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An Open Letter To The Moderator

John Lowell

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Nov 30 2005, 04:44 PM']I know I do. I was fearing prison time.
:lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Black Friday' date='Nov 30 2005, 12:03 AM'][quote name='qfnol31']You realize that it only goes against practicing, right?

Technically, it only says the same thing (as far as I can tell) as the Church teaches about heterosexual men and activity.[/quote]
No, it doesn't. It says that men with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" cannot be ordained, and both the document itself and the Catechism make clear that men with "deep-seated homosexual tendencies" are those who have a homosexual orientation, regardless of their behavior. The document bans all homosexual men from being ordained.

How it will be interpreted is a different story. But what it says is crystal clear.

would you consider someone with homosexual tendencies which are not deep-seated to be a homosexual man? But that person can be ordained. Therefore, the Vatican allows for homosexual men to be ordained. However, if you don't think that men with homosexual tendencies are homosexual, then you are not using the standard definition.

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Kilroy the Ninja

wow. I get really sick for a few days and look what happens around here.

Shouldn't this be in Open Mic despite the lameness?

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[quote name='Kilroy the Ninja' date='Dec 1 2005, 02:46 AM']wow.  I get really sick for a few days and look what happens around here.


You're the glue that holds this place together... ;)

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[quote name='dUSt' date='Nov 30 2005, 04:44 PM']I know I do. I was fearing prison time.


Talk about open mouth insert foot, jail time may be just a tad closer than you think what with the taxing authorties in Texas reporting Phatmass Inc as "Not In Good Standing" as of December 1, 2005, dUSt:


Now what the meaning might be of this development or how the founder of a Repub ... , I mean, "Catholic" site with such a fine, supporting community of pious people could get his teat in a wringer this way I just couldn't say. But you may want to give your contributors an explanation. I know I'd sure want one of I'd given you money.

John Lowell

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What is wrong with you? There is a large majority of orthodox Catholics who supported the republican party this election--that's a nationwide trend. Dust didn't use phatmass to promote any republican cause, he simply did not censor the overwhelming democratic force that continued to insist that voting for an obvious pro-abort like John Kerry was an immoral act. no phatmass resource was directed towards this cause, and the public phorum was completely evenly offered to ANYONE with ANY OPINION on the elections.

anyway, I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation for the not in good standing status, probably a form error or computer glitch. there is no [i]fine[/i] being levied, there is something wrong with the texas finance tax status of the organization that needs to be fixed.

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[quote name='John Lowell' date='Dec 1 2005, 10:26 AM']dUSt,

Talk about open mouth insert foot, jail time may be just a tad closer than you think what with the taxing authorties in Texas reporting Phatmass Inc as "Not In Good Standing" as of December 1, 2005, dUSt:


Now what the meaning might be of this development or how the founder of a Repub ... , I mean, "Catholic" site with such a fine, supporting community of pious people could get his teat in a wringer this way I just couldn't say. But you may want to give your contributors an explanation. I know I'd sure want one of I'd given you money.

John Lowell

FIrst, I doubt that Phatmass broke any laws concerning its 501c3 status.

Second, I recomend that you spend a little more time here before condemning all of as Republican.

Actually, maybe you need to spend a little less time on line.

I hope that you find peace soon.

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Actually, you might have us. We do provide a safehaven for many Creepy Aliens, and we don't know if they have green cards. You might want to call Imigration on us.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Dec 1 2005, 01:11 PM']Actually, you might have us.  We do provide a safehaven for many Creepy Aliens, and we don't know if they have green cards.  You might want to call Imigration on us.

Good point. How can this be a Republican phorum when it supports such unfettered illegal immigration? :lol:

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So because this is my half day at work, I had the opportunity to call down to Austin's open record division. Apperently the 05' franchise has not been filed yet.

This means that this status is most likely due to dUSt moving and forgeting to file something minor, and not our soon to be friend John. Just so everyone knows.

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Mr. John Lowell:

I really don't understand your vendetta agains us. I have been slighted on numerous message boards, and I've either bucked it up, or left and never came back. Please do one or the other. You're embarassing yourself.

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Wow..... this has got to be the lamest thread I've read in awhile.... Just a hint, "I'll file a complaint with the appropriate public authority" isn't the best way to convince us to bring out the welcome wagon. Personally this is the first thread of yours I have read and I am totally turned off.

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ive been gut giggling for probaby longer than i did during a christmas story. if this wasnt ridiculous to begin with... it definitely is now.

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[quote name='Theoketos' date='Dec 1 2005, 01:07 PM']Second, I recomend that you spend a little more time here before condemning all of as Republican.

Yeah, I totally resent being called a Republican. I'm much further to the right. :saint:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='John Lowell' date='Nov 29 2005, 08:44 PM']dUSt,

Don't like your tone, chief. Since you're the founder here we'll take your reply as authoritative. As promised and given your invitation, I'll be looking hard at filing an FTC complaint. Don't be surprized if this supposedly "Catholic " forum hears from them.

John Lowell
I haven't really been following this much, but dUSt has every right to say that he's not comfortable with your phrasing of certain things. Further, that wasn't a tone...that's the attitude he always uses. Please stop judging him or anyone on this forum before you've had a chance to know them.

Finally, don't get all tied up. It's just a phorum.

God bless,


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