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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

My roomate who is so totally amazing is leaving to live in a single in a completely different hall. This was quite sudden news, and now the sadness is kicking in now that I've screwed things up. This morning was Room Change Day (which they only do once a semester...) and I slept right through it, but it wouldn't have helped me any because I found out yesterday I was going to be roomateless and that I needed to find someone by this morning. I haven't had anybody say that they would, and now things are starting to get depressing because I was going to go ask about the situatuion this morning, then proceeded to sleep through it after my mom had called to wake me up so that I could go. :sadder: I think I keep getting more and more reasons to transfer. :sadder: I wrote an e-mail to res life this morning asking the question I was going to ask then, so hopefully I will hear back very soon and I will not get some random person. I feel like I've just screwed everything up and I want to get out of here. Today is not going to be a very fun day.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I really don't want to go through 4 roomates... that's a new roomate a semester! Yeah, random isn't horrible, but the people who go to this school can be...

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oh no!!! i am so sorry that your roommate is leaving. are you two friends or were you just set up together by the school? It's never easy to live with someone else, especially in such close quarters... but maybe she is having problems and needs space? it might not really have anything to do with you.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Oh, I know... she has explained everything... it is just that there are some other things that I cannot do anything about with her leaving as well because of my medical condition and that... she isn't leaving because she doesn't like me or anything... we were friends last year and then decided to room this year because we were lacking some to room with all together... We got along superbly! <<sigh>> She's only here until we leave for break...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Tony' date='Nov 29 2005, 10:59 AM']aww no more Molly? :(
nope :sadder:

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='jezic' date='Nov 29 2005, 11:05 AM']where do you go to school?
one of the evilest places on earth: Elmhurst College

It doesn't look real evil, but it really can be...

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

I have until Thursday to find a new roomate... or I can be put on the singles waiting list...

And my car is having transmission issues...

And I still have a lot to do in only a few short days.



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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Thanks all :) Things are beginning to look up... I have 2 options that are avaliable to me right now, so things should work out just fine!

Now if only my car could get better... pray its not the transmission... :(

I really don't want to have to deal with an old car with no turn signals that makes me afraid to drive it sometimes, but if I have to, I will.

<<sigh of relief>>

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