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Priest denying absolution


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Hey folks,

This is my first post on the debate table...So here goes! I am just wondering is it ok that a priest can deny absolution if one goes to confession more than once a month? Is this the norm everywhere?? I personally disagree with this because I sometimes go to confession more than once a month. Just wondering if some of you guys agree or disagree with this.


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Absolutely not!

A Priest cannot deny you the Sacraments when you ask for them in reasonable circumstances (eg, you can't ask him to hear your confession 10 minutes before Mass). If you go to the weekly scheduled confession, or if you make an appointment with him every week, he cannot deny you the Sacrament of Penance, even if you go multiple times in one week. Even if you go DAILY.

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The only time you can be denied absolution is if you're not truely repentant (ie. You tell the priest that you're not sorry and that you plan on doing it again).

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No he could not. What would his reasoning be? I know plenty that go ever other week.

Anyway, I though a priest could deny absolution if he felt that you were not truly penitent, Era.

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Several local priest in my diocese will deny you absolution if you have gone like twice in one month. You could be truly penitent, they still will deny it. I have heard that some priest are starting to do this as well.

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Nov 29 2005, 09:04 PM']Anyway, I though a priest could  deny absolution if he felt that you were not truly penitent, Era.

Certainly. I was just assuming that Marieteresa is sincere when she goes to confession, but the Priest doesn't like her going more than once a month. Pope John Paul II explained why this is misguided:

[quote]The frequent use of the sacrament-to which some categories of the faithful are in fact held-strengthens the awareness that even minor sins offend God and harm the church, the body of Christ.

--Apostolic Exhortation "Reconciliatio et Penitentia"[/quote]

Edited by Era Might
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that doesn't sound quite right.

I do believe that one must be truly penitent to receive absolution, but that is not saying anything about denying it because one goes to often.

We try to go once a week here.

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This has happened to a number of people here. The priest will let you confess your sins but will not give you absolution. Hey it doesn't sound right to me either!

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I hope you have access to a priest who takes your spiritual life seriously, because this guy seems to be a real louse. Unless there's more to the story - a lot more - his limit is ridiculous.

If you can't get to another priest, it is your right under Canon Law as a baptized Catholic to take the matter up with your Bishop. I'm not a fan of people writing to the Bishop about every little thing, but this is a big deal. The priest's sacramental ministry flows directly from the Bishop, and he has no right to do this on his own.

It might be that he's just lazy, or it might be that he's trying to move back towards an older model of sacramental Penance. The second would be more defensible, but either way, he's out of bounds.

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um, I was a little angry in that last post, can I hedge it a little? For one, I recognize that he might be a fine priest and a holy man, but still be misguided on this point. Secondly, take the matter up with him before complaining.

But it remains the case that you have a right to the sacrament of Penance when he can reasonably be expected to provide it. That wouldn't mean five times a day, but it definitely means more than once a month if you so desire.

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hmm not to condone the priest...but this seems pretty outrageous to the point that there might be more to this story. Maybe ask him yourself? In an open manner, "Can I receive the sacrament more than once a month?"

I can't imagine a priest after hearing confessions saying I can't absolve you becuase you've already been in here once this month.

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There is nothing more to the story, I go to confession once every two weeks another parish because of this. A friend of mine has been told not to come to confession more than once a month. She though it would be helpful to go to more because she is discerning a vocation to religous life.

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