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So, who thinks that I am a modernist?  

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 10 2005, 11:31 PM']And I do take myself pretty seriously. I spent way too much money and too much time not to.

[quote]Perhaps it could be that it is why I went to college.[/quote]
The fact that you spent time and money going to college does not preclude you from criticism. It is irrelevant to the 'discussion' at hand. Many people with degees in theology are quite firmly entrenched in the modernist camp. The fact that you have a degree, while fine and dandy, and certainly laudable, does not elevate you to some untouchable height. Lots of people here have degrees. Some are modernists, some orthodox, others traditionalists (though this is not necessarily distinct from from orthodox). Grand.

[quote]brendan1104, called me a Modernist.....I'm still waiting for him to try and back that one up.[/quote]

So? Consider the source and get over it. Do you think the explanantion would even be worth reading? Not likely. Of course I could be wrong. It could be immensely entertaining.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 10 2005, 10:56 PM']Perhaps it [i]could be[/i] that it is why I went to college.  Perhaps it [i]could be[/i] that I am a faithful Catholic and when a faithful Catholic is called a heretic, for whatever reason, he should get angry.

Perhaps it [i]could be[/i] that to be called a heretic is one of the strongest accusations that can be levied against a Catholic.  I don't get worked up over much.  I do get worked up over this.....it is not cool.  EVER.
But my question is why get so worked up over someone online calling you something when they only know you through an electronic screen? Really? He called you a heretic, you know that you aren't. God knows that your not. What do you have to prove? I know this is a serious accusation, but sometimes you just have let it roll off your back.

Do not let the sun not go down on your wrath. Do not give the devil a chance to work in you.

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Nov 11 2005, 08:57 AM']But my question is why get so worked up over someone online calling you something when they only know you through an electronic screen? Really? He called you a heretic, you know that you aren't. God knows that your not. What do you have to prove? I know this is a serious accusation, but sometimes you just have let it roll off your back.

Do not let the sun not go down on your wrath. Do not give the devil a chance to work in you.

It is something that I am passionate about. I don't normally get worked up over anything that goes on here, but behind the screen and behind the type are real people, occasionally, they will go too far.

Believe me, most things roll off my back. However, heresy is not one of them......My wrath, you have never seen my wrath.

And if it is ONLY a computer screen then the devil can't work on me any more than it can work on the one who is calling the heresy. Right? Isn't that the only place your logic can go? It is.

I also am not a big fan of platitudes. I find them to be cheap.

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[quote name='Aloysius' date='Nov 11 2005, 01:27 AM']wasn't he suspended or something?  he was either suspended or he left or he was suspended and decided not to come back.  cuz he hasn't been here in a while.

Maybe so, but 9 others have called me a Modernist.....I want to know why they think so too. I find it fascinating that I have stated nothing contrary to Catholic teaching and still get called a heretic.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 11 2005, 09:07 AM']Maybe so, but 9 others have called me a Modernist.....I want to know why they think so too.  I find it fascinating that I have stated nothing contrary to Catholic teaching and still get called a heretic.

What nine were those?

[quote name='PSPX']The fact that you spent time and money going to college does not preclude you from criticism.[/quote]

Now isn't that the truth! If we wanted to count money and such, I go to a private school and it ain't cheap! :P:

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 11 2005, 09:01 AM']It is something that I am passionate about.  I don't normally get worked up over anything that goes on here, but behind the screen and behind the type are real people, occasionally, they will go too far.

Believe me, most things roll off my back.  However, heresy is not one of them......My wrath, you have never seen my wrath.

And if it is ONLY a computer screen then the devil can't work on me any more than it can work on the one who is calling the heresy.  Right?  Isn't that the only place your logic can go?  It is.

I also am not a big fan of platitudes.  I find them to be cheap.
I believe you took my statement about the computer screen out of context. My point was not that the devil could not work on you through an electronic screen (pornography is a prime example), but that you should consider the source from where it is coming from. If someone who you knew and trusted their judgment called you one then you might have something to worry about. If some people who obviously do not know you well and you have no personal experience with start badgering you, well, as said, you should consider the source.

Please enlighten my ignorance, what did you find a plattitude?

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:28 AM']What nine were those?

I was one, but I clearly indicated that I was kidding, I think.

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[quote name='scardella' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:38 AM']I was one, but I clearly indicated that I was kidding, I think.

That is why I said 9 and not 10.

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[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:32 AM']I believe you took my statement about the computer screen out of context. My point was not that the devil could not work on you through an electronic screen (pornography is a prime example), but that you should consider the source from where it is coming from. If someone who you knew and trusted their judgment called you one then you might have something to worry about. If some people who obviously do not know you well and you have no personal experience with start badgering you, well, as said, you should consider the source.

Please enlighten my ignorance, what did you find a plattitude?

[quote]Do not let the sun not go down on your wrath. Do not give the devil a chance to work in you.[/quote]

Those were stated in a platitudinous way. Not in an authentic sense at all.

I do consider the source......and I take acception to it. I don't like being called a heretic. I don't do it very often AND if I do, I can back it up with proof. I only ask for the same.

If brendan (or anyone else) thinks me a Modernist heretic, bring it. I have been waiting.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 11 2005, 07:13 AM']The fact that you spent time and money going to college does not preclude you from criticism.  It is irrelevant to the 'discussion' at hand.  Many people with degees in theology are quite firmly entrenched in the modernist camp.  The fact that you have a degree, while fine and dandy, and certainly laudable, does not elevate you to some untouchable height.  Lots of people here have degrees.  Some are modernists, some orthodox, others traditionalists (though this is not necessarily distinct from from orthodox).  Grand.
So?  Consider the source and get over it.  Do you think the explanantion would even be worth reading?  Not likely.  Of course I could be wrong.  It could be immensely entertaining.

No, it isn't irrlevevent. I consider the fact that I spent a lot of time studying the Church and a lot of time studying it in a very liberal setting, a testament to orthodoxy.

I have never said that I am untouchable nor have I said that I am above criticism. That has been projected upon me by a number of people on this board.

I do know that Modernism can infiltrate Catholic education. I have been fighting it my entire adult life. However, when someone POINT BLANK calls me out, I am going to POINT BLANK pick up the gauntlet. If he (or anyone) who labels me as such refuses to elaborate on the challenge, that is cowardly. Especially so, when I invite the criticism.

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well Cam, I don't think anybody seriously believes you to be a modernist. If they do, they probably misunderstand what modernism is. I'd say give it the attention it deserves. Scoff at the notion and move on.

We need a scoff smiley.

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Here we go. Let's settle it once and for all. I will pose a series of 65 questions. If you answer any of them incorrectly you are a modernist. If not, then we can let the matter rest and stop obsessing over the opinion of a random forum identity.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:52 AM']Here we go.  Let's settle it once and for all.  I will pose a series of  65 questions.  If you answer any of them incorrectly you are a modernist.  If not, then we can let the matter rest and stop obsessing over the opinion of a random forum identity.

And who is the judge of correctness? You? I doubt it. And where is the source?

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Section 1:
Do you accept any of the following ten propositions:

1. The ecclesiastical law which prescribes that books concerning the Divine Scriptures are subject to previous examination does not apply to critical scholars and students of scientific exegesis of the Old and New Testament.

2. The Church's interpretation of the Sacred Books is by no means to be rejected; nevertheless, it is subject to the more accurate judgment and correction of the exegetes.

3. From the ecclesiastical judgments and censures passed against free and more scientific exegesis, one can conclude that the Faith the Church proposes contradicts history and that Catholic teaching cannot really be reconciled with the true origins of the Christian religion.

4. Even by dogmatic definitions the Church's magisterium cannot determine the genuine sense of the Sacred Scriptures.

5. Since the deposit of Faith contains only revealed truths, the Church has no right to pass judgment on the assertions of the human sciences.

6. The "Church learning" and the "Church teaching" collaborate in such a way in defining truths that it only remains for the "Church teaching" to sanction the opinions of the "Church learning."

7. In proscribing errors, the Church cannot demand any internal assent from the faithful by which the judgments she issues are to be embraced.

8. They are free from all blame who treat lightly the condemnations passed by the Sacred Congregation of the Index or by the Roman Congregations.

9. They display excessive simplicity or ignorance who believe that God is really the author of the Sacred Scriptures.

10. The inspiration of the books of the Old Testament consists in this: The Israelite writers handed down religious doctrines under a peculiar aspect which was either little or not at all known to the Gentiles.

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