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You Know you're Catholic when


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[quote name='doc' date='Nov 3 2005, 11:01 AM']-When the priest know you with out you knowing them! :blink: 
Its very spooky! They are like Doc, and I am like ummm you know my name?.. :unsure:  I dunno how they know, maybe cuz of my dad.


That happened to me once too. I was freaked. I had been Catholic for only about three months, moved to a Different town, in a different Dioces, I went to mass, and the Parish had just reicieved a new Priest, and it was his first mass there. I was leaving he and as I went to shake his hand, he looked at me and said "Ben I'm so glad to finally meet you." I didn't know how he knew me. I found out later that a friend of mine ( a seminarian for the Dioces of Wichita, KS) had gone out to dinner with him the night before and told him to look for the guy with the bright blue mohawk.

any way...

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[quote name='MC IMaGiNaZUN' date='Nov 4 2005, 02:34 AM']
The Pastor is locking up the Church, asking you to leave...

You have a convent on speed dial...


:rolling: Thats me right there.....and when you kno ur parish phone by memory.

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[quote name='Dreamweaver' date='Nov 4 2005, 03:52 AM']You contemplate on making "fish wings" as a buffalo wings substitute for lent. (cheap fish sticks with buffalo sauce) :)

Hey Good Idea!!! I should try that!!!! :drool: sound yummy! :P:

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' date='Nov 4 2005, 02:41 AM']told him to look for the guy with the bright blue mohawk.

If you have a bright blue mohawk, you can't properly be surprised that a lot people know who you are, it's kust to be expected.

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' date='Nov 4 2005, 04:41 AM']That happened to me once too. I was freaked. I had been Catholic for only about three months, moved to a Different town, in a different Dioces, I went to mass, and the Parish had just reicieved a new Priest, and it was his first mass there. I was leaving he and as I went to shake his hand, he looked at me and said "Ben I'm so glad to finally meet you." I didn't know how he knew me. I found out later that a friend of mine ( a seminarian for the Dioces of Wichita, KS) had gone out to dinner with him the night before and told him to look for the guy with the bright blue mohawk.

any way...

yea it is, its like the matrix!!! :wacko: I was so spooked when Father Nieto from NY, was like Doc!! How have you been???

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Oh just thought of another one,

When an entire convent prayed for you for a week.

After going to an ordination you now have, three dinner appointments with other Priest, another who has invited you out for beers, and a place to stay so you don't have to drive two hours home, at midnight.

Your friends walk into your apartments and says, wow I didn't know you lived in a Catholic Library. (literally 7 bookshelves line my walls, mostly my roomate though)

You spend hours online and in Catholic Bookstores looking for just the right Rosary.

You give the Rosary away later that day

When you have to teach your priest how someone is enrolled in the Brown Scapular, because he's never done it before

Dispite you efforts to get them to stop, your friends insist on calling you father or padre.

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When you're favorite gift you got last Christmas was a rosary.

When you're the only perosn crossing themselves before and after grace at a YMCA camp all summer.

When you're YMCA camp co-counsleors declare you to be "the most obnoxious in-your-face Catholic I've ever met," but mean it in a nice way.

When you put the above quote on your facebook profile.

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[quote name='blovedwolfofgod' date='Nov 4 2005, 12:22 AM']-you genuflect and bless yourself before newly baptized babies and people
-you name your car after a saint
-randomly buy religous books and saint medals for people you know
-you look forward to the next crusade against the heathens and heretics
-you can name that heresy that someone just spouted out
--you know how to refute said heresy
-you have or reallly want to have a holy water bowl hanging next to the door handle when you walk in your bedroom
-you know the Mass as well as the priest (whether its Latin or English)
-when your friends make a "your mom" joke, you find yourself defending the Blessed Virgin

:lol_roll: :lol_roll: :lol_roll:

this is one of the best threads in a good while!

...when your two year old sees a picture of John-Paul II and strikes his chest saying 'papa, papa, there's the papa."

Edited by Didacus
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If you're thankful for the intercession of saints while studying and taking a test....you might be a Catholic. My biochem test today was relatively painless! It COULD have been a gazillion times harder. :cool:

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I got anothers ....lol.. :D:

-When you are in Phatmass.com for 8 hrs a day!!! :biglol:

-When the Bishop knows you sinc you were 8yrs...

-When your bed time story was out of the bible!..lol. that was me when i was a young pup! Dad tells me that I always use to ask him to read me psalm 36. Hw says that i use to drop like a rock! :idontknow: i dunno why, but i use to love it. :saint:

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[quote name='zabbazooey' date='Nov 3 2005, 10:59 AM']That's me!

Wow, I do that all the time. Actually, I was doing this standing in line to get food and somebody I have never seen before asked me what medals I was wearing. It turns out that he wasn't even Catholic, but knew what I was playing with. Isn't that cool. He actually mentioned that he used to own a St. Patrick medal. I thought it was cool.


You know you're Catholic when you go to a Ginnie Owens concert at a non-denominational church and you immediately feel the urge to genuflect before entering the pew and during the opening prayer you do the sign of the cross no matter who's looking at you.

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