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I must ask, Ken, if by rejecting religious institutions you mean you fancy yourself as someone who is opposed to people and their wrongdoing and you equate that with a religion?

You see, an Inquisition is carried about by people, not a religion, as is a Crusdade, as is slavery (and as to the latter, I don't see the Catholic connection). However, a Jihad is carried out by percepts of religion; so is circumcision; so is baptism. Of these we can say that they have in themselves a religious aspect for it is part of the common belief.

It is not common for the list you enumerated to be considered particular to any religion, as in nowhere in the Faith do we see such a consensus on such practices. Mind, I don't denounce them, but I wouldn't equate a Crusade with being Catholic because it is not an intrinsic part of the religion (unless you consider the spiritual battle, but I don't think you or I do consider it to be the self same as the Crusades you mentioned).

God bless,

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[quote name='Ken' date='Nov 12 2005, 03:21 AM']I choose not to be catholic because I dont trust organized religion. And seeing as things like the crusades, the inquisition, and slavery seemed to have been connected to  catholics, I dont trust it that much more. I remember being berated by CCD teachers as a youth when I would question them.

I have no idea what religion, or faith I belong to, but I keep an open enough mind to listen, and discuss.
[/quote]the government allows a certain amount of bug mushy mud pie and bug carcasses in grain being used for food because we ain't perfect. you still eat cheerios and wonderbread don't you since the alternative to refuse ceral and bread is stupid. my uncle always used to say 'bubba, don't be so picky what you eat. fish swim in their own pee. go get me a beer so i can pee on the fish.' know what i mean?

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To whom it may concern:
The department of Redundent Redundencies has found this to be in direct violation of RR writs! Specfically sections pertaining to the redundent repetition and or un-reasonable use of abitrary aliteration.

ahem anyway and in conclusion you can't expect someone to just read some threads on an internet forum and change their whole outlook on life and reality. I personally think religion is a personal thing, I don't need a church or a priest to have a relationship with god. God is everything.(my metaphor is better!)

[quote]You see, an Inquisition is carried about by people, not a religion[/quote]

But ahah! You see religion is carried out by people that's the problem.

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[quote name='PadreSantiago' date='Nov 13 2005, 05:49 AM']RE: Reply to REPLYING TO REASONABLE REASONS

To whom it may concern:
                    The department of Redundent Redundencies has found this to be in direct violation of RR writs!  Specfically sections pertaining to the redundent repetition and or un-reasonable use of abitrary aliteration. 

ahem anyway and in conclusion you can't expect someone to just read some threads on an internet forum and change their whole outlook on life and reality.  I personally think religion is a personal thing, I don't need a church or a priest to have a relationship with god.  God is everything.(my metaphor is better!)
But ahah!  You see religion is carried out by people that's the problem.
[/quote]the key word is reasonable, but it seems you missed that. human society operates as an organic society with organizations and groups and what-not. you wouldn't have even heard about god if there wasn't some sort of organization that passed the word onto you that was consistent over a period of time longer then the lifetime of one person. people aren't databanks that just download what they need, neither are we animals that are just born with instincts and thats the limit of our knowledge. you can tolerate a little bug poo in your cheerios, tolerate a bit of human imperfection in a religion.

Edited by StatingTheObvious
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As others have said, your poll doesn't prove anything. Your question said "after reading everything on PM, would it be unreasonable not to be catholic?" Of course it would not be unreasonable. Sometimes it takes more than a bunch of articles on a message board to determine your religion (although some do it). And anyway, Catholicism is surely more than PM.

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[quote name='Ken' date='Nov 12 2005, 04:21 AM']I choose not to be catholic because I dont trust organized religion. And seeing as things like the crusades, the inquisition, and slavery seemed to have been connected to  catholics, I dont trust it that much more. I remember being berated by CCD teachers as a youth when I would question them.

I have no idea what religion, or faith I belong to, but I keep an open enough mind to listen, and discuss.

Slavery in America was mostly practiced by Protestants, since there were very few Catholics in the South. And people running the Catholic Church were corrupt, yes, but there have also been brutalities in the history of the world at the hands of communism/atheism, as seen in Communist Russia and China. I'm not trying to tell you wat to believe, I'm just pointing out, that Catholics are not the only ones to blame when it comes to war and brutality.

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[quote name='Ken' date='Nov 12 2005, 02:21 AM']I choose not to be catholic because I dont trust organized religion. And seeing as things like the crusades, the inquisition, and slavery seemed to have been connected to  catholics, I dont trust it that much more. I remember being berated by CCD teachers as a youth when I would question them.

I have no idea what religion, or faith I belong to, but I keep an open enough mind to listen, and discuss.
Well I hope you'll keep an open mind about the Catholic Faith, and hang around here a bit to listen and discuss.

The Crusades were originally a defensive war to take back the Holy Land from the agression of the Muslim Turks who had invaded the Holy Land and outlawed the Christians who had previously lived there in peace. Yes, atrocities ended up being committed by both sides (and were condemend soudly by the Church), as unfortunately happens in any major war, but this does not make the original cause of the Crusades wrong. If you want to blame someone, blame the Muslims.
The Inquisition has been debated elsewhere, but much of the horror stories about it come from anti-Spanish, anti-Catholic propaganda from Protestant England when it was at war with Spain. The truth is that more serious persecution was directed against Catholics by Protestants.
And blaming slavery on Catholicism is just ignorant.

And yes, the Church has always contained sinners who don't practice what the Church teaches. This does not mean what the Church teaches is false.

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