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[b]Man Becomes First Killed in French Rioting
By ANGELA DOLAND, Associated Press Writer 5 minutes ago

PARIS - A man who was beaten by an attacker while trying to extinguish a trash can fire during riots north of Paris has died of his injuries, becoming the first fatality since the [b]urban unrest started 11 days ago,[/b] a police official said Monday. Youths overnight injured three dozen officers and burned more than [b]1,400[/b] vehicles.

Apparent [b]copycat attacks spread to other European cities for the first time,[/b] with five cars torched outside Brussels' main train station, police in the Belgian capital said.

Australia, Austria and Britain became the latest countries to advise their citizens to exercise care in France, joining the United States and Russia in warning tourists to stay away from violence-hit areas.

Alain Rahmouni, a national police spokesman, said the man who was beaten died at a hospital from injuries sustained in the attack, but he had no immediate details about the victim's age or his attacker.

The man was caught by surprise by an attacker after rushing out of his apartment building to put out the fire, Rahmouni said.

Clashes around France left 36 police injured, and vandals burned 1,408 vehicles overnight Sunday-Monday, setting a new high for overnight arson and violence since the rioting started Oct. 27, national police chief Michel Gaudin said.

The mayhem started as an outburst of anger in suburban Paris housing projects and has fanned out nationwide among disaffected youths, mostly of Muslim or African origin, to become France's worst civil unrest in over a decade.

Attacks overnight were reported in 274 towns and police made 395 arrests, Gaudin said.

"This spread, with a sort of shock wave spreading across the country, shows up in the number of towns affected," Gaudin said, noting that the violence appeared to be sliding away from its flash point in the Parisian suburbs and worsening elsewhere.

It was the first time police were injured by weapons fire amid signs that rioters were deliberately seeking out clashes with police, officials said.

Among the injured police, 10 were injured by youths firing fine-grain birdshot in a late night clash in the southern Paris suburb of Grigny, national police spokesman Patrick Hamon said. Two were hospitalized but their lives were not in danger. One was wounded in the neck, the other in the legs.

The unrest began in the low-income Paris suburb of Clichy-sous-Bois, after the deaths of two teenagers of Mauritanian and Tunisian origin. The youths were accidentally electrocuted as they hid from police in a power substation. They apparently thought they were being chased.

[b]There have been 4,700 cars burned in France since the rioting began, and 1,200 suspects have been detained at least temporarily, Gaudin said.[/b]

The growing violence is forcing France to confront long-simmering anger in its suburbs, where many Africans and their French-born children live on society's margins, struggling with high unemployment, racial discrimination and despair — fertile terrain for crime of all sorts as well as for Muslim extremists offering frustrated youths a way out.

France, with some 5 million Muslims, has the largest Islamic population in Western Europe.

Meanwhile, the government faced growing criticism for its inability to stop the violence, despite massive police deployment and continued calls for calm.

President Jacques Chirac promised stern punishment for those behind the attacks, making his first public address Sunday since the riots started.

"The law must have the last word," Chirac said after a security meeting with top ministers. France is determined "to be stronger than those who want to sow violence or fear, and they will be arrested, judged and punished."

France's biggest Muslim fundamentalist organization, the Union for Islamic Organizations of France, issued a fatwa, or religious decree. It forbade all those "who seek divine grace from taking part in any action that blindly strikes private or public property or can harm others."

Arsonists burned two schools and a bus in the central city of Saint-Etienne and its suburbs, and two people were injured in the bus attack. Churches were set ablaze in northern Lens and southern Sete, he said. The extent of damage was not immediately clear.

In Colombes in suburban Paris, youths pelted rocks at a bus, sending a 13-month-old child to the hospital with a head injury, Hamon said, while a daycare center was burned in Saint-Maurice, another Paris suburb.

Much of the youths' anger has focused on law-and-order Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy, who inflamed passions by referring to troublemakers as "scum."

In Strasbourg, youths stole a car and rammed it into a housing project, setting the vehicle and the building on fire.

"We'll stop when Sarkozy steps down," said the defiant 17-year-old driver of the car, who gave his name only as Murat. Under arrest, he and several others awaited a ride to the police station as smoke poured from the windows of the housing project behind them.

Charles Martel isn't here anymore. Immigration is more effective than war.

Further, I like how the Muslim fundamentalists issue a fatwa now. It's been clear since day one of this crisis that it's Muslim youth who are being naughty.

I am convinced that the Muslims will accomplish what they set out to do at Tours 1300 years ago.

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You are right, I believe, Toledo. (Hey, are you really from Toledo? I went to MCO, and we lived in Perrysburg for a while!)

I think that France and most of Western Europe will eventually fall. Multiple factors, of course the main one being the abandonment of their Christian roots, and the moral relativism that exists there. Sad, as I was an exchange student in 1980, (Switzerland) and visited Paris for a week. All that beautiful history will be replaced.

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[quote name='annie' date='Nov 7 2005, 08:55 AM']You are right, I believe, Toledo.  (Hey, are you really from Toledo?  I went to MCO, and we lived in Perrysburg for a while!)

I think that France and most of Western Europe will eventually fall.  Multiple factors, of course the main one being the abandonment of their Christian roots, and the moral relativism that exists there.  Sad, as I was an exchange student in 1980, (Switzerland) and visited Paris for a week.  All that beautiful history will be replaced.
no I'm not from toledo. It's an old e-mail name from when i was 15. I was (still am) slightly obsessed with swords and Toledo, Spain is renowned for its steel.

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Sorry! I assumed too much! My niece (from Toledo Oh) went to Toledo Spain this year, and brought back a beautiful sword! Guess that is why the Toledo Oh newspaper is called 'The Blade'??? Learn something new every day!

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[quote name='annie' date='Nov 7 2005, 09:04 AM']Sorry!  I assumed too much!  My niece (from Toledo Oh) went to Toledo Spain this year, and brought back a beautiful sword!  Guess that is why the Toledo Oh newspaper is called 'The Blade'???  Learn something new every day!

wish the French weren't atheists... :ohno:

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The churches they burned were probably Catholic ones, it's France. Of course, since it's France hardly anyone probably ever attended Mass at them.

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[quote]The growing violence is forcing France to confront long-simmering anger in its suburbs, where many Africans and their French-born children live on society's margins, struggling with high unemployment, racial discrimination and despair — fertile terrain for crime of all sorts as well as for Muslim extremists offering frustrated youths a way out.

France, with some 5 million Muslims, has the largest Islamic population in Western Europe.

Meanwhile, the government faced growing criticism for its inability to stop the violence, despite massive police deployment and continued calls for calm.[/quote]A lot of the critics of America's policy on Iraq pointed out that it is/was awful for the US to ignore the fact that France would not support the US. This shows us that France's policy of ignoring the problem and avoiding any use of force is stupid and will blow up in your face. Maybe the US wasn't so wrong to give France the finger and do what it thought was better... Confront the situation.

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it seems all of europe might head that way in the near future. It still isn't sounding good.

The french are trying the tried and true method of failing. Stamping out something usually doesn't work. The causes must be addressed.

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[url="http://today.reuters.co.uk/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=topNews&storyID=2005-11-08T170028Z_01_HO756911_RTRUKOC_0_UK-FRANCE-RIOTS1.xml&archived=False"]Apparently they're imposing curfews now ... [/url]

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curfews. RIIIIGHT. cause you are doing so well with the bomb throwing kids anyway. just tell them to stay inside, that'll fix it.

Two words: Deadly Force.

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the beginnings of the next Crusade.... WWIII will be between the West/Christiannity and Islam

*** I do not trust Islam -- not one bit. People say it's a religion of peace.... bull-pucky...

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Nov 8 2005, 02:51 PM']curfews.  RIIIIGHT.  cause you are doing so well with the bomb throwing kids anyway.  just tell them to stay inside, that'll fix it.
Two words:  Deadly Force.

I really don't think deadly force will help much. It would do them well to recall the lessons of the past and not resort to killing. That will make things worse for sure. It is almost liek the early Christian persecutions. When people tried to kill the Christians there were just more of them and they had more of a reason to believe what they did.

If they start killing these people, it would give them a cause to fight for. It could escalate very quickly.

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i found this on the anchoress blog (http://www.theanchoressonline.com/):

One of my favorite readers, Marianne, from France, has written an email and permitted me to excerpt some of it for you, which I do without comment, but I have bracketed here and there for clarification. Marianne’s own parenthesis remain untouched. She asked me to “clean up” her grammar, but I think she reads just fine, and very clearly.

[i]May I ask you to pray for us in France, just ordinary decent people who do no have the means to go elsewhere? I do not sleep much. The situation is frightening. I have already lived this kind of events in my life, and I have been many times so anxious about members of my family who lived in Zimbabwe.

I love my country; I have so much sorrow in my heart, so much revolt.

Do not think our media are very informative.

1) To night, [one nights ago, November 7 - admin] one state channel, FR3, has decided not to speak about burned cars. No fire reported=no fire at all. Most people don’t even know that dozens and dozens of little churches all over France have been set on fire during these past years. Our media don’t like the Catholics and as they despise the ordinary French people, they did not want us to put 2 and 2 together.

2) Some nights ago, “youths” threw Molotov cocktails in a bus. People scrambled outside. A poor handicapped woman was sprayed with petrol by the very same thoughtful “youths” and was saved by the bus chauffeur. The poor lady was badly burned.

FR3 channel showed the lady’s 2 daughters, Yaël and Anastasie; they were European and wore no Islamic scarf. They expressed their gratitude to the courageous chauffeur. On another channel, well there was only one daughter… whose name was Fadella and who wore an Islamic scarf! She said that her mother (??) was saved by the courageous “youths”. What do you make of this? Was Fadella an actress? You bet!

It is so insulting for us! But our media are leftist and that’s it.

We had to wait 7 days before they spoke about “Islam”. All the while, our Jak Ben Chirak remained silent. When he deigned to speak, it was to say that we, French people, were responsible, because we have not fully accepted the “immigrants”. I do not know where this man is living! He does not have to go in the metro or to take a bus. He lives in the quartiers chics, like most politicians.

The Islamic immigrants from Maghreb and Africa scorned France and were far too superior to deign to accept us…

When we dare to grumble, when we dare to murmur that Islam is a religion of death, that we do not want to become an Islamic republic, the media and the politicians also scorned us saying we were racist and fascist and anti-arab, and islamophobic, and anti-Semitic. But our money was not scorned upon. (we have to pay to sustain the newspapers which would collapse if it were not for our forced contribution. I pay for abortions, even if I disagree; I have to pay for communist and Trotskyite newspapers, even if I loath them; I have to pay for bad comedians who have no talent)

We pay, with our taxes, scores of “associations” full of communist-islamics and we just have to shut our mouths and say amen. Well, not “amen”; amen is not politically acceptable.

Villepin does not see what I would call “the Islamic touch”in the riots; it was very much lost in translation. The man needs to have his head examined: We all heard : “Allah Akbar! It is Jerusalem here! C’est Jerusalem ici! Attends, on va les péter! On va leur péter la gueule! On va tous les niquer à mort! Allah Akbar!”

The barbarians are poor victims. Right is left, left is right, bad is good and good is bad.

A fortnight ago, Sarkozy and the police had broken up an important network of arms and drugs dealers in the same banlieues. The banlieues live on underground economy : prostitutions, arms and drugs. Do you see a relation with islamic networks? Heaven forbid!

On the 11 November, the thugs have decided to invade Paris, near the Tour Eiffel, aux Champs de Mars. What barbecue will they have? Will they invite our grand vizir ?

To day, I put a piece of paper [a sign] on my coat: “Do not touch anymore to MY France!” Most of the people are blind; women are more observant than man, some people do not even dare to really see what they saw, I don’t care: I just wanted to sow an idea (while saying “Hail Mary”).

A protestant church in Meulan has been put on fire [today, November 8]. Nothing about that in our media. Too many are asleep.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. (Ephesians)[/i]

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