helpful :)

Very helpful....

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