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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 23 2005, 04:30 PM']if gay marriage is so wrong why isn't it in the 10 commandments like killing and stealing?
As I pointed out in the "gay marriage" thread, homosexuality is repeatedly and soundly condemned in the Bible, in Genesis, Leviticus, Romans, 1 Corinthians, and 1 Timothy.

The "10 Commandments" are just of summation of the most important parts of the Law of Moses, which included laws against homosexuality (punishable by death).

And since marriage is only between man and woman, there can be no such thing as "gay marriage." Since any homosexual act was a crime under the Mosaic law, it would be obvious that this could never be a marriage.

Traditionally, all sexual sins are regarded as being condemned by the 6th Commandment ("Thou shalt not commit adultery.")

Saying that homosexuality cannot be seriously wrong because it is not listed by name in the Ten Commandments is a moronic argument.
"If rape is so wrong why isn't it in the 10 commandments?"
"If pedophilia is so wrong why isn't it in the 10 commandments?"

Are you ready to argue that these things are less wrong than adultery?

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 27 2005, 03:02 AM']i bet most of you catholics have been divorced and remarried....that's adultery
Uh... most?

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 27 2005, 03:02 AM']i bet most of you catholics have been divorced and remarried....that's adultery

You lose. Take out a second mortgage and pay up........

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 27 2005, 03:02 AM']i bet most of you catholics have been divorced and remarried....that's adultery
Ok that was low bud...that was pointedly ad hominem and below the belt at that. :ohno:

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You keep talking about how the Bible was writting 2000 years ago and how it doesn't apply to life anymore. Also about how we shouldn't push our faith on other people.

First of all Jesus as well his Apostles told us to preach and spread the Gospel. Sounds like going out and telling other people about our faith doesn't it.

Don't you remember that you quoted from a historical document (The Declaration) and have talked about another document (The Constitution) that were both written hundreds of years ago. The Supreme Court was created to interpret the Constitution and apply it to everyday life even hundreds of years later. In the same way The Pope and his Magisterium and the bishops and priests of the church are here to interpret the Bible and apply it to everyday life.


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yeah well that's like saying hey there's a sandwich that's 2000 years old and one that's 200 years old and you have to eat one. Well no offense but I'm eating the one that's 200 years old because it tastes better and isn't nearly as molded. And spread your word of christ friend, please tell everyone you know! Because there's lots of people who have never heard of jesus christ and catholicism....(Sarcasm) But you can't infringe on others rights while doing this ie telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body or telling a gay man he doesn't have the same rights as you to marry. It's that simple. We live in america, welcome.

If you want to go on the corner of harry hines and sit on a pedistal screaming to whoever will listen about god and the virgin mary and the end is near. DO IT! I love those guys, they always talk funny and make my day. But as soon as you try to tell others how to live their lives, you have crossed a line.

Edited by PadreSantiago
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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 28 2005, 10:02 PM']yeah well that's like saying hey there's a sandwich that's 2000 years old and one that's 200 years old and you have to eat one.  Well no offense but I'm eating the one that's 200 years old because it tastes better and isn't nearly as molded.  And spread your word of christ friend, please tell everyone you know!  Because there's lots of people who have never heard of jesus christ and catholicism....(Sarcasm)  But you can't infringe on others rights while doing this ie telling a woman what she can or can't do with her body or telling a gay man he doesn't have the same rights as you to marry.  It's that simple.  We live in america, welcome.

If you want to go on the corner of harry hines and sit on a pedistal screaming to whoever will listen about god and the virgin mary and the end is near.  DO IT!  I love those guys, they always talk funny and make my day.  But as soon as you try to tell others how to live their lives, you have crossed a line.

For the millonth time, there's nothing in the Constitution guaranteeing a right to "gay marriage."

And as I've pointed out, Jefferson (author of the Declaration of Independence) supported state laws against sodomy. So declaring "gay marriage" as some inalienable American right is complete nonsense.

And even if you say people have a "right" sodomize one another, this does not mean that society owes them any legal or financial benefits for doing so. It is the right of the people of these states to vote against this outrage whenever this issue is brought up, as guaranteed by the Tenth Amendment of the Constitution.
This is a right atheists and and "gay rights" activists cannot take away from Christians.

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(Quick prayer for patience and charity as I write this)

If you say that we don't have the right to tell them they cannot marry then why do we even get to vote on it. That should just be changed so nobody's rights or stepped on.

Whoops we live in America...right? We get to vote on issues like this, that is a right stated in the Constitution by the way.

By the way about the whole getting on a pedistal goes against the Bible teaching. Jesus tells us to spread it by teaching in a logical way and not showing off or having self-rightousness like SOME of those people do.

Why is the Church not allowed to set certain moral standards on how it's members are to live and asking other's to do the same?

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well, hasn't this lovely thread been hijacked? <_<

dang, and here I was thinking I would debate something having to do with school curriculum.

:detective: maybe another time. :idontknow:

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Yeah getting back to to the school curriculum thing. I'm really glad that the Pope has said that he will start checking all this out and pull support from even Universities that don't teach or hold the teachings of the Church. That is the thing that makes Catholic schools so great.

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listen about the voting thing, I mean come on. IN texas only 18% of people voted on the issue. No one votes! I'm sorry but when only 18% of my state votes to ban gay marriage I don't accept that.

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