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You Know you're Catholic when


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[quote name='Luthien' date='Nov 3 2005, 11:14 AM']You know you're Catholic when...

You almost genuflect when you leave a movie theatre.


This is one of the best on this thread so far!!!

:lol_roll: :lol_roll:

Jolly good one ol'chap!

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Ahah, I just had a "Catholic Nerd moment" an hour ago. I wanted to pray a rosary, so I chose my St. Benedict's medal 1-decade chaplet and instantly thought, "Benedict's reagent!" Benedicts reagent is used to detect reducing sugars (glucose and fructose, not sucrose) in a chem lab. :lol_roll:

Edited by Dreamweaver
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I have genuflected in Protestant churches(i had a piano recital at one and my Grandmother is protestant.) And when i go to 4-h tingys they have a chapel(i never don't go to Mass just for the record i don't go if i can't make Mass) and i have genuflected in assembly things.
Yep. and this is an extremely protestant place so.....

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-you genuflect and bless yourself before newly baptized babies and people
-you name your car after a saint
-randomly buy religous books and saint medals for people you know
-you look forward to the next crusade against the heathens and heretics
-you can name that heresy that someone just spouted out
--you know how to refute said heresy
-you have or reallly want to have a holy water bowl hanging next to the door handle when you walk in your bedroom
-you know the Mass as well as the priest (whether its Latin or English)
-when your friends make a "your mom" joke, you find yourself defending the Blessed Virgin

Edited by blovedwolfofgod
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You are about to sign yourself when driving by important places...

Instead of a Lawn Jockey you have a St. Francis Statue...

The Pastor is locking up the Church, asking you to leave...

You have a convent on speed dial...

You have three priests, five sisters, and two brothers on your email lists...

You look at priests like other people do celebrities...

You find yourself taking off your crucifix, your saints medals, and scapular every time you take a shower...

You say Hail Mary's for every lap around the field...

(We used to say, you know you are a churchy when... type jokes. We spent a mission trip from Fresno to Los Angeles making some up. We had more, i will see if i can remember...)


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When your 7 &8 yr old (bros) know the words

transubstantiation, omnipotent, omnipresent and ominiscient.

your charm bracelet is full of saint medals.

Edited by missionseeker
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You like to threaten to tell the Bishop every time your soon to be a seminarian friend says or does anthing that you can even pretend is wrong.

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Nov 3 2005, 07:30 AM']You know 12 priests?

Actually I know alot more, but at the time...

I think I know close to twenty or so *decides to count names in cell phone later*

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[quote name='tomasio127' date='Nov 3 2005, 08:41 AM']
Your picture on thefacebook is a prayer card featuring your patron saint.

You're on facebook too? I might steal your idea that's great.

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[quote name='PadrePioOfPietrelcino' date='Nov 4 2005, 02:33 AM']You're on facebook too? I might steal your idea that's great.

I did it mostly because I don't have a digital camera or a scanner, so i don't have the ability to get any real pics online...

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