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Opus Dei for spiritual direction


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[quote name='Susan' date='Nov 27 2005, 02:59 AM']I have friends who are associated with Opus Dei, including a few priests I know. I think the main concern is that Opus Dei priests aren't always the best for spiritual direction for those discerning a vocation to religious life since they are primarily about forming laity for their vocation in the world. I think it all depends on the priest.

Myself, I'd be very nervous about a priest who offered to be my director on first meeting. Usually a spiritual director worth his saltĀ  waits to be approached, not the other way around.

Um...sorry to give to wrong impression - I [u]asked[/u] him if he knew any priests who'd offer spiritual direction.....and he said that he himself did.

And yes, I will go. :) It won't hurt! and Opus Dei in NZ tends to be very solid, just what I want...

And thanks Cam for the PM :D:

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Nov 26 2005, 11:22 PM']ummm can you tell me about these? they sound great! i did not know of any Opus Dei Precsence in Bawlmore.

btw what does on talk about witht their spiritual director?
well, the nights of recollection are only for Opus Dei women, I think. They meet once a month in the chapel in St. Joseph's Hospital.

i'm not sure about stuff for guys... they might have some information at BaltimoreCatholic:


ask Richard, the guy who runs the site. he knows EVERYTHING in regard to catholic stuff going on in Baltimore.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 27 2005, 06:43 PM']Opus Dei is solid everywhere, not just NZ.


:lol_roll: Yup! Its just that unlike the rest of NZ, Opus Dei still maintains solid Catholic EVERYTHING. Unlike our wishy washy ....ok, this is uncharitable. But coz NZ is sooooooo secular, its always amazing to see Catholics actually uphold their beliefs.... Opus Dei tends to stay Catholic and not get influenced by society - thats all :)

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Cam42 probably knows more about the Work than I do but I could give my opinions. I think the formation program that you're referring to is circle. Circle is a weekly meeting led by a numerary (there's girls' circle and guys' circle) that focuses around some topic. Because the circle that I go to consists of college women, the topics are ordered toward student life. So past topics have been about study, examination of conscience, apostolate, etc. First there's a short prayer, then the gospel reading for the following sunday, then the numerary expounds on this a little bit. Next, we review the previous circle's topic. Then the numerary proceeds to talk about the present week's topic. After that, there's a reading (usually from one of JP2's writings) and then there's closing prayer. So that's circle. I've found it very imformative and helpful for my spiritual life.

About spiritual direction from the Work: do it! My SD/confessor is an Opus Dei priest and he is excellent- I feel that my vocation has matured from meeting with him. I also meet with one of the numeraries once a week and she has been helpful in giving me practical advice on how to live my life now as a college student. All in all, you could do no better than to have an O.D. SD. They are orthodox and love Christ so much. hope this helps!

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Well, I didn't realise it, but my confessor is an Opus Dei priest :D: and he is really cool - and it was he who invited me along for this afternoon. It should be interesting, and I'll tell you about how it went if you like.

Thanks everyone!

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Hello; I am a ex of the Opus Dei, I was numerario member during
4 years, my experience was not good. All their activities go focused
to the proselitismo and to obtain money. The collaboration with other
catholic institutions is little or null. [url="http://Http://www.odan.org"]Http://www.odan.org[/url] is a
page of exmembers in the USA /, perhaps does not please, but there
is people who after to happen through the Opus Dei is lost even the
faith in God.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='ruso' date='Dec 2 2005, 12:45 PM']Hello; I am a ex of the Opus Dei, I was numerario member during
4 years, my experience was not good. All their activities go focused
to the proselitismo and to obtain money. The collaboration with other
catholic institutions is little or null. [url="http://Http://www.odan.org"]Http://www.odan.org[/url] is a
page of exmembers in the USA /, perhaps does not please, but there
is people who after to happen through the Opus Dei is lost even the
faith in God.

are you Dan Brown?

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Anyway, everyones really nice. I can't make it to the things very often, as I'm working before uni starts. Still, its nice to know something solid for Catholics is out there.

I definitely got the idea thats its NOT for everyone. Personally, I quite like the idea of sanctifying everything and offering it all to God. (I think thats a basic idea...) Also, the whole "seeking holiness in everyday life" is so important for everyone, and Opus Dei is just one way to go about doing it. :) It was good though.

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  • 2 years later...
Lounge Daddy

This was an interesting thread. I wish there were an Opus Dei house closer to Grand Rapids. Some time I may have to make a trip down to South Bend.

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These are the latest data read on the Work in USA: 2005

USA, there is only one centre for the study (one for each section) in New York (the famous Opus Dei center of Lexington Avenue). There are about 10-12 students per tank in good years(the estudy center is for the numerarys, two years). The fact is that the U.S. Are divided into 4 areas: dl (delegation) from Chicago, California and Texas and the eastern area that is directly answerable to the Regional Commission of New York. This distribution corresponds rather to geographical reasons, the number of centres 30 rounds per section throughout the country. Here is the list of cities that are centers with the number for each of them (mens section, I do not have the complete data for the sf (women's section), but what I said that was very similar): New York (4) , Washington (3), Boston (2), Providence (1), New Jersey (1), Princeton (1), Pittsburgh (1), Miami (2), Chicago (4), South Bend (Notre Dame; 1) ; Illinois-Champaign (1), Milwaukee (1), Saint Louis (1), Dallas (1), Houston (1), San Antonio (1), San Francisco (3), Los Angeles (1). The opening of many of these centers is due to the attention of supernumerary because in this country is very frequent change of city for work and the number of supernumerary is relatively high. As a result, many of these centers have only 4-5 numerarys. Cities that have several centers is mainly to be near major universities (Princeton, Harvard, Notre Dame, UCLA, etc.)

Numerarys= Celibe members
Associate=Celibe members, not living in a center of the Opus Dei
Supernumerarys=Married members

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