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War.... in general


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Ok here is the thing: I am but weeks away from joining the church and my husband is currently on his way home from a year long tour in Iraq.
I was speaking with him about my joining and getting our children baptized. His responce was "that is fine but I am not joining." When I asked him why he went one to give me the impression that it is because he is in the military and that is how he provides for his family. He is going to be leaving for another deployment in a few months, and he said that after he gets back from that deployment then we will talk about it. But there is always that learking fear (and I would never say this to him) that he want come back. How does the church feel about war and what should I say to him?

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regardless of whether it was initially just to enter Iraq (if it was unjust, that culpability lies with Bush and other high level officials who made the decision), the pope (JPII) has expressed support for the reconstruction efforts and such. So regardless of any of that, it is a just thing for a man to be a soldier defending the budding Iraqui government, defending the Iraqui citizenry, rebuilding it all, and fighting against insurgents.

Being a soldier is a virtuous thing. The Church has no opposition to it, you can kill in self defence, defence of your homeland, or defence of other people's homelands. it's a good thing according to the Church. this is still the same Church that fought the Crusades.

also, there are Catholic military chaplains.

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To start with he thought that he was making a difference now it is just for the money b/c he is national guard and deployment is the only was for him to have full time pay and insurence for us. And he really likes...needs the structure.
....but I am worried about his soul.

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well it is not in itself immoral to be in the military fighting in the Iraq war. it would be immoral if he did it out of bloodlust or hatred, but it does not seem to be that. I'm sure he realizes still that to fight the opposition in Iraq is still in itself a good, even if as it sounded like you said he may be despairing of the ultimate good impact. he is fighting against something that is wrong, the iraq insurgency which is trying to overthrow the budding iraqui government with attacks on civilians and military alike, and he's doing it not only for the sake of his country, but for the sake of his family. all around it sounds to me like a virtuous act.

military structure is good, the times I've thought about military service that was one of the main upsides I considered, I could really use structure imposed on me in my life.

I hope your family can make it through these trying times and your husband comes home safe. I don't know what else tosay.

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In Catholic tradition, war is not only sometimes not evil, it is sometimes good. It is heroic and virtuous to defend your family, your homeland...I'm just seconding Aloysius on this. The fact that SOME wars are bad in no way means that military service is bad.

Please don't take this as coming from lots of experience, cuz it isn't...I'm just a lowly Chaplain Candidate. But I really think it's probably best to give him the time he needs for now, and not push the issue. Coming back from deployment is an INCREDIBLY stressful time, for both of you, and you must expect to have to work hard and suffer a little. Of course you have every right to the same from him! But having this major change in his family is going to add stress to an already difficult time. That doesn't mean you aren't right in what you're doing...it's just meant as a heads up.

It's so hard to say knowing so little about your situation, but maybe you could consider nudging him a little to talk to a chaplain during this next deployment. Not as pressure to convert, but just to talk things over and maybe understand what you're doing a little better. There will probably be lots of opportunity for that depending on the mission.

Congratulations on your upcoming Baptism, that is AWESOME! And I'll offer night prayer for your husband's safety. My heart goes out to you both and to your kids...thank you for the sacrifices all of you are making.

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From the official Catechism of the Catholic Church, where you should always look if you have questions about something:

[quote]Those who are sworn to serve their country in the armed forces are servants of the security and freedom of nations. If they carry out their duty honorably, they truly contribute to the common good of the nation and the maintenance of peace.



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