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God and the M60 Machine gun


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I really don't think God would have a problem with guns. I mean he's not corperal... so.... I have a problem with guns because getting shot evidently hurts, but I still think that they are useful sometimes. Though, I do rather like the idea of wars having to be hand to hand combat with swords, with lines, and all the good old tradition. I think it would make the army much more hard core.

I like math, and kind of relate it to God, it just works so perfectly... it's complicated, but it is how I see it. Just a quote to throw in: Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, like that of sculpture. Bertrand Russell

And 2+2 would equal 6 for very large values of 2, it would be 5 if they were very medium values... :nerd:

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Just out of curiosity, Padre, were you expecting Phatmass to be largely anti-gun?

I thought it was common knowledge that the gun-control people are mostly liberals!

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Umm so yea wars are not something that have to happen there are ways around it. It really doesn't matter if you are shooting them or cuting their throats, war...what is it good for, absolutly nothing.

and yea I assumed that catholics generally would be against guns and violence. I used this article because it has all those pretty bible quotes, it was my prememtive strike in case anyone argued.

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Appeasement works well. France just hasn't learned how to apply it successfully with the rioting unemployed immigrant youth.

People who say that war is never the answer and that you can talk your problems out don't seem to realize that evil exists and that you can't reason with evil.

What's "prememtive"?

Edited by Matty_boy
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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Dec 2 2005, 06:03 AM']and yea I assumed that catholics generally would be against guns and violence.  I used this article because it has all those pretty bible quotes, it was my prememtive strike in case anyone argued.
Goes to show you have a lot a to learn!

And have you forgotten [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=441"]this poll[/url] already??
(Strange, since you were the last to post in it).
Only five of 85 phatmass voters believed there should be no right to own firearms!

I find it strange that you would make this assumption.
Maybe if you'd actually read what others post . . .

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Dec 2 2005, 08:28 PM']Goes to show you have a lot a to learn!

And have you forgotten [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=441"]this poll[/url] already??
(Strange, since you were the last to post in it).
Only five of 85 phatmass voters believed there should be no right to own firearms!

I find it strange that you would make this assumption.
Maybe if you'd actually read what others post . . .

I can't read

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