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Carmelite Monks


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i just wanted to tell phatmass about this community. i know them well, and i'm hoping to enter them (if the dominicans dont win me over ha ha).

The Carmelite Monks are a new community of Carmelite religious who have been erected as a Public Association of the Christian Faithful by his Excellency, Bishop David L. Ricken of the Diocese of Cheyenne. These monks are striving to revive the authentic Discalced Carmelite charism as lived by St. Teresa of Jesus and St. John of the Cross. However, the Carmelite Monks are living a strictly monastic expression of the discalced charism, which entails constitutional enclosure. This is what establishes them as monks rather than mendicant friars. Therefore, The Monks of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel are not juridically a part of the Discalced Carmelite Order but are striving to live the perfection of the Discalced spirituality and way of life.

The Carmelite Monks are men who are consecrated to God through the Vows of Obedience, Chastity, and Poverty. They live a life of prayer, solitude, penance, and strict separation from the world. Their lives are completely dedicated to interceding for the Church and the world. St. Thérèse proclaimed the Carmelite vocation as being "love in the heart of the Church." As the heart circulates blood throughout the whole body, so the Carmelite is called to circulate grace throughout the Church. This is the essential meaning of the vocation of these cloistered monks.

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Edited by brendan1104
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Guest Rick777

This is the best community I have ever heard of, hands down. They got IT. I've looked far and wide and though I'm still young I know a good thing when I see one. Any guys looking into religious life, you definitely want to check thier website out. Its awesome.

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[quote name='Rick777' date='Nov 14 2005, 02:33 AM']This is the best community I have ever heard of, hands down. They got IT. I've looked far and wide and though I'm still young I know a good thing when I see one. Any guys looking into religious life, you definitely want to check thier website out. Its awesome.

They sound cool. They have the tridentine Mass, too, I think?
However, the real question for anyone is IS THIS WHERE GOD IS CALLING ME TO CONSECRATE MY LIFE TO HIM?

It's nice to see they now have a website, too. They didn't at first but there were some news articles out on them.

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They have the Rite of the Holy Sepluchre- the Pre Vatican 2 Carmelite Rite of Mass.... it's very beautiful!

They are an awesome community.

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Thomas Marian

[quote]Imagine for a moment driving into the beautiful Rocky Mountains and encountering this glorious Gothic church and monastery nestled in a picturesque valley. Then, upon walking into this magnificent church, to encounter the praises of God being sung, while monks, nuns, and lay faithful are all united in deep prayer.

His Excellency Bishop Ricken and the monks of Carmel see this endeavor as a spiritual catalyst of a new Catholic Renaissance that will ultimately reach out to the entire nation. Indeed, this project requires valiant souls! This is the time for magnanimity in serving God.[/quote]



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Thomas Marian

[quote]Many people see the cloistered religious life as formidable; however, the monks experience it as an entrance into a spiritual paradise. Many see it as a separation and an imprisonment; the monks see it as a means to union with God and the truest form of freedom. Ultimately, they have a profound conviction that they are the hidden leaven within the Church, empowering her through a life of prayer and sacrifice.[/quote]


I give them my stamp of stellarificness!

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Rick777

Praised Be Jesus Christ! :D:

Fr. Prior(Fr. Daniel Mary) has invited me to come spend some time with the Monks this May! Please pray for my family, phamily. :saint:

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[quote name='Rick777' date='Feb 6 2006, 01:03 AM']Praised Be Jesus Christ! :D:

Fr. Prior(Fr. Daniel Mary) has invited me to come spend some time with the Monks this May! Please pray for my family, phamily. :saint:
:lol: [color=blue] that's so awsome!!![/color]

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