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battle over "christmas"

MC Just

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ya know, the liberals and secularists arent very smart people.lol

In boston they want "christmas" to be replaced for "holiday"

Here's what i think they dont know-

Holiday=HOLY DAY=Religious

maybe I will send them brains for Christmas.

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I am incredibly feed up with this non-sense of the secular culture we live in.

I mean I went to the store to purchase "Christmas" cards. I was bombarded by cards for happy holiday, Rudolph and Santa. Also there are Happy Hanukah, some years they also have Ramadan cards but nothing and I mean nothing depicting the birth of Christ.

This is discrimination according to their own rules of why they don’t put any references to Jesus. They say they do not want to discriminate anyone... Well they are discriminating against ME!!!!!

I am ready to cancel all my plans for buy gifts for my family and friends this year. Maybe Ill just give cards purchased from my church inviting them to meet me at Mid-night mass on Christmas Eve or something.

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that's why I buy christmas cards at my local Catholic bookstore!

and how has boston banned the use of Christmas? was this decided by the city? oh, Boston and its silly politics and its funny accent...

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Nov 23 2005, 06:10 PM']Just,

I am incredibly feed up with this non-sense of the secular culture we live in.

I mean I went to the store to purchase "Christmas" cards. I was bombarded by cards for happy holiday, Rudolph and Santa. Also there are Happy Hanukah, some years they also have Ramadan cards but nothing and I mean nothing depicting the birth of Christ.

This is discrimination according to their own rules of why they don’t put any references to Jesus. They say they do not want to discriminate anyone... Well they are discriminating against ME!!!!!

I am ready to cancel all my plans for buy gifts for my family and friends this year. Maybe Ill just give cards purchased from my church inviting them to meet me at Mid-night mass on Christmas Eve or something.


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Gotta love modern liberal America.
Freedom of speech, unless it offends some atheist out there.
(But if it offends a Christian, no prob)

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[quote name='Church Punk' date='Nov 23 2005, 06:10 PM']I mean I went to the store to purchase "Christmas" cards. I was bombarded by cards for happy holiday, Rudolph and Santa. Also there are Happy Hanukah, some years they also have Ramadan cards but nothing and I mean nothing depicting the birth of Christ.
Advertisment...The Printery House at Conception Abbey sells Christian Christmas cards...

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Ash Wednesday

Someone on the radio here in London suggested banning Christmas from state functions or matters so other people of other beliefs wouldn't be offended, and a bunch of outraged callers called in and told him he was being stupid. Even a Muslim kid called in and said "Don't ban Christmas! Christmas is wicked!" :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 23 2005, 06:24 PM']Give us a break. The Red Sox had a bad season. People aren't thinking too clearly around here.  :P:


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Over in California, in addition to the usual nut jobs we've got... we are not only trying to take "under God" out of the pledge, "In God We Trust" off the moolah, and the crazy liberal abortion/homosexual marriage/atheist advocates, they're trying to stop government money being spent on the missions, and getting rid of crosses on public property. I can't wait until they start changing the names of San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Juan Capistrano, Santa Cruz, and all of the other cities and counties named for saints. MORONS.

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I love my state. We just need Papa Ben to get a summer house here. I'm sure the weather would suit him well. And he would suit us well! Long live the German Shepherd!

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Yeah, this is getting ridiculous. I've written a number of essays on the lunacy of the concept of "separation of Church and State" the underlying theme of all being that it doens't exist.

It does get frusterating and discouraging when the state pushes a barely passive atheism under the cloak of "freedom" and "equality."

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it is annoying how our society has that stupid double standard of freedom of speech unless you're conservative and freedom of religion unless you're Christian. Honestly, don't these libs even know why we celebrate Christmas? it has nothing to do with a guy in a red suit riding a sleigh w/reindeer that's for sure!

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Two states tell schools to teach about Christmas

State schools in Western Australia and Victoria have been encouraged by education officials to teach children about the religious significance of Christmas.

The West Australian reports that WA Education Minister Ljiljanna Ravlich says she would encourage all schools in her state to teach Christmas traditions.

Under Education Department policy, teachers in government schools can teach children about Christmas as part of general religious instruction.

Ms Ravlich said all school communities should work together on ways to celebrate Christmas.

"While WA is a multicultural society, it is predominantly Christian and I think it is important that students celebrate the birth of Christ," she said. "I would be very surprised if there were public schools out there that didn't celebrate Christmas in one way or another."

Victorian Premier Steve Bracks yesterday gave official sanction to nativity scenes, carols and other Christmas traditions in schools, saying every school would be reminded not to ban Christmas.

Last year some Victorian schools banned nativity scenes and other Christmas celebrations for fear of offending non-Christian children.

Rob Fry, president of the WA Council of State School Organisations, the peak parents and citizens group, said schools had to celebrate Christmas or the traditions would die. He did not believe that people of other faiths would be offended by Christmas carols or nativity plays but schools should also mark religious festivals of other faiths.

Islamic Council of WA President Rahim Ghauri said: "We are living in a multicultural society so we must respect each other's ways of life and enjoy each others' celebrations."

State RSL president Bill Gaynor said schools should not be forced to celebrate Christmas by a government decree but he supported teaching about Christmas in schools.

Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne Vicar General, Monsignor Les Tomlinson, said bans on nativity scenes and Christian themes are political correctness gone crazy.

In a world living with the constant threat of terrorism, Monsignor Tomlinson said tolerance and respect were needed more than ever.

"The Christian message is so important. The message of compassion for the suffering of others, of tolerance, of respect, of pursuing peace through justice - they only enhance human society," he said.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Nov 23 2005, 07:22 PM']Gotta love modern liberal America.
Freedom of speech, unless it offends some atheist out there.
(But if it offends a Christian, no prob)

AMERICA IS CONTROLLED BY CONSERVATIVES, NOT LIBERALS. You are the majority! You aren't being persecuted.

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