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Phatmass Is Cleaning House


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Okay peeps. Every so often, I have the unfortunate task of "re-adjusting" the environment around here.

Here's what I want phatmass to be:

A place where Catholics and non-Catholics can gather to discuss their similarities and common love for God. A place where non-Catholics can learn about the faith without being repeatedly told that they are wrong, or criticized for their own beliefs--but also a place where Catholics act 100% Catholic, without watering down their faith.

Here's what I DO NOT want phatmass to be:

A place where Catholics gather to put down other denominations and make visitors and non-Catholics feel unwelcome.

Unfortunately, I think we've started to slide into what I do NOT want phatmass to be lately.

I'm asking everyone to privately e-mail me at webmaster@phatmass.com and let me know what members you personally feel do not contribute to the environment I'm striving for above. I will then privately contact those people, and let them know that their behavior might be hurting what phatmass is trying to do. Everything will remain totally confidential.

I'm also about to announce new moderators. Please be aware that these moderators will be selected by their willingness to promote the above environment.

God bless.

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I'll move this topic into the Debate Table a little later for the peeps who spend their time in there. Does anyone else want to e-mail me about concerns they have with the phorum?

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  Lil Red Devil said:
When are you going to announce the moderators?  I think that would really help.

I have the moderators selected. I'll be contacting them tonight to see if they are down with helping promote a charitable environment.

There's still time to express interest in being a moderator! If anyone wants to be part of a phatmass "ministry", send me a private message.

haha... I like that. A phatmass ministry.

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Thanks for the reminder dUSt, I think we all need to be reminded every so often.

Like I said before, if you need/want me to Mediator of Meh, I'm there for ya. :)

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dUSt, I love that you have such great vision for this sight and are willing to bust in and readjust it when you feel that the vision is not being accomplished!

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Just a short note to let you know how much I enjoy this phorum.

I hope I haven't offended anyone. I tried to e-mail you privately to let you know that I'm interested in being a moderator when I failed twice due to the "server being busy". I took this as a "sign", (ok, I CHOSE to take it as a sign) that I am silly for wanting to do this because I am too new and there are far more qualified people who've been on this phorum longer than I. I'll do well to remember that those who desire to be first shall be last........so everyone please pray for the silly big-headed "phool".

The reason I desired this is because I love this phorum. I've never seen so many people (many of them younger than my 34 years.....which is not old......) so on fire for their faith!!! Right now I happen to be alone in my entire family in my Catholic Faith and sometimes it gets mighty lonely. Please pray for me, as I will keep this phorum in my prayers because ALL of you have been a blessing to me! Thanks! - Muschi :lol: :lol:

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  Muschi said:

Just a short note to let you know how much I enjoy this phorum.

I hope I haven't offended anyone.  I tried to e-mail you privately to let you know that I'm interested in being a moderator when I failed twice due to the "server being busy".  I took this as a "sign", (ok, I CHOSE to take it as a sign) that I am silly for wanting to do this because I am too new and there are far more qualified people who've been on this phorum longer than I.  I'll do well to remember that those who desire to be first shall be last........so everyone please pray for the silly big-headed "phool". 

The reason I desired this is because I love this phorum.  I've never seen so many people (many of them younger than my 34 years.....which is not old......) so on fire for their faith!!!  Right now I happen to be alone in my entire family in my Catholic Faith and sometimes it gets mighty lonely.  Please pray for me, as I will keep this phorum in my prayers because ALL of you have been a blessing to me!  Thanks! - Muschi :lol:  :lol:


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