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"Decoding Opus Dei"


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Tomorrow on the Today Show on NBC they're going to "expose the controversial secret society of the Catholic Church" that has been misrepresented in "The DaVinci Code". Check it out, let's see what they have to say.


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I will be watching with baited breath...

Considering that I am the local member of the Work, I will have words tomorrow.

They probably won't be good.

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[quote]Tomorrow on the Today Show on NBC they're going to "expose the controversial secret society of the Catholic Church"[/quote]

Sounds like more sensationalism. :rolleyes:

Opus Dei is full of down-to-earth, ordinary men and women who find the means for serving the Lord within their daily work. A day at the office, in the classroom, or wherever else a person might work, is full of opportunities for holiness. There is a difference between privacy and secrecy, which the media doesn't seem to understand.

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[quote name='MilesChristi' date='Nov 3 2005, 11:30 PM']Sounds like more sensationalism.  :rolleyes:

Opus Dei is full of down-to-earth, ordinary men and women who find the means for serving the Lord within their daily work. A day at the office, in the classroom, or wherever else a person might work, is full of opportunities for holiness. There is a difference between privacy and secrecy, which the media doesn't seem to understand.
I got all excited when I first heard that there was a controversial secret society in the Church...

Well, fooey. :P:

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i saw the preview thingy for it just a lil while ago.... i wish i could see it. oh well. im sure they wont have much good to say anyway.

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bump :) :) :) :)

It was a good interview with an Opus Dei priest who said OP is in the heart of the Church, not the fringes, since we are ALL called to sainthood.

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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I really can't stand Matt Lauer.

He tried and tried to cut down the Work, all through the interview with Fr. Barrett.

He kept referring to Opus Dei and the DaVinci code. And he kept going on about Opus Dei not being "ordinary Catholics." Let me tell you, we strive and strive to be ordinary. We don't want to be anything other than Catholic. We don't want to be conservative, we don't want to be liberal. We don't want to be traditionalist, we don't want to be anything other than Roman Catholic.

It is very hard to get in, granted, but it is a vocation. It is a plan of life. It is what it is [i]opus Dei[/i].

There are corporal punishments, with both the discipline and the cilice, but they are the minority.

Most don't openly talk about the Work, but after discerning my role in life and how I interact with people here, my spiritual director and I felt that it was ok to disclose to the board that I do belong to the Work formally. But I can guarantee you, I don't run around screaming from the rooftops that I am a member.

Here are some things that I have said about the Work.

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=39239&hl=opus+dei"]Opus Dei[/url]

I assure you that Fr. Michael and Fr. Hilary are good priests. I know both of them. Fr. Hilary better than Fr. Michael, because of proximity, he is in Chicago.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 4 2005, 10:27 AM']did you need his permission or you just discussed it?

I didn't need his permission, per se, but it is a matter of respect for the charism of the Work (we strive to be ordinary) and it is a little strange for someone to be so vocal about his vocation/spirituality.

Case in point. We don't hear too much about what the average person here ascribes too. Such as, what is hot stuff's spirituality? Or what is HSMom's spirituality?

It isn't something that is normally talked about, regardless of the spirituality. I do know that Argent talks about being Dominican, but only when it is necessary. It isn't like he runs around here yelling I'm a Dominican.....

See what I mean?

So while I didn't "ask permission," it is something that I did discern and it is something that I talked over (on a serious level) with my spiritual director. But then again, I talk to him about almost everything that is of a Catholic nature, regardless of the gravity of the scenario.

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I was approached by a guy on a bus once. He said "I am Opus Dei.. Have you heard of us? Let me give you some information...."

Didn't seem to secretive to me if he was approaching strangers and preaching about the benefits of Opus Dei.

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1337 k4th0l1x0r

I think if the Catholic Church was as secretive and full of interesting characters as books and movies make it out to be, a whole lot more people would want to become Catholic.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 4 2005, 09:42 AM'] But I can guarantee you, I don't run around screaming from the rooftops that I am a member.

...especially with all that loose gravel up there.

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We don't want to be anything other than Catholic. We don't want to be conservative, we don't want to be liberal. We don't want to be traditionalist, we don't want to be anything other than Roman Catholic.

The most beautiful words I've ever heard ya' type :)

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Nov 4 2005, 06:56 PM'][quote name='Cam42']We don't want to be anything other than Catholic. We don't want to be conservative, we don't want to be liberal. We don't want to be traditionalist, we don't want to be anything other than Roman Catholic.[/quote]

The most beautiful words I've ever heard ya' type :)

Kinda takes the wind out of the "mysterious" Opus Dei's, sails and makes it simply "ordinary" Opus Dei, doesn't it? It is so refreshing.

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