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Just Saw Bruce Almighty

Paladin D

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Just to let everyone know, there was an interview about this with the director (who claims to be Catholic btw). He said that he included that and some of his other sins to show his imperfection, and that he was living an ungodly sinful life. His GF was one of prayer, but didn't grasp the pre-martial sex bit = wrong bit (some Protestants and Catholics think it's A-OK!).

Anyways, the movie does not imply that pre-martial sex = good. Because the movie implies (at the end), that he cleans up his act. Maybe or maybe not. Though I would appreciated if that specific issue was addressed, at least in some way (by God). Of course, he didn't point out most of his other sins either, so we can't say that the director is/was supporting pre-martial sex.

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I liked that movie alot. The pre-marital thing bothered me too, though. I really like your point, Paladin. It's got me thinking about it in a different way. You could use it in the movie as an example of a couple of positives.

1.) Bruce was ignorant of many good/evil choices (including pre-marital sex) until he started having a relationship with God. That is like what you are saying about Bruce cleaning up his act later.

2.) Sex is good and a gift from God.

3.) Pre-marital sex is selfish and not really sharing because Bruce was all abot his own enjoyment and treated Rachel as a sex object and to show off his sexual powers. That was obvious when Bruce changed Rachel's breast size. Rachel didn't want it or need it, but Bruce did it for his own pleasure.

4.) Pre-marital sex is selfish and a mistake in the movie because Rachel really wanted Bruce and her to be married and become one but Bruce was completely blind to it. Remember the "Dinner" and Rachel's hope that Bruce would propose and her hurt when he didn't?

I really liked the part where Bruce finally cooperated with God, and they did it in a simple act of mopping the floor in sync. That was powerful and showed how order is restored when we work WITH God and that the work God gives us is not very complicated but very powerful and effective.

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4.) Pre-marital sex is selfish and a mistake in the movie because Rachel really wanted Bruce and her to be married and become one but Bruce was completely blind to it. Remember the "Dinner" and Rachel's hope that Bruce would propose and her hurt when he didn't?

I thought it was funny that you were calling Jennifer Aniston "Rachel." :lol:

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hmmm...Live, are you Protestant? just wondering.

First of all, Christ was nailed to the cross for us once and for all. He did it for us. He chose to be up there for us. What do you mean by not nailing Christ to the cross? I don't get it.

No, I am not a Protestant. In fact I am on my way to the seminary and I am affiliated with the “Legions of Christ”. Yes Christ did die once on the cross, but since Christ is divine, he is God not only man he is also out side of time. See every time you sin you are not carrying your cross you are handing him that extra load. When you go to movies like Bruce Almighty it is good you go in and don’t check your beliefs at the door, but the problem stands when you walk out and then go tell everyone this movie is great, when in fact it was inappropriate in many ways.

Oh and I wanted to add for all the people who say what about all the people it leads to the Church. I guess my question is what about all the people it leads away? There are better ways to save souls then Bruce Almighty. In fact Bruce Almighty is no way to say souls.

List of good movies coming soon.

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needless to say, the USCCB did NOT give it a rating of "O" for morally offensive...

i believe the fact remains that no one on this thread has supported those things we disagree with in the movie...

what movies have you seen that do not in any way go against Church teaching and I'm not talking about movies like "Jesus of Nazareth." point is, you can watch a movie and enjoy it and still disagree with parts of it. it is not wrong to say the movie is good even when there are parts we disagree with...it is not a sin.

also, you are NOT renailing Christ to the cross when you sin. He is NOT carrying anything extra...expecially because He is not limited to time, He's already carried all the sins we have and have not committed...there aren't "extra."

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I'm glad you are thinking about going to the Seminary. The Church and the World needs commited witnesses to Christ. In the Seminary you will recieve a tremendous theological training. In this case, I think you are mistaken. It is my understanding that Jesus carried ALL the sins of the World, (past, present, and future). We don't add now, we already put them on Him. I'm not really sure about that, but I think it would be a great topic to start a new thread on and get some heavy hitters to help. You could also do a little digging yourself and see what you can come up with in Church teachings.

Very interesting point you bring up. Hmmmm......

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So I it is ok to sin? You know since he already died and all. I wanted to add also isn't it true as Christians we should do our be to helpour brothers and sisters not to sin? Well look at Jim Carrey how many times did he curse God so you can enjoy this movie. And don't even say he was just acting.I use to be an actor and I was in Holly Wood I left because I was not willto do this junk they do out there.

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what movies have you seen that do not in any way go against Church teaching and I'm not talking about movies like "Jesus of Nazareth."

Finding Nemo

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ya, ya, I am back I just want you guys to see the grave danger in thismovie and otherslike it.I love you guys and I hate tosee you fighting for this.

From the Catechism:

2148 Blasphemy is directly opposed to the second commandment. It consists in uttering against God - inwardly or outwardly - words of hatred, reproach, or defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in respect toward him in one's speech; in misusing God's name. St. James condemns those "who blaspheme that honorable name [of Jesus] by which you are called." The prohibition of blasphemy extends to language against Christ's Church, the saints, and sacred things. It is also blasphemous to make use of God's name to cover up criminal practices, to reduce peoples to servitude, to torture persons or put them to death. The misuse of God's name to commit a crime can provoke others to repudiate religion.

Blasphemy is contrary to the respect due God and his holy name. It is in itself a grave sin.

When it comes to putting Christ on the cross you are taking me to literly. Look at the crowning you did that I did that. Christ on the Cross you did that I did that because of the way we act Jesus had to suffer. See if youthink of it as he died for our sins we are saved and thats that, then you are saying we are not accountablefor our actions. What I amsaying is if you allow Blasphemy togo on and you don't speak out against it then you are no better the the person commiting the sin.I guess I got a little over heated about it, because when I found this web site I thought I couldfind other Catholics who would feel the same way as I do. But I guess I was wrong.

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When it comes to putting Christ on the cross you are taking me to literly. Look at the crowning you did that I did that. Christ on the Cross you did that I did that because of the way we act Jesus had to suffer. See if youthink of it as he died for our sins we are saved and thats that, then you are saying we are not accountablefor our actions. What I amsaying is if you allow Blasphemy togo on and you don't speak out against it then you are no better the the person commiting the sin. I guess I got a little over heated about it, because when I found this web site I thought I couldfind other Catholics who would feel the same way as I do. But I guess I was wrong.

first of all, Live4Him, you cannot take this so personally. it is not like we are disagreeing on doctrine here. just because i don't agree with you about the morality of a movie does not mean that is bad. the whole point of a discussion is to express our thoughts, reflections. if everyone agreed, it wouldn't be much of a discussion right?

at the same time, i don't disagree with the fact that my sins put Christ on the cross. the thing is, i don't believe that liking a movie like Bruce Almighty is sinful. if you reread what i posted, you would find that i'm not saying we don't hurt Christ when we sin...but we are in no way "adding extra" to what Christ had to carry.

ya, ya, I am back I just want you guys to see the grave danger in thismovie and otherslike it.I love you guys and I hate tosee you fighting for this.

From the Catechism:

2148 Blasphemy is directly opposed to the second commandment. It consists in uttering against God - inwardly or outwardly - words of hatred, reproach, or defiance; in speaking ill of God; in failing in respect toward him in one's speech; in misusing God's name. St. James condemns those "who blaspheme that honorable name [of Jesus] by which you are called." The prohibition of blasphemy extends to language against Christ's Church, the saints, and sacred things. It is also blasphemous to make use of God's name to cover up criminal practices, to reduce peoples to servitude, to torture persons or put them to death. The misuse of God's name to commit a crime can provoke others to repudiate religion.

Blasphemy is contrary to the respect due God and his holy name. It is in itself a grave sin.

secondly, I am not disagreeing with the fact that there are faults within the movie. because there are some parts of the movie i disagree with, does not make it a movie i cannot enjoy. you can't tell me that all movies, shows, books, or songs you may enjoy are all in line with Church teaching and to enjoy any movie, show, book, or song that may portray something the Church disagrees with is a sin. if that's the case, a song such as "Amazing Grace" should never be sung by a Catholic because it's theology goes against Catholic teaching.

ultimately, it is not my disagreeing with you that is a major issue. if the USCCB were to give it a rating of Morally Offensive then I wouldn't watch it...but they didn't.

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  • 9 months later...

I just saw this again for the umpteenth time so I feel the need to coment on it for the first time. Did you notice how Morgan Freeman(God) refers to himself as the Alpha and Omega. You never see quotes from Christ in representations of God in movies. It is always a very generic and PC portrayal.

Also did you notice the underlying theme? Bruces tries depereratley to get his Girfriend back. Do you know her name? ...Grace is her name. He tries desperatley to get Grace back. I thought that was cool. The whole living in sin scenes were a sellout to attract more of an audience. I don't care for it or accept it but I still liked the movie.

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loved this movie
it made me cry :sadder:
really thought it was a good film
ya there was stuff that was wrong with it
but i think it did a great job of showing Gods love and patience with us
God hates sin more then we could ever comprehend but yet His love for us is greater then his hate for sin.....I love how it showed God as the janitor....Brilliant movie

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