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Priest denying absolution


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Very weird.

If you get any theological or disciplinary explanation from these people, I'd be interested in hearing it. Because it's, well, very weird.

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Question: How does the Priest know you've been to confession before? He is not allowed to bring up a past confession, ever, not even to the person who confessed.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 29 2005, 08:59 PM']Question: How does the Priest know you've been to confession before? He is not allowed to bring up a past confession, ever, not even to the person who confessed.

wouldn't it be when "Forgive me Father for I have sinned, my last confession was _______"

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If you state that its been such and such time since your last confession. Or if he has seen you at confession before...I am guessing

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I've heard from another person how she also got told that, although i dont think it was in Fl.

the Church encourages you to go to confession regularly. Once a week or every two weeks is ideal. Through reading of the saints and about the sacraments, we def need the sacrament of reconcilation more than once a month. I just don't understand since Pope John Paul II went regularly. In order to recieve the eucharist faithfully every Sunday, and dailiy mass, we have to be clean from sin by confession.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 29 2005, 09:03 PM']Ah ok. *duh* LOL.

lol you were scaring me for a minute there :topsy:

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Nov 29 2005, 08:53 PM']There is nothing more to the story, I go to confession once every two weeks another parish because of this.  A friend of mine has been told not to come to confession more than once a month.  She though it would be helpful to go to more because she is discerning a vocation to religous life.

this is correct. In discerning one's vocation, prayer, along with fasting and adoration, receiving the sacraments are very much needed! ^_^

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[quote name='littleflower+JMJ' date='Nov 30 2005, 01:03 PM']
I've heard from another person how she also got told that, although i dont think it was in Fl.

the Church encourages you to go to confession regularly. Once a week or every two weeks is ideal. Through reading of the saints and about the sacraments, we def need the sacrament of reconcilation more than once a month. I just don't understand since Pope John Paul II went regularly. In order to recieve the eucharist faithfully every Sunday, and dailiy mass, we have to be clean from sin by confession.

I would never deny the right of people to confess mortal sins. However I do get concerned with bad catechesis regarding the Sacrament. There are many people I have come across who suffer greatly from scruples because of the things taught to them about confessing, it has been torture to them not being able to go without confession fo a day.

We have to be clean from all Mortal sin. Confession of devotion as Karl Rahner called it has its place and I am a supporter of such.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Nov 29 2005, 09:53 PM']There is nothing more to the story, I go to confession once every two weeks another parish because of this.  A friend of mine has been told not to come to confession more than once a month.  She though it would be helpful to go to more because she is discerning a vocation to religous life.

I don't get this because aren't we as Catholic's told that we should frequent the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Well, the only way to do that is by being in the state of grace and the Sacrament of Penance is the only way for us to be in the state of grace. Face it, we're all sinners. Anyone who says otherwise is lying. We have a natural tendency to sin. It is wrong to recieve Jesus in the state of mortal sin. If you sin, you should go to Confession so you can recieve Him in the Most Holy Eucharist. Also, didn't John Paul the Great go to Confession everyday? If someone like JPII desires to go to Confession everyday, why is it a problem if we go every two weeks? I was told by my spiritual director to go to Confession at least once a month. Discuss the issue with the priest. Maybe he was just having a bad day or something.

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The priest is wrong.
This priest is denying his spiritual duties and the spiritual needs of the parishioners. He deserves to be severely reprimanded.

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yikes! if your priest isn't listening to your complaints, then you need to go to the bishop. God bless! I hope things get resolved!

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before everyone wants to burn the priest at the stake.... Question ....were you in a state of Mortal sin thereby denying your approach to Holy Communion, and was the request at the usual time of confession :idontknow: .

As I said above i'm all for confession we have it before Mass everyday but be realistic . If the priest denyed your quite reasonable request at the time to absolve you from some mortal sin that was preventing you from approaching Holy Communion then report him to the bishop if not then go to confession at the next parish ofr the next opportunity saying you really believe you need to go to confession.

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Nov 29 2005, 08:59 PM']Hey folks,

This is my first post on the debate table...So here goes!  I am just wondering is it ok that a priest can deny absolution if one goes to confession more than once a month?  Is this the norm everywhere??  I personally disagree with this because I sometimes go to confession more than once a month.  Just wondering if some of you guys agree or disagree with this.


if it were ok, i'd be up a creek w/ my weekly confession

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[quote name='Marieteresa' date='Nov 29 2005, 08:08 PM']Several local priest in my diocese will deny you absolution if you have gone like twice in one month.  You could be truly penitent, they still will deny it.  I have heard that some priest are starting to do this as well.

This is incredible baloney. JP II went daily. Write your Bishop. If that doesn't do any good write the Vatican. There is no maximum for recieving the sacrament of reconcilliation.

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