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Xbox 360 Phan Club!


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I started camping outside of Target at 9:45 PM last night, I got my premium system at 8:00 this morning. Ooo, it was a bit chilly outside, but it was worth it.

I won't be able to play it until later tonight (and thats if I'm lucky!) My boyfriend won one through the Mountain Dew thing, so I had a foretaste of the Xbox 360 experience. It was either camping out for one now or waiting until possibly 2006 for my Gamestop reservation to get through. Prices are going crazy on Ebay.

So far I only have Perfect Dark Zero, and maybe I can convince my boyfriend to buy me Call of Duty 2: Finest Hour. Here's hoping. ;)

Edited by Dreamweaver
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Ugh. There was a huge line at wally's world for it when I went at 6PM last night. They were waiting 12 hours! holy carp! It's not worth it. A year from now the 'latest' craze will come out and everyone will forget there is an X-box 360. Go for something that lasts - like the Eucharist :)

We sold our PS2 and don't even miss it. :P:

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Does forza for reg. xbox work on the 360? That would be the only reason I'd want the 360... It's not worth getting the reg xbox just for forza and halo, when the 360 will certainly play halo.

That said, for now, I'm sticking w/ my PS2 and Gran Turismo 4...

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[url="http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00005AC5L.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg"]THIS[/url] is the greatest video game console ever. It was revolutionary. I pine for the days of yore. :mario:

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 22 2005, 12:27 PM'][url="http://images-eu.amazon.com/images/P/B00005AC5L.02.LZZZZZZZ.jpg"]THIS[/url] is the greatest video game console ever. It was revolutionary. I pine for the days of yore.  :mario:

This is the best system ever made:

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[quote name='jezic' date='Nov 22 2005, 11:47 AM']the strange thing is you will waste away hours of life on it over the next several years ....
just like its strange how you're gonna waste so many hours doing stuff that you like to do? ^_^

omgosh, i want this system soo bad. im a huge diehard xbox fan, i loooooove halo 2 and i know anything and everything about it. but this system is gonna win the next gen console war, i am so angry with myself that i didnt reserve it when i had the chance. now i have to wait for a lucky break at walmart, or its waiting until feburary <_< . the 2 most wanted games for me is perfect dark and call of duty2, im a big shooter fan. that and kameo. but i played it a couple days ago at EB and i just about drolled all over it :lol_roll: . the controller is quite nice, i love the feel of it and the new shoulder buttons. and the graphics are simply indredible. ughhhhhh give me 360 NOW!!!! lol

oh and no, this system will not be forgotten next year, because its going to be the lead system and the most popular, plus look at how many gamers still play the current systems.

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This systems owns

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[quote name='zabbazooey' date='Nov 22 2005, 08:44 PM']:shock:


You got a problem with Sega Channel? :idontknow:

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