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you know its november when....


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1]the turkeys went into hiding 2 weeks ago [ my aunt swears they were carrying suitcases and coolers],

2]and all the local stations are giving advice where to bag a 15 point buck.

3]all the schools close thanksgiving Monday for the beginning of deer season.

4] road repair stops until spring.

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5. When your mom yells at you for walking out without a jacket

6. Football season at your school has ended

7. You oddly start craving turkey w/gravy and cranberry sauce

8. Your mom asks you for your Christmas list.

9. It's almost Advent (yay!)

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10. people keep telling me i look a lil worn. ( get it im getting older but i must be looking better, im about to be 20)
11. silent whispers of finals are heard

Since when did school let out on monday? as far as i know they let out wednesday (actually i have thursday now)

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14. Your mom asks you what you want for Christmas.

15. Your Grandma has already bought you a present (w.o asking what you want).

16. The first snowfall occurs.

17. All the leaves fall off all the trees.

18. The local population of elderly people signicantly declines (off to FL).

19. Shovels and rock salt are on sale.

20. Gas prices drop.

22. Heat bills soar.

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23) when your grandmother already hs her chrstimas tree up and lights on teh house

24) when your old HS football team is going to FINALS!!!! YEAH!!!!

25) when your gradmother has already gotten her christmas shopping down

26) wehn my dad sings that stupid made-up turkey song, (turkey, lurkey, its for me and you. turkey lurkey..........etc......turkey lurkey, gobble gobble gobble!!!) :idontknow:

27) when you know you have to go into work at 5am the day after thanksgiving!!!!!!!!!!!!

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