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You know you're a dork when...


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so it's you! you're the nerd hacking phatmass! AHA, I have found you!

:club: Take that!

:rolling: I crack myself up sometimes.....I think I need to go to bed!

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[quote name='scardella' date='Oct 20 2005, 11:12 PM']-You have or have had star wars vs. star trek arguments.  Bonus points if you can quote statistics to back it up.
-You can quote every line of at least 5 movies.  You watch movies w/ people who've never seen it, just to see their reactions.
-You've used more than 5 different operating systems on a computer before, not counting various versions of OS's. (ex. Mac OS, DOS, Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, BeOS, Solaris)
-You've spent more time optimizing/tweaking something that actually using it.
-You react to the wrong interpretation of comments, even if you know the right interpretation.
-You take things literally that are figurative, and you know it.
-You make puns.  (heh I'm the [b]pun[/b]isher...)
-You would prefer to spend 3x the time to write a program to solve a problem than it would take just to solve it by hand.
-Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor is your hero.  "More power!" is your motto.
-You would or could spend more money on computer equipment/software than the price of a new car, if you had the money.
-You look for ways to hack things, particularly game consoles or PDA's.  <-- not me, though
-You can win minesweeper on expert mode more than you lose.
-umm, maybe I should stop revealing all my cool secrets....

I think we must be related. :topsy:

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[quote name='Paladin D' date='Oct 20 2005, 03:01 PM']- You wait in line for Revenge of the Sith at a midnight showing.[right][snapback]765235[/snapback][/right]

Heck yes!

You saved the chip bags from when the Phantom Menace came out with the pictures of characters and tape them to your wall...

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You learn derivatives for fun, even though it's two years ahead.

You memorize the first 50 digits of pi.

You memorize the first 50 digits of pi in [b]binary code[/b].

You get excited about the new set of Magic the Gathering.

Edited by Tink
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[quote name='scardella' date='Oct 21 2005, 12:12 AM']-You have or have had star wars vs. star trek arguments.  Bonus points if you can quote statistics to back it up.
-You can quote every line of at least 5 movies.  You watch movies w/ people who've never seen it, just to see their reactions.
-You've used more than 5 different operating systems on a computer before, not counting various versions of OS's. (ex. Mac OS, DOS, Windows, FreeBSD, Linux, BeOS, Solaris)
-You've spent more time optimizing/tweaking something that actually using it.
-You react to the wrong interpretation of comments, even if you know the right interpretation.
-You take things literally that are figurative, and you know it.
-You make puns.  (heh I'm the [b]pun[/b]isher...)
-You would prefer to spend 3x the time to write a program to solve a problem than it would take just to solve it by hand.
-Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor is your hero.  "More power!" is your motto.
-You would or could spend more money on computer equipment/software than the price of a new car, if you had the money.
-You look for ways to hack things, particularly game consoles or PDA's.  <-- not me, though
-You can win minesweeper on expert mode more than you lose.
-umm, maybe I should stop revealing all my cool secrets....

Man, that's not me but it is most of my friends, I think that makes me a dork by proxy....

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[quote name='morostheos' date='Oct 20 2005, 06:49 PM']or I suppose in your case tomasio, one month :)

Hey, it's been 40 days....

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[quote name='Cow of Shame' date='Oct 20 2005, 10:21 PM']that's a definition of a loser, not a dork.  while there is some overlap of the two categories, being one does not immediately imply you are the other.

I belong to the Church of the Losers, the drop outs, the dorks, the sinners, and prostitutes.

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You decide to stay in on Friday night to read about the Christology of Bishop Theodore of Mopsuestia.

Yeah, baby. That's what I'm talking about. :banana:

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