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The Movie Joshua


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Howdy Folks...

I just washed the movie Joshua, and I am little concerend. It is as if my spidey sense went off (I guess it would be Fides Sense). The Portayed Clergy were super critical, which is the one thing that I was not comfortable with that was obvious, but I am sure that there were other things that I did not catch. The movie also seem to lack passion, id est, the passion that Jesus would have...

My family wants to see it and I am not sure that I should recomend it or maybe I should recomend strongly against.

If any one could help I would apperciate it!

Thank y'all so much!

Peace be with you, as you do all to Glorify God!

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I'm going to be completely honest with all y'all, okay? :) I haven't read the book (*chuckles* :angry: I didn't even know there was a book until 3 seconds ago...), so I can't compare the two media for ya.

I could see where people who are not Catholic, or who do not know that much about Catholicism could find things to criticize the Faith with from the movie; however, I liked it. (No where near my "Top 10," of course, but not the worst, either... :) ) True, they could have portrayed that one priest as a more friendly and open-minded chap, but they didn't. I actually related to that character, because there have been times in my life where I acted like that. On the other hand, Father Pat from the movie was just like our former Monsignor at our parish. B)

It was one of those movies (at least for me) that after you see it, you can't help but think about your own life and make an examination of conscience. For example, remember when Joshua was helping rebuild the Protestant Church (Baptist, was it? ;)..sorry, poor memory) and some of the Catholics were looking down on him for helping people from another religion? Well, I'll be the first to admit that yes, sometimes I am not the nicest person to those of Protestant faiths, or those students at my school who aren't exactly into the best things for their spiritual lives. Christ was all-inclusive, as demonstrated in the Gospels-- the Jews, the Gentiles, the Poor, the Sick, the Healthy, the Prostitutes, the Tax Collectors, and "the least of these" were all Jesus' groupies. :)

There were some lines and scenes in the movie which I would have written differently, for example: "Deep in the hearts of so many people, there's an emptiness that nothing in this world can fill"-- I would have changed it to "Deep in the hearts of ALL people..." And that one scene with him in the barn with all those candles-- that was a bit unrealistic...I mean, there was hay everywhere, and that could have been a serious fire hazard... But that's getting nit-picky... :)

I don't know if the movie producers were attempting to bash the Catholic Faith-- I honestly don't know. Maybe they were, maybe they weren't. I truly hope it was the latter. It's just so sad to think of people who consider themselves "Christians" trying to degrade the Church that their founders broke off of. Is it wrong to be interested in reading the book, just to see what the author wrote about Catholics? :(

I guess what really struck me about the movie was that Joshua just loved everybody, and with humility and simplicity changed a town. If we truly believe that we are called to be the "Light of the World" and the "Salt of the Earth," then we will also try to live out that message and help those around us. (Try the 5-foot radius thing-- it works! lol_grin.gif )

My appologies if what I wrote makes no sense whatsoever... I have the uncanny ability to ramble nomadically (is that even a word? ;) ) in a topic.... :lol:

Be God's!

-Michelle :)

Edited for Spelling... :(

Edited by MORight2Life
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by calling the pope "peter" i'd say it's hard that they were attempting to bash the magesterium of the church. i would say that part of the author's intentions, in the books at least, are to help us recognize where our PRACTICE is falling away from the TEACHING of the Church. Just because it may seem harsh on CATHOLICS doesn't mean it's ANTI-CATHOLICISM.

For instance, if I were to write an essay about how baseball players have become greedy to the point of ruining the game. It's not because I hate baseball or the players. It's because I love baseball and I expect better from the players. Does that make sense?

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Man I thought the movie was terrible.... notice how screwy they made the Mass look? lol, if u could call it that... they made the Catholic Church look terrible...

just my opinion though ~

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  ryanmeyersmusic said:
For instance, if I were to write an essay about how baseball players have become greedy to the point of ruining the game.  It's not because I hate baseball or the players.  It's because I love baseball and I expect better from the players.  Does that make sense?

Amen to that, my friend. :) I think it makes perfect sense. Good point, Ryan. I just love examples and analogies! (They're my favorite part of the SAT, too. lol_grin.gif )

Be God's!

-Michelle :)

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Joe Girzone, author of the Joshua series of books, is an ex-Catholic.

His writings basically plagiarizes and twists Scripture into a cheap, modern-day novel.

The jacket of the book reads, "Every two thousand years, it happens..." Then it says something like, "Maybe this time mankind will get it right."

So, supposedly Jesus came once, started the Catholic Church, but egos got in the way and we lost all Truth and holiness.

So, two thousand years later, Jesus has to come to earth again, as a poor carpenter, and travel all the way to Rome, to see Peter---repeating many of the same miracles performed in the Bible---but of course, the dumb Catholics are too pompous to recognize their Lord.

The books wreak of anti-Catholicism.

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See, what the author is trying to say is that The Catholic Church has lost It's way and that now it's too much about rules, etc...

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**oops. I meant to say that Joe Girzone is an ex-priest! Sorry.

Actually, his website says he retired from the active priesthood in 1981 for health reasons...(but since then, he's been on an international speaking circuit and written several books!)

His bitterness towards the Church is manifested in the way he portrays Joshua, (basically a re-incarnated Christ) coming upon the scene and being completely disappointed with how the Church is going.

He even goes to Rome and weeps over the city, (as the book says, as he once wept over Jerusalem..."Oh, Jerusalem, Jerusalem...Rome, Rome.) Gimme a break! ;)

Joe Girzone is dissing the Church because HE, Joe Girzone is dissatisfied with it.

Yet, he writes a story as though CHRIST is dissatisfied with it.

So, he basically creates God in his own (Girzone's) image.

The books are hokey, sprititually shallow, and intellectually dishonest.

Yet they have been soooooo popular, that he's even written one geared toward children--Joshua and the children.

The Church teaches that every two thousand years, it does NOT happen. (Contrary to the book's jacket cover.)

The Messiah came ONCE for all.

When He returns, it won't be as a carpenter to fix a broken earth, (He already did that!) He'll return in a blaze of glory, to judge the living and the dead.

Girzone has made his millions selling error. Save your money.

Edited by Anna
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