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Just Saw Bruce Almighty

Paladin D

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I liked the STOP signs and WRONG WAY signs when he was racing along in his car before he crashed - oh yeah sometimes God must wonder what it takes to tell me "no, not that way".

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ok... first off, i loved that movie, i went and saw it in theaters a looong time ago.

secondly... is it actually a sin if you're just living togehter (I know that its not easy to stay true if you're living w/ your b/f or g/f, but if you are sleepin in diff. rooms, is it still a sin?)

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Someone complained about how in Bruce Almighty, God didn't address Bruce's sins. Such as having pre-martial sex. However, there are other things God does not address. For example, when... *spoiler highlight* ---> When Bruce fills that guy's car with a ton of Pot God doesn't address that either.

Basically, I don't believe it was their intention to have God condemn everything that he did. Of course, it would be nice if he addressed those specific sins... but they didn't. It's assumed that Bruce learns from his mistakes and past lifestyle (thus cleaning up his act).

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What is wrong with everyone? Can’t you see that movies like this that put our Christ on the cross? Living in sin with his girlfriend, sex jokes, innuendos out the kazoo, sex jokes, blaspheme all over the place and did I mention sex jokes. Wasn’t it Jesus who said,”To look at a woman in lust is to commit adultery”. So I know that Jesus would be saddened by movies like this. This is the kind of junk that ruins mankind’s image of God. And anyone who says this movie is Christian is wrong. Where does it mention Christ? See it is made this way so that someone might not take offense to it or call it anti-samitic. You may be blinded by the good filming or the storey line about God, but don’t forget to open your eyes and ask if this movie is pure. It is not. You must see this. Stop nailing Christ to the cross and start sacrificing, by putting yourself up there. If you think I am wrong then let me ask you three things. If I came into your home cursing God would you allow me to keep doing it? If no, then why do you let Jim Carry do it in your home? He’s on your T.V. it’s in your home. And last, do you find it appropriate or funny that Jim Carry made a monkey come out of some guys butt? If you do I am sorry and I will pray for you.

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A recent poll by the entertainment department of my state, did a survey, and 3 in ever 50 people intervied turned to believe in God, and realize where God is in their lives!

I'm sure the other 47 people believed, or are just to blind!!!!!!!

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A recent poll by the entertainment department of my state, did a survey, and 3 in ever 50 people intervied turned to believe in God, and realize where God is in their lives!

I'm sure the other 47 people believed, or are just to blind!!!!!!!

This may be true but believing in God doesn’t really mean that much. Being able to see God in our lives still does not mean that much. I know Satan believes in God and I am sure if you asked him if he knows where God is in his life he could tell you. It is not enough to know God is real and it is not enough to see where God works in our lives. It is movies like this that kill the truth. Bruce gets the power of God then goes home and has the best sex ever with his GIRLFRIEND. This kind of action questions if premarital sex is right or wrong in many peoples eyes. God allows it to go on in the movie so it must be okay in my life. It is not enough to know who God is, but we must know what he wants of us. We also must love God whole heartedly and we must serve him. Know, Love and Serve this is why he made us not to sit back and watch movies that okay premarital and defiantly not to support them. It is the devils trick to have movies that Christians fight for, but in the end they kill souls.

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This may be true but believing in God doesn’t really mean that much. Being able to see God in our lives still does not mean that much. I know Satan believes in God and I am sure if you asked him if he knows where God is in his life he could tell you. It is not enough to know God is real and it is not enough to see where God works in our lives. It is movies like this that kill the truth. Bruce gets the power of God then goes home and has the best sex ever with his GIRLFRIEND. This kind of action questions if premarital sex is right or wrong in many peoples eyes. God allows it to go on in the movie so it must be okay in my life. It is not enough to know who God is, but we must know what he wants of us. We also must love God whole heartedly and we must serve him. Know, Love and Serve this is why he made us not to sit back and watch movies that okay premarital and defiantly not to support them. It is the devils trick to have movies that Christians fight for, but in the end they kill souls.

I fully agree with what your saying. In my opinion the movie was a good movie, because of the fact it brought people to God, and hopefully the Catholic church! Thus forth, starting to believe, will then make them go to Church on Sunday, (and if they believed and never practiced then maybe more than their twice a year visit) Then if they convert to Catholicism, wouldn't their sin of watching Bruce Almighty, be forgiven, "Through the ministry of the church, I forgive all of your sins" Anyways, I do see where your coming at so this is not a debate, don't take it like that ok.

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This may be true but believing in God doesn’t really mean that much. Being able to see God in our lives still does not mean that much. I know Satan believes in God and I am sure if you asked him if he knows where God is in his life he could tell you. It is not enough to know God is real and it is not enough to see where God works in our lives. It is movies like this that kill the truth. Bruce gets the power of God then goes home and has the best sex ever with his GIRLFRIEND. This kind of action questions if premarital sex is right or wrong in many peoples eyes. God allows it to go on in the movie so it must be okay in my life. It is not enough to know who God is, but we must know what he wants of us. We also must love God whole heartedly and we must serve him. Know, Love and Serve this is why he made us not to sit back and watch movies that okay premarital and defiantly not to support them. It is the devils trick to have movies that Christians fight for, but in the end they kill souls.

Hi, Live4Him.. Can you recommend some movies that have a more pure Christian influence? Thank you very much. :)

God bless! :)

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ok, live4him, i see your points, and they are valid. but i saw this movie too and i loved it. Yes the fact that they portrayed them living in sin and sleeping together is wrong. NO ONE IS QUESTIONING THAT . People that already have a good conscience/morals relize that and just b/c it's about God and doesn't necessarily make that a christian movie. but personaly, i think the-rev's got a point. if it gets a person to start believing in God, well, at least that's a start and maybe God will take it from there. As far as the stuff about him cursing at God or being angry at God, well i don't condone that either, but i think alot of people do in times of dispair for many different reasons ( ex. "Smite me o mighty smighter!", or the book of Job), but i think during those times God understands and forgives. it's our human nature. but the truth is that you can't really look to Hollywood for morals ( or just about anything except for sheer entertainment value) and people shouldn't take anything from movies seriously.

except maybe the Passion ;)

but that's just my .02

but if you didn't like the movie, that's cool. but i'd be intrested to hear your recommendations for pure christian movies too.

Personally, I liked "A Walk to Remember", an shameless chick-flick i know! Sorry guys :P , and Bedazzled was a good one too ( tho that might be a bit questionable to some)

Edited by hopeful1
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Stop nailing Christ to the cross and start sacrificing, by putting yourself up there.

hmmm...Live, are you Protestant? just wondering.

First of all, Christ was nailed to the cross for us once and for all. He did it for us. He chose to be up there for us. What do you mean by not nailing Christ to the cross? I don't get it.

also, I don't think you can have such a lofty approach towards watching movies. obviously there are movies out there that do not have "Christian" values, but you aren't called to go to the movies and leave your Christian values at the door. Obviously, there are parts of the movie that we disagree with, but like in anything else, you watch it with a critical mind all the while being able to appreciate any depth of truth the movie maybe putting forth. To disregard a movie just because there are parts of it you do not disagree with is haughty.

it's not imprudent to watch a movie and enjoy it even if there are parts you disagree with...you just know you disagree...

btw, here is a review the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops put out on Bruce Almighty: http://www.usccb.org/movies/b/brucealmighty.htm

i also want to say that there are movies that also are totally morally offensive and affect you in ways that you can't watch with a critical eye (i.e., sexually explicit movies)...those should be avoided because of the temptation...

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