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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Nov 27 2005, 10:06 AM']He may have been raptured.

lol :lol:

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I must warn you. Trying to confuse the lost into submission will only cause you more wrath on the day of judgement. My advise to this website is twofold. Read the bible to make the passages make sense (all encompassing, not one at the slight of another), and read it prayerfully.

Reconcile difficult passages correctly. For example, when Jesus separates the goats from the lambs and says you did not feed him and clothe him, he was talking to people who did not believe that He is the Savior of the world. The passage "by grace are ye saved" should not be made to be contradictory to the lambs passage. If you want to insist on distorting "not of works" and other similar passages, you do so at your own demise.

Even if I were to grant you that on a superficial level the passages could be construed for the works argument, I would simply have to insist that you listen to your heart, and please read the bible prayerfully to gain understanding. I understand your frustrations when trying to rationalize works into the equation, often times the distinction between your mind and the Holy Spirit isn't always clear. This is especially true if you insist that your interpretation is correct, simply because you seem to think you can arge the works argument well and/or in order to give weight to your family's traditions. Jesus promised us the Advocate. Listen to Him.

Note that the gloom of Catholic Churches makes it apparent that to truly encounter Christ, one must leave the Catholic Church. Compare the Catholic Church with the life in Christian assemblies. Stop with your hardness of heart. Give in to that tug at your heart strings, I urge you, and you will gain the clarity to read everything with divine truth at your side.

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I just wanna' know (off topic a liitle bit) what did "they" have to argue with before the "Bible as we know it was invented."

Didn't the early Christians lead each other by their lives of action?

Edit: I just read the above response. The and "your family's traditions."
I don't get the "your family's traditions." Up until "Martin Luther got his knickers in a twist" we had what? Christians and non-Christians.

What family do you belong to? Edited by ofpheritup
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Dear friend

Perhaps it would be best for you to cease in this attempt. There have been lengthy responses to your original thread on this website and if you look in the Catholic Apologetics Directory in the 'resources' section of Phatmass you'll find even more.

Your zeal is impressive and I am certain that even if the form of your posts aren't especially appreciative of the sensibilities of those to whom your are speaking the substance of them is sincerity. And with that in mind I am certain that before too long you will read the joint declaration of justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church that I posted.

Should you stick around long enough I'm certain you'll witness for yourself that the closeness us Phatmassers have with Christ is significantly greater than what you're assuming.


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[quote]Note that the gloom of Catholic Churches makes it apparent that to truly encounter Christ, one must leave the Catholic Church.[/quote]

Gloom? Of course, we are "conformed to his death" as St. Paul exhorted us (Phillipians 3:10). But our suffering with Christ can never be confused with gloom:

[quote]Joy, which was the small publicity of the pagan, is the gigantic secret of the Christian. And as I close this chaotic volume I open again the strange small book from which all Christianity came; and I am again haunted by a kind of confirmation. The tremendous figure which fills the Gospels towers in this respect, as in every other, above all the thinkers who ever thought themselves tall. His pathos was natural, almost casual. The Stoics, ancient and modern, were proud of concealing their tears. He never concealed His tears; He showed them plainly on His open face at any daily sight, such as the far sight of His native city. Yet He concealed something. Solemn supermen and imperial diplomatists are proud of restraining their anger. He never restrained His anger. He flung furniture down the front steps of the Temple, and asked men how they expected to escape the damnation of Hell. Yet He restrained something. I say it with reverence; there was in that shattering personality a thread that must be called shyness. There was something that He hid from all men when He went up a mountain to pray. There was something that He covered constantly by abrupt silence or impetuous isolation. There was some one thing that was too great for God to show us when He walked upon our earth; and I have sometimes fancied that it was His mirth.

--GK Chesterton[/quote]

Gloom is decidely at odds with the Catholic faith.

[quote]Let no one be afraid of the light of Christ! His Gospel is the light which does not bring death but which develops and brings to full maturity whatever is true, good and beautiful in every human culture. The Gospel of Christ is meant for man, for the life, peace and freedom of every individual and of all people. May you yourselves, dear catechumens, be witnesses of this, enlivened by the Holy Spirit who in a little while will be poured abundantly into your hearts.

--Pope John Paul II[/quote]

We're always willing to discuss, jesussaves. But you make it hard when you talk down to us like chidren. Treat us like the intelligent people that we are, and perhaps a fruitful dialogue will ensue.

Edited by Era Might
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[quote name='jesussaves' date='Nov 28 2005, 01:15 PM']I must warn you. Trying to confuse the lost into submission will only cause you more wrath on the day of judgement
But I thought that acts did not matter...only faith.

[quote]Reconcile difficult passages correctly. For example, when Jesus separates the goats from the lambs and says you did not feed him and clothe him, he was talking to people who did not believe that He is the Savior of the world.
[/quote]I would say that is your own conjecture. That passage makes no mention about faith. If you read closely they ask the Lord when they saw Him. They recongize Christ as Lord, by their response to Him, but failed to act in the ways He mentioned.

[quote]Even if I were to grant you that on a superficial level the passages could be construed for the works argument, I would simply have to insist that you listen to your heart, and please read the bible prayerfully to gain understanding.This is especially true if you insist that your interpretation is correct, simply because you seem to think you can arge the works argument well and/or in order to give weight to your family's traditions. [/quote]We do read it prayerfully. It is called lectio divina and has been in our tradition since at least the 4th century. We would all seem to believe that our interpretation is correct, otherwise it would not be our interpretation.

[quote]Note that the gloom of Catholic Churches makes it apparent that to truly encounter Christ, one must leave the Catholic Church. [/quote]Well someone has obvisouly never been to Midnight Mass or to Easter Vigil. It is quite the contrary, friend. There is untold joy found in the Catholic faith and would appear to be your own position that it is gloomy. I love my faith and find great joy in it. So if you could please tell me why it is gloomy I would love to listen.

You mentioned that goats and sheep parable to which I responded. What is your response to Rom 2:5-8?

Peace of Christ.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Myles' date='Nov 28 2005, 01:30 PM']Dear friend

Perhaps it would be best for you to cease in this attempt. There have been lengthy responses to your original thread on this website and if you look in the Catholic Apologetics Directory in the 'resources' section of Phatmass you'll find even more.

Your zeal is impressive and I am certain that even if the form of your posts aren't especially appreciative of the sensibilities of those to whom your are speaking the substance of them is sincerity. And with that in mind I am certain that before too long you will read the joint declaration of justification between the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church that I posted.

Should you stick around long enough I'm certain you'll witness for yourself that the closeness us Phatmassers have with Christ is significantly greater than what you're assuming.


Myles is absolutely right! ^_^ This phamily has so much zeal and love for Christ I wouldnt be suprised if you joined us sooner or later! lol :lol:

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[quote]Well someone has obvisouly never been to Midnight Mass or to Easter Vigil. It is quite the contrary, friend. There is untold joy found in the Catholic faith and would appear to be your own position that it is gloomy. I love my faith and find great joy in it. So if you could please tell me why it is gloomy I would love to listen.[/quote]

im a convert, from stupidity and arrogance to just a Catholic lad

i was revealed to that joy and i LOVE the Catholic Church so much and i will always be faithful to the Catholic teachings, :D:

and i am astonished at these posts they are amazing, just proves more and more how great u guys are!! :sadder:

Jesussaves i hope you too open your heart and be revealed to this joy and the neverending riches of the Catholic Church
i pray for you
God Bless

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

don't forget our parish bazzars, our spaghetti dinners, and pancake dinners, where we come together for some alchol and games of chance.

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[quote name='hot stuff' date='Nov 28 2005, 05:08 PM']Plus we have Turkey Bingo!
Beat that
That was not part of my "Welcome" kit... :sadder:

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I really don't understand what the protestants that come here to convert us expect to accomplish. I have not once read the following:

Dear Mr. Protestant:

I am so glad you came here and corrected the error of my ways.  You are right.  The Catholic Curch is the whore of Babylon.  I was hell bound before, but now through rejectrion of the Catholic Church I can be saved!

Thank you!


An ex-Papist!

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God's Errand Girl

[quote name='hot stuff' date='Nov 28 2005, 06:08 PM']Plus we have Turkey Bingo!
Beat that

And some kick @$$ incense.

(I can't beat it, but is that close?)

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