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Letter from a disgruntled person on e-mail list...


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[quote]Kramer: To whip into a room like Cosmo Kramer from Seinfeld. Someone may do this intentionally to drive you nuts, bursting into rooms all the time, but they usually don't realize the power of the moment.


Yah, you hear it all the time. "Yo dog, don't be kramerin up in here, foo".

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no one around here says "krunk."

but I *do* love to wear my shirt that says "Mary is my homegirl."

yeah, I know she's my mom, she's the Queen of Heaven, the Tower of Ivory, Ark of the Covenant, etc etc etc etc.

but it is a big conversation starter because everyone on this campus knows I'm Catholic and the shirt gets people to ask questions about my faith.

so even though saying Mary is my homegirl is a little familiar, it lets people know that I love Our Lady and it gives me an opportunity to talk about my devotion to her.

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[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 11 2005, 11:45 AM']I like the new shirts. But I think "Vatican Ninja" would be cooler than "Catholic Ninja".
I happen to agree.

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='inDEED' date='Nov 11 2005, 02:22 AM']I think that the writer has a very valid point.

How do we know that our Pope is fresh and clean? If I wear a shirt that says I'm a Catholic ninja - and I'm not - aren't I guilty of deception? (Of course, this doesn't ring true for Kilroy) And last but not least - I KNOW that I'm a baller - but I also KNOW that there are some posters on here that are definitely NOT ballers (dUSt included).

So in response to his letter - I agree.

You know what, you could also use different intrepretations of these words too, just like people always interpet the bible wrong, so if you interpret "Catholic Ninja" literally as a Catholic NINJA, then you would be lieing about yourself, but if you say the word Ninja, meaning Catholic Ninja, the way I look at it as: I am a Catholic Warrier, I stand up for my Faith, I kick butt doing it (meaning showing that our points make sense and what not, you know what I mean? Like winning a debate, would be an example of "Catholic Ninja''.... Catholic Fighter, Catholic Winner..... So if you take Ninja with today's culter you wouldn't really be guilty of deception if you put it that way....

Baller - I've always put that word as someone who has alot of money, there are rap songs that always talk about being a "big baller".. or "big balla".. meaning, I got so much money it's crazy, but when you put "Catholic Baller" together... that would mean that you are Big on Catholicism, big on your FAITH, big in everything that you do in being a Catholic, you are a Catholic Baller!

As for Krunk -- I've always put that would as "Crazy"... and you know when you get drunk you get crazy and happy and easy... So instead of getting drunk to be "cool and crazy".. You are CATHOLIC.. if you are a Krunk Catholic.. then you are a COOL Catholic! you a CRAZY CATHOLIC (crazy meaning really cool Catholic).....

So like Dust said we are trying to get the attention of young people today, and young people today uses words like "krunk" and "baller"

and I don't know if many of you know this but "So Fresh and So Clean" is off a major hit of a rap song by outkast, and I think that was cool to show that the pope is "So Fresh and so Clean".. because really, he is!

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I think the guy did have a point.
The t-shirts didn't offend me or anything - but I did find them almost embarrassingly silly and stupid, rather than funny or cool.
They seem like basically meaningless juxtapositions of words to make Catholicism look "cool." (What the @#!$ is a "Catholic Ninja?" And what does being "Krunk" have to do with being Catholic?)

And the slogan "B16 - So fresh and clean!" sounds like it's advertising some kind of detergent!

I think Phatmass and its mission are praiseworthy, and I intend no disrespect to Dust or others, but some things work and others don't. These shirt slogans, in my opinion, miss rather than hit.
And it might be worth considering that for a lot of people, even among the "youth," the whole rap/hip-hop thing is more of a put-off than a draw. From my experience on Phatmass, it seems that, while there is a solid core of "Catholic rappers," Phatmass has really outgrown this niche. It seems the majority of posters here could care less about or even despise the entire "hip-hop" culture.
I certainly was not drawn into this site by the hip-hop trappings, but became interested when I saw the debate table, and discussions of issues that interest me. I suspect that many, like myself, are phatmassers in spite of, not because of the hip-hop associations.

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[quote name='Socrates' date='Nov 11 2005, 09:06 PM']They seem like basically meaningless juxtapositions of words to make Catholicism look "cool."  (What the @#!$ is a "Catholic Ninja?"  And what does being "Krunk" have to do with being Catholic?)

Personally, I think that they're just the opposite. They remind me of someone's verse on Massmatics, "Catholics and hip hop/ Now who woulda thought?"

Take the "Catholic Ninja" one. It's an obvious projection of humor. No, we're not ninjas. But when you think about Catholic Ninjas, it's funny, even though we're not ninjas. "Krunk Catholic" has the same effect in the context of "not hip hop". It's just funny to think of Krunk Catholics. It's just funny to think of Catholic hip hop, period. And I say that as a fan.

When I see these shirts, I don't think, "Look, Christians trying to be all hardcore hip hop gimmicky". I think, "Look, Christians with a sense of humor". The shirts almost make fun of ourselves.

My .02 cents.

[quote]I certainly was not drawn into this site by the hip-hop trappings, but became interested when I saw the debate table, and discussions of issues that interest me. I suspect that many, like myself, are phatmassers in spite of, not because of the hip-hop associations.[/quote]

Of course, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. But, personally, I don't think I would have joined Phatmass if it wasn't for the music. There are so many other places on the web to go. Phatmass was the only place you could find Catholic hip hop. Now that I'm here, obviously, I like it for the phorum and everything else. But I wouldn't have wanted to get involved in the phorum if there was no hip hop connection. I can talk apologetics and theology anywhere. Where alse can I talk about Catholic hip hop, and hip hop in general with other Catholics?

Edited by Era Might
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Dust's Sister

[quote name='Era Might' date='Nov 11 2005, 08:16 PM']
My .02 cents.
Of course, everyone has their own likes and dislikes. But, personally, I don't think I would have joined Phatmass if it wasn't for the music. There are so many other places on the web to go. Phatmass was the only place you could find Catholic hip hop. Now that I'm here, obviously, I like it for the phorum and everything else. But I wouldn't have wanted to get involved in the phorum if there was no hip hop connection. I can talk apologetics and theology anywhere. Where alse can I talk about Catholic hip hop, and hip hop in general with other Catholics?

thank U! this is part of the reason why I think my brother named the site "Phatmass".


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The shirts serve the highest purpose of all: the Glory of God

What you say?

How you say?

Anyone wearing these shirts (well most likely only anyone who's on/frequents phatmass) is a ridiculously awesome Catholic, who when engaged in a conversation will likely turn matters to those of faith.

The shirts bring conversation.

They are ridiculously hilarious. They are well-made. They for the most part make almost no sense while at the same time referencing both current trends and the Catolic faith.

Bottom line: people are gonna ask about them.

This is where the Glory of God bit comes in:

You tell them.

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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:22 AM']I will say that phatmass is the first place I've ever seen/heard/read the word "krunk" in my entire life.  :unsure:

Same here.
but I can't think up an acronym for it like "phat" has. hmmm

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I think, also, it wouldn't be a bad idea to trust the judgement of the guy who has managed to create a wildly popular Catholic forum.

No, they might not be the t-shirts I'd design. But then I'm sure no one (including me) would go to [i]my[/i] forum. Er, if I had one.

You're a good guy, Socrates, but I am sure you realize that PR is not your greatest talent. ;)

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