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New Age/Modernism Infilltration Of Our Church


Has the New Age come to a parish near U?  

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What the hell is Silva Mind control? The poll results for that are scary.

Also, none of the above for me, the only new age I've ever seens was the bad taste architecture for the Church buildings around here. Apart from this retreat that literally left me in tear. Everything went fin till it came to the ending Mass, they allowed the students there to 'organise' it. I was on the team and trying to make sure they group wasn't going to be too liberal with it.

But of course they were. One made an unflattering remark about the Pope with regards to him being in his white tower with all his money and the poor dieing at his doorstep. Another said, "Nah, lets not put a cross behind the Altar, there's too much of that" And other such that I can't, or won't remember right now.

At least there was a procession of the gifts to the Altar, (which was a table in the middle of a Gym Hall, which I think is only really excusable when there is no Church availible.... and the retreat was in a Theological college...A very old one), there was also a Tabernacle...made of Wood.... in a prayer room at the very back end of the hall complex. Which wasn't present at the Mass. (If it wasn't for the fact that the priest said the consecration legitimately I'm pretty sure it would be unlikely that transubstantiation took place.), we all held hands to prayer the Our Father, the Priest's excuse for this was that it was a family prayer, which it is, but I also tought that the Our Father, even while you're saying it in the presence of many others at the same time, was one of the other points in the Mass apart from the Eucharist were one Contacts the Lord personally. That and I have absolutely NEVER held hands during the Our Father at Mass. Never. And i've only ever been to Novus Ordo Masses. So that shocked me outright.

Oh yes, and for the Music, we sang the Saints go Marching in.

A baseball chant, during Holy Mass, the sheer audacity of this lack of respect was not lost on me and I had to hold in the tears.

the real tragedy? I was in a serious spiritual crisis at the time and I was counting on the retreat to reawaking me and open my eyes to what was wrong with me. It was working, till the Mass, then I almost crashed completely. A positive effect was that it sent me running to confessions for the first time inabout ten years, (since my first one), but for the reason that I thought taking part in a Mass with such a lack of reverence and respect for God and more focus on the feel-goodism of the congregation was an affront to the Holy Spirit, which is the only unforgiveable sin which scared the Hell out of me.

Also, in case you are wondering, THIS is why i'm so blatently hostile to feel-goodism and less traditionalist attitudes in my brothers and sisters, even though I know I shouldn't.

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Also, another example was once in a local parish Mass, were the Priest was saying the consecration and the lay ministers 'took part in the action', they held the sacrifice up in union with the Priest, (they didn't say the words), while surrounding the Altar, and took the communion themselves out of their own hands instead of being given it by the Priest then proceeded to give to the Congregation. I'm no expert but i'm pretty sure that was a liturgical Abuse. I've been to the Parish since then and, thankfully, it hasn't been repeated.

Also, the lay ministers were all women, they usually are for some reason.

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[quote name='M.SIGGA' post='68116' date='Dec 6 2003, 11:36 PM']There was a student ministry director in my high school who made our religion classes do centering prayer activities where we would listen to Enya and focus on mental images in the dark that either she or a brother would call out. They were not graded so I usually slept in those classes.[/quote]

I know Enya is put into the New Age genre, but you might be interested to know that she's actually a Roman Catholic and has been all her life. The interview might not be available now (I read it a few years ago) but she mentioned in it that she is, "deeply Catholic," and that it is a big part of her life.

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I find it interesting that most (not all) of the non-habit wearing, non-community living, non-traditional following religious sisters I have ever met in my life have had close association with the new-age movement. I was an active participant in a vocations retreat in St. Charles Illinois back in 2005. I was shocked at the exhibits put out by these types of religious sisters. It was downright scary, and some of it should have been doused with holy water and exorcised on the spot!

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Hey, I have nothing to vote on in that poll.

Woot, how awesome is that! :lol_roll:

Oh yeah, I don't go to a building!

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1533900' date='May 19 2008, 05:44 PM']Also, another example was once in a local parish Mass, were the Priest was saying the consecration and the lay ministers 'took part in the action', they held the sacrifice up in union with the Priest, (they didn't say the words), while surrounding the Altar, and took the communion themselves out of their own hands instead of being given it by the Priest then proceeded to give to the Congregation. I'm no expert but i'm pretty sure that was a liturgical Abuse. I've been to the Parish since then and, thankfully, it hasn't been repeated.

Also, the lay ministers were all women, they usually are for some reason.[/quote]

Yes, that was a liturgical abuse. I would freak. I have only been back into the church for about a year and I have not heard any of that come up in any homily or in a bulletin. I would speak up if it did. The only prayer stuff Fr. has mentioned is Anima Christi and Lecto Divino. My church is pretty traditional as far as the liturgies go.

I just heard from a friend who is newly back into the church. She went up for communion and the lay ministers were intincturing before giving the host. She said she could not accept that as she was a recovering alcoholic and they got all nasty on her and she did not get to receive communion. She has made an appointment to talk to the pastor however. My understanding is that lay ministers cannot intincture to begin with. I will have to research that. They can't in my church.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='76196' date='Dec 17 2003, 04:28 AM']I am a Master of Tai Chi. Any extremely slow people who attack me shall suffer the Iron Slow Lorus.[/quote]

[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1533896' date='May 19 2008, 05:40 PM']What the hell is Silva Mind control? The poll results for that are scary.[/quote]
I am wondering the same thing.
[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1533896' date='May 19 2008, 05:40 PM']Also, none of the above for me, the only new age I've ever seens was the bad taste architecture for the Church buildings around here. Apart from this retreat that literally left me in tear. Everything went fin till it came to the ending Mass, they allowed the students there to 'organise' it. I was on the team and trying to make sure they group wasn't going to be too liberal with it.

But of course they were. One made an unflattering remark about the Pope with regards to him being in his white tower with all his money and the poor dieing at his doorstep. Another said, "Nah, lets not put a cross behind the Altar, there's too much of that" And other such that I can't, or won't remember right now.

At least there was a procession of the gifts to the Altar, (which was a table in the middle of a Gym Hall, which I think is only really excusable when there is no Church availible.... and the retreat was in a Theological college...A very old one), there was also a Tabernacle...made of Wood.... in a prayer room at the very back end of the hall complex. Which wasn't present at the Mass. (If it wasn't for the fact that the priest said the consecration legitimately I'm pretty sure it would be unlikely that transubstantiation took place.), we all held hands to prayer the Our Father, the Priest's excuse for this was that it was a family prayer, which it is, but I also tought that the Our Father, even while you're saying it in the presence of many others at the same time, was one of the other points in the Mass apart from the Eucharist were one Contacts the Lord personally. That and I have absolutely NEVER held hands during the Our Father at Mass. Never. And i've only ever been to Novus Ordo Masses. So that shocked me outright.

Oh yes, and for the Music, we sang the Saints go Marching in.

A baseball chant, during Holy Mass, the sheer audacity of this lack of respect was not lost on me and I had to hold in the tears.

the real tragedy? I was in a serious spiritual crisis at the time and I was counting on the retreat to reawaking me and open my eyes to what was wrong with me. It was working, till the Mass, then I almost crashed completely. A positive effect was that it sent me running to confessions for the first time inabout ten years, (since my first one), but for the reason that I thought taking part in a Mass with such a lack of reverence and respect for God and more focus on the feel-goodism of the congregation was an affront to the Holy Spirit, which is the only unforgiveable sin which scared the Hell out of me.

Also, in case you are wondering, THIS is why i'm so blatently hostile to feel-goodism and less traditionalist attitudes in my brothers and sisters, even though I know I shouldn't.[/quote]
Man, I woulda cried too. That is nuts about the mass... anywho, it's alright to be blatantly hostile to "feel-goodism"... it's called righteous anger... I used to think I was being selfish when I mentioned sacred music and questioned what the churches are "playing" now adays.. now I see that I'm not a jerk, and there are officials and documents who say we should return to Sacred Music! The problem is, people are so pro-"modern" (as they like to say), that they're anti-sacred.

[quote name='Deb' post='1536403' date='May 21 2008, 03:50 PM']Yes, that was a liturgical abuse. I would freak. I have only been back into the church for about a year and I have not heard any of that come up in any homily or in a bulletin. I would speak up if it did. The only prayer stuff Fr. has mentioned is Anima Christi and Lecto Divino. My church is pretty traditional as far as the liturgies go.

I just heard from a friend who is newly back into the church. She went up for communion and the lay ministers were intincturing before giving the host. She said she could not accept that as she was a recovering alcoholic and they got all nasty on her and she did not get to receive communion. She has made an appointment to talk to the pastor however. My understanding is that lay ministers cannot intincture to begin with. I will have to research that. They can't in my church.[/quote]
No, only the priest (or a deacon I think... not sure) can intinct. Lay intincture of the Eucharist is a huge abuse.

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