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Xmas Pressies


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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Nov 17 2005, 01:18 PM']See, guys can't give presents like these....

lol yea i guess!
painting little flowers and hearts wouldent really go down that well!!
i could always try giving one like that to the guys i konw sure they'd love it!! hehe

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[quote]Someone should send me a bunch of fig newtons....[/quote]

That's genius! Fig newtons are awesome.

[quote name='scardella' date='Nov 17 2005, 01:30 PM']I try not to think about Christmas until AFTER Thanksgiving

You sound like me and my dad....we 'boycott' any store that has Christmas commercials on before Thanksgiving and refuse to listen to Christmas music. My mom however, is the other way around. She would love for Christmas to be a year-round holiday...haha.

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you know what i want this year (that only people in my family would get me) is to get my apartment pimped out in religious stuff....

i don't have a crucifix, or any saint statues, or a Sacred Heart Jesus statue or a Immaculate Heart Mary statue, a kneeler, votive candles --- anyway, you guys get my point.

actually, if people would just shop for me at the local Catholic bookstore, i would really enjoy that. :)

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I agree! I want all kinds of Catholic stuff for Christmas. I just can't exactly ask my family for it without being disowned. lol

Maybe I'll just ask for cash so I can get it myself. :)

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[quote name='sweetpea316' date='Nov 17 2005, 01:42 PM']I agree! I want all kinds of Catholic stuff for Christmas. I just can't exactly ask my family for it without being disowned. lol

I know! I want a crucifix, but there's know my parents would get one. I asked for a digital camera, and said I was fine with it beinh my only gift, since they're expensive.

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Nov 17 2005, 01:44 PM']I asked for a digital camera, and said I was fine with it beinh my only gift, since they're expensive.
Very cool. That's what I did last year. :photo:

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