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So, who thinks that I am a modernist?  

70 members have voted

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 11 2005, 08:21 PM']Cam, whom do you accuse of such things?

Only those who accuse me of being a modernist.

[quote]By the way, shouldn't this be taken up in PM? It seems like it's seeking Catholic vs. Catholic debate...[/quote]

Not at all....it is answering a direct challenge.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 11 2005, 10:00 PM']By the way, shouldn't this be taken up in PM?  It seems like it's seeking Catholic vs. Catholic debate...
No Catholic vs Catholic will be done here.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 11 2005, 09:53 PM']Only those who accuse me of being a modernist.[right][snapback]786164[/snapback][/right]

I was just curious who those people were...ie, their names. :)

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While Cmom's defenitions of the words certainly leave no question as to what you are, some of us prefer more suitable defenitions of those terms if there really a point in asking the opinion of others about yourself.

A Traditionalist, at least in your case, would be someone who holds onto not only orthodox teachings, but traditional practices. (Don John is an excellent example, I think, of a super Traditionalist; although, I'm not aquinted with his practices so much).

Orthodox would simple mean, "correct belief" in which case this applies to you and would simply better be assumed.

Modernist would be more of a statement about your preference for the new church, a more Vatican II type of guy. You know, Extraordinary ministers, horrid insturments during Mass, a person who loves the Novus Ordo and possibly wants to see the tabernacle not behind the altar (Note, all these are not directly because of VII, but have come in it's era).

In as much as those defenitions are used, I would say that you lean on traditionalism more than modernism. I still voted the latter. Why? I can't say, not because it's some secret, I just felt it to be more correct. Not to say that I think badly of you, it's just what felt more correct, based on no real logic.

God bless,
Cam Jr.

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 12 2005, 01:01 AM']I was just curious who those people were...ie, their names.  :)

I couldn't tell you their names, only two (now) have stated their names. One said it was a joke, so I dismissed it. And I will respond to Mikey, momentarily.

This is in regard to this thread.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Nov 12 2005, 01:35 AM']While Cmom's defenitions of the words certainly leave no question as to what you are, some of us prefer more suitable defenitions of those terms if there really a point in asking the opinion of others about yourself.

A Traditionalist, at least in your case, would be someone who holds onto not only orthodox teachings, but traditional practices. (Don John is an excellent example, I think, of a super Traditionalist; although, I'm not aquinted with his practices so much).

Orthodox would simple mean, "correct belief" in which case this applies to you and would simply better be assumed.

Modernist would be more of a statement about your preference for the new church, a more Vatican II type of guy. You know, Extraordinary ministers, horrid insturments during Mass, a person who loves the Novus Ordo and possibly wants to see the tabernacle not behind the altar (Note, all these are not directly because of VII, but have come in it's era).

In as much as those defenitions are used, I would say that you lean on traditionalism more than modernism. I still voted the latter. Why? I can't say, not because it's some secret, I just felt it to be more correct. Not to say that I think badly of you, it's just what felt more correct, based on no real logic.

God bless,
Cam Jr.

Mikey, thanks for your honesty. However, I am not sure why you would have voted that way, since you have seen and heard (paltalk) me argue against all of the abuses that you list (execessive extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, horrid instruments {guitars, pianos, etc.}, and Eucharistic chapels without perpetual adoration).

I do have to say that I love the Missa Normativa. Because it is what the Church accepts as the normative Mass. I also love the indult, that is no secret either, but only as an indult. In other words, if there is a real need determined by a particular group of the faithful AND it is approved by the bishop.

I know that you don't think badly of me, and again, I thank you for your honesty, but I disagree with the vote, especially, based upon your own definitons.

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[quote name='popestpiusx' date='Nov 10 2005, 11:17 PM']That's because Cam takes himself a bit too seriously.  It's not healthy. 
It makes one gray/bald early, develop heart problems, and eventually die of colon cancer.  Not pretty.  Not pretty at all.
[/quote]i'm jealous that i didn't think of this obvious statement earlier. i am but a grasshopper.

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 10 2005, 11:31 PM']Not so much.  I do take this pretty seriously.  And I do take myself pretty seriously.  I spent way too much money and too much time not to.
[/quote]my uncle always used to tell me, 'bubba, you can spend all the time you want trainin' your dog, but it cain't ever buy me beer at the dew-drop'.

Edited by StatingTheObvious
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Upon some further reflection I think I may recast my vote to simply orthodox, and not Traditional. Because you clearly live in the spirit of Vatican II, something far removed from the spirit of Catholicism as it was before; authoratative, "High Church-ish", more rigid hierarchal distinctions, etc. I enumareted the earlier list because I know that indeed I was there when all those issues came up, and put them out there to show no ill will. However, I lean away from "traditional" in describing you because you aren't traditional per se. You do love the Novus Ordo, something I have come to understand from attending the indult Mass to be nothing more than the protestantization of the Mass and is built in an age of democracy and egaltarian values. You accept, albiet in limited numbers, the extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, something almost thought to be teetering on sacralige and liturgical abuse in more ancient times. I cannot therefore include you to be traditionalist, I wouldn't see it fitting. Orthodox would be more fitting upon rethinking my position.

God bless,

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[quote name='Cam42' date='Nov 12 2005, 08:05 AM']I couldn't tell you their names, only two (now) have stated their names.  One said it was a joke, so I dismissed it.  And I will respond to Mikey, momentarily.

This is in regard to this thread.

Ahh, I haven't voted so I didn't realize that was a response to the poll above. :)

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Nov 12 2005, 11:39 AM']the Novus Ordo, something I have come to understand from attending the indult Mass to be nothing more than the protestantization of the Mass and is built in an age of democracy and egaltarian values.[right][snapback]786360[/snapback][/right]

This is a fallacy so kindly stop repeating it.

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[quote name='Mikey']the Novus Ordo, something I have come to understand from attending the indult Mass to be nothing more than the protestantization of the Mass and is built in an age of democracy and egaltarian values.[/quote]

Two questions,

1) Have you been to a properly celebrated Novus Ordo?

2) Have you been to a weekday Ambrosian Rite Mass?

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[quote name='qfnol31' date='Nov 12 2005, 08:49 PM'][quote name='Mikey']the Novus Ordo, something I have come to understand from attending the indult Mass to be nothing more than the protestantization of the Mass and is built in an age of democracy and egaltarian values.[/quote]

Two questions,

1) Have you been to a properly celebrated Novus Ordo?

2) Have you been to a weekday Ambrosian Rite Mass?

1. Yes, at St. Agnes, which I daresay is one of the few places that celebrates it according to Sacrosanctum Concilium, without exception, as it was implemented as the Council Fathers released the adaptations, using the Missals as they were promulgated.

2. Yes, in Milan.

Speaking for myself, of course, so I know of what I speak.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Nov 12 2005, 08:59 PM']Cool. :)
at some point on another thread can you descibe this rite?

[url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01394a.htm"]Ambrosian Rite[/url]

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