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What Anti-Catholicism?


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Another experiance I have had was during college, For some reason the JW's (Jahova's Witness) got tables in the main walk way of the campus. They began their attempts of converting people. When a group of Catholics approached them they claimed that we were all vampires because we drank of the blood of Christ.

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My aunt was a Southern Baptist. Every time we saw her after she got religion she would explain that my mother and I were going to hell because we were catholic. She worked her church for the preacher many years, and upon retirement her church had a party and we the relatives were duly invited. The sermon at this event had snide remarks about catholics. I guess someone had warned the preacher there were heathens in the audience :) . Afterward my father said something to my aunt [ his sister] and she said the preacher ALWAYS mentioned the going-to-hell catholics. When my father pointed out that in 50 years he had never heard a sermon in a catholic church about protestants my aunt did not quite believe him.
She continually discussed our demise in hell til the day she died.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 18 2005, 11:03 AM']She continually discussed our demise in hell til the day she died.
ahhhh...refreshing. It's so nice when your family is open about things like that.

For example, my protestant family members NEVER told us that we're going to Hell. I had to figure that out for myself. For years I thought we went to Heaven! You're so lucky Cmom... ^_^


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I'd like to think you're on the right path . . . and God willing, won't fall off.

Let's all say three Aves for faith, hope and charity

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[quote name='PhillyMatt' date='Nov 16 2005, 01:59 AM']Nothing like getting picketed by a bunch of ignorant wackos....

Do you think all the people who are anti-Catholic are also anti-Semetic?

No, tons of Fundies and Evangelicals are totally in love with the Jews, although they do of course believe they need to be converted.

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I think its funny that a lot of the main defenders of the faith that we have used to be anti-catholic. people like scott hahn. :hehehe:

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Well, it makes sense, because the former anti-Catholics have been there and done that and they love their new Faith more than ever and want to defend that.

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[quote name='missionseeker' date='Nov 18 2005, 09:58 AM']You can only have dialogue wuth someone who [b]wants[/b] to talk. Around here, (Southern U.S. ) most Protestants would rather eat dirt than talk to a Catholic. Some do talk, but they don't listen to the defense of the Faith. They are only trying to convert you and save you from Hell. (thier words)

That's true MS! However, there must be dialogue among the top ranks and then [b]they[/b] have to teach their people. Yeah, I heard the going-to-hell thing even the vampire stuff! Well, one should listen to the testimony of the guy who was raised from the dead during one of Reinhard Bonnke's meetings and we can see who he saw in hell! :wacko:

However, what I find more confusing is the Mormonic faith! In my country there is the presence of this church too. Its believers have different beliefs than the ones we hold even though they call themselves Christians. Does anyone know what is the Roman Catholic Church's stand about this faith?

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[quote name='dandy777' date='Nov 21 2005, 03:37 PM']That's true MS! However, there must be dialogue among the top ranks and then [b]they[/b] have to teach their people. Yeah, I heard the going-to-hell thing even the vampire stuff! Well, one should listen to the testimony of the guy who was raised from the dead during one of Reinhard Bonnke's meetings and we can see who he saw in hell!  :wacko:

However, what I find more confusing is the Mormonic faith! In my country there is the presence of this church too. Its believers have different beliefs than the ones we hold even though they call themselves Christians.  Does anyone know what is the Roman Catholic Church's stand about this faith?

Mormons are not christians. I believe the topic is thoroughly covered in our apologetic section. :)

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Try living in the PROTESTANT VATICAN= Wheaton, Illinois, home of the Billy Graham museum, and more Churches per capita than any other place in the USA!

We actually teach a class for Confirmation on how to deal with Fundies/Evangelicals and their questions. Wow, even my little kids have been asked, "Are you saved"---and wouldn't you know, the one they really go after is my special needs/LD child, who can't formulate a good answer! I taught him to answer "I sure am!"

Believe me, it is weird to send your kid to school and know that although the school district is excellent, safe and really has great teachers, your kid could get invited to Awanas or some other Fundie thing, and start the path to, well you know...

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[quote name='PhillyMatt' date='Nov 15 2005, 11:53 AM']Just a observation and a question.....

As I started to visit Catholic forums on the net, I've heard people mention that they experienced  "anti-catholicism" and that it's quite rampant in some places.  I'm fortunate to never have experienced this and am wondering where exactly people have these experiences.

I've probably never experienced this partly due to where I live,  pretty much everyone in the Philadelphia area has always been Catholic, hell, Catholic High School football has it's own section in the paper! Every where you look, there is another Catholic School! My 500 acre backyard used to be owned by the Catholic Church (they just sold it).  Even in the wake of the Philly Sex abuse scandals, there's still no Anti-ism to be seen!  Am I just living in a good area????
you just haven't encountered the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ in Tagalog)

they have a "locale" there (that would be like their parish or diocese as compared to ours)

and they are VERY anti-catholic anti-trinitarian.

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