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Opus Dei for spiritual direction


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Hiya! :)

On Friday night after Confession and Adoration, I was talking to this awesome priest (in full black............cassock? is it? :idontknow: ) Anyway, he was really awesome, and after hearing what I said, invited me along to this spiritual direction/formation thing for women. Its held twice a week, for an hour and a half each time, and apparently its all organised, and if I like it, either he (or any other priest there) would willing to be a personal spiritual director for me!

Then I found out he is Opus Dei, and my parents aren't too keen on Opus Dei - mainly because they think they are too conservative. (I'm a bit too conservative for my parents as well, lol) But, they don't reallly mind, although I'd rather have their agreement...I'm not planning to become a member as I'm seriously looking at the cloister.

But why do Opus Dei have such an interesting reputation? And does anyone - or has anone been to any of these formation/direction groups?

Any opinions or even knowledge would be great ;)

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[quote name='memtherose' date='Nov 25 2005, 11:13 PM']But why do Opus Dei have such an interesting reputation? And does anyone - or has anone been to any of these formation/direction groups?

I don't have any personal experience with Opus Dei ... but JP2 liked them, their founder is a Saint, and lots of good, holy bishops are involved with them ... so they're good enough for me!

What I think started getting them this "iffy" reputation is ... when you're a member of Opus Dei, you're a member. I mean, it tends to eat up a lot of your time. It becomes a huge part of who you are.

So people get really concerned when someone they know starts devoting a huge amount of time to something they don't understand, or approve of ... they feel like they've been "dumped" and "excluded" from a big chunk of the life of someone they love ...

When this happens with parents and teenagers, well, you can imagine. "Susie went off to college and joined a cult." People sometimes can get hysterical.

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[quote name='memtherose' date='Nov 25 2005, 10:13 PM']But why do Opus Dei have such an interesting reputation? And does anyone - or has anone been to any of these formation/direction groups?

Any opinions or even knowledge would be great ;)
is it a Night of Recollection? I've been to those down in Baltimore. They're great! Usually there's adoration, confession, a talk by a priest, a talk by a laywoman (usually someone who is in a high position in opus dei and does spiritual direction) and benediction. They are super orthodox and going to Nights of Recollection during the first few months back in the Church really helped me to grow in my faith. I never really got great catechesis when I was young, but I learned so much from Opus Dei when i came back to the Church and I owe a lot of my faith to them.

people who don't like orthodoxy generally don't like Opus Dei.

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[quote name='memtherose' date='Nov 25 2005, 11:13 PM']Hiya! :)

On Friday night after Confession and Adoration, I was talking to this awesome priest (in full black............cassock? is it?  :idontknow: ) Anyway, he was really awesome, and after hearing what I said, invited me along to this spiritual direction/formation thing for women. Its held twice a week, for an hour and a half each time, and apparently its all organised, and if I like it, either he (or any other priest there) would willing to be a personal spiritual director for me!

Then I found out he is Opus Dei, and my parents aren't too keen on Opus Dei - mainly because they think they are too conservative. (I'm a bit too conservative for my parents as well, lol) But, they don't reallly mind, although I'd rather have their agreement...I'm not planning to become a member as I'm seriously looking at the cloister.

But why do Opus Dei have such an interesting reputation? And does anyone - or has anone been to any of these formation/direction groups?

Any opinions or even knowledge would be great ;)

I have friends who are associated with Opus Dei, including a few priests I know. I think the main concern is that Opus Dei priests aren't always the best for spiritual direction for those discerning a vocation to religious life since they are primarily about forming laity for their vocation in the world. I think it all depends on the priest.

Myself, I'd be very nervous about a priest who offered to be my director on first meeting. Usually a spiritual director worth his salt waits to be approached, not the other way around.

Like any organization I think Opus Dei probably isn't perfect and that some get carried away! I think it also depends on what level you are associated with them. I've heard both sides of the story and everything in between!

I wonder if this thing he is inviting you to is the intial step toward becoming a full lay member since it's 2x a week! I have friends who go to monthly days of recollection which might be different. IF this is the former than just go slowly because this is a vocation in itself.

I myself tend to stay away from movements like this....just me!

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My dad was involved with the Nights of Recollection, and LOVED it! Because of family obligations, he couldn't continue going, and that was fine with the other members. Opus Dei place a big emphasis on "ordinary holiness"...living out your vocation, moment by moment, for the greater glory of God. We have some books by St. Jose Maria Escriva...PM me if you'd like them!

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[quote name='Susan' date='Nov 26 2005, 08:59 AM']I think the main concern is that Opus Dei priests aren't always the best for spiritual direction for those discerning a vocation to religious life since they are primarily about forming laity for their vocation in the world. I think it all depends on the priest.
I haven't heard that at all. I know a lot of people who are discerning religious life that go to nights of recollection, and back when I used to go to Opus Dei things I was discerning religious life. There wasn't any real pressure to join, or to become a numerary. the priests were generally interested in helping everyone gro in their faith and discern God's will, whatever it is.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Nov 25 2005, 11:48 PM']is it a Night of Recollection?  I've been to those down in Baltimore.  They're great!  Usually there's adoration, confession, a talk by a priest, a talk by a laywoman (usually someone who is in a high position in opus dei and does spiritual direction) and benediction.  They are super orthodox and going to Nights of Recollection during the first few months back in the Church really helped me to grow in my faith.  I never really got great catechesis when I was young, but I learned so much from Opus Dei when i came back to the Church and I owe a lot of my faith to them.

people who don't like orthodoxy generally don't like Opus Dei.

ummm can you tell me about these? they sound great! i did not know of any Opus Dei Precsence in Bawlmore.

btw what does on talk about witht their spiritual director?

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i would like the books...

e-mail me: brendan1104@yahoo.com

P.S. I love St. Josemaria's writings...

ha, ha something cam and i agree on!

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