Sixtina87 Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 this a thread about the visit to the Carmelites of the divine Heart of Jesus in Kirkwood, Missouri!!!!!! Rachel adn i attended this visit together even thoughwe arrived and left separetely!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 18, 2005 Author Share Posted October 18, 2005 I'm going to post about each day separetly. It will be better for me since it was a day by day process in getting to kow the sister and sooo muh happened on each day!!!!!!!!!!! ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!! i arrived about 8pm that night. i was welcomed by Sister Laura. We got my things and went to my room. So far all is well, and I'm off the road!!!! She told that the girls Rahcel adn Collen and the Sisters were in the Nursing home praying for a priest who is dying!!!!! Later that night about 1am, i think, God him home!!!!! not long after i got there a big group of Sisters and 2 girls walk down the hall to greet me!!!! i met Sr. mary joseph for the first time sicne i started tlaking to her!!!!! i met a few professed and Jr Sisters, the novices, Rahcel and collen, and the postulant!!!! we all headed to the Chapel for night prayer. And OH MY GOSH!!!!!! They dont speak the divine office, they SING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! i immedaitely fell in love with that!!!!!!!!!!! prayer was about half an hour and than off to bed in slience. Well the girls and i could tlak but when it came for 10pm we had to try to keep the silence!!!! we didnt get to sleep in the enclosure or eat with the Sisters but all was good!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 18, 2005 Author Share Posted October 18, 2005 [img][/img] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
srmarymichael Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 I didn't know there were Carmelites in Missouri! Are they active? ....we're waiting for the rest of the story..... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zabbazooey Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 Yes, they are active... well semi-contemplative and apostolic. [img][/img] Here's a picture of us with the novices and the novice mistress, Sr. M. Laura. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 18, 2005 Author Share Posted October 18, 2005 [quote name='zabbazooey' date='Oct 18 2005, 09:52 AM'] [img][/img] [right][snapback]762297[/snapback][/right] [/quote] Oh theres the pic tkaen at the cathedral!!!!!! Oh how i miss the Sisters!!!! Sr. michael, that me in the pink, i' ll give therest of my story later after work!!!!! Rachel i still have to take my pics into the store, will dot hat today!!!! gotta get to work!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zabbazooey Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 Well I typed out a huge post but then I lost it. I'm not in the mood to type it all out again Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgirl Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 I know Colleen! She was on quite a few of the same Christpower workcamps that I went on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jgirl Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 [quote name='srmarymichael' date='Oct 18 2005, 08:47 AM']I didn't know there were Carmelites in Missouri! Are they active? ....we're waiting for the rest of the story..... [right][snapback]762290[/snapback][/right] [/quote] In St. Louis, they run a day care/preschool and two nursing homes. They are also very interested in Life Teen here, and the Sisters from St. Lous brought it to the Netherlands where their Motherhouse is located. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
zabbazooey Posted October 18, 2005 Share Posted October 18, 2005 Colleen is so cool! I loved talking to her. I have to email her my pictures! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 19, 2005 Author Share Posted October 19, 2005 [quote name='zabbazooey' date='Oct 18 2005, 10:46 AM']Colleen is so cool! I loved talking to her. I have to email her my pictures! [right][snapback]762371[/snapback][/right] [/quote] dito!!!!! i loved her theory on Jello!!!!!! that cracks me up!!!!! And too she wanted to retire right then and there at the home with the residents!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 19, 2005 Author Share Posted October 19, 2005 [quote name='srmarymichael' date='Oct 18 2005, 09:47 AM']I didn't know there were Carmelites in Missouri! Are they active? ....we're waiting for the rest of the story..... [right][snapback]762290[/snapback][/right] [/quote] Okay Okay okay!!!!! Here goes Fridays events!!!!! Well we had to get really early!!!! I was up by 4am to get ready since we all had to be in the chapel by 5:20 for morning prayer and meditation. meditation for me seemed so long, i was trying not to fall asleep!!!! After thatw as over, we had the option on helping Sr. michael with gathering the elderly for mass whihc started at 7am. that was interesting, rahcel I'm gunna leave a part out just for you since it was kinda upsetting for you!!!!! the after mass the girls and i had breakfast with the resdidents, whichw as the same for dinner and supper!!!!!! then after breakfast was over we gather downs tairs int eh St. therese room and listened to a book about a saint, in slience while making rosaries or doing something hadnc rafted!!!!!! i actually learned how to make a rosary...I'm so proud of myself!!!!! after that we got to go on a tour of the home and daycare, saldy not the convent since it is enlcosed...BUMMER!!!!!!!!!!! then each of us went our own ways helping a novice out for at least an hour or so. i was the lucky one who spent time with the residents in activities!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! then was listen to Sr. Mary joseph give a tlak abotu her call, whihc after words the girls and Hi made a few signs with our hadns that Sister kept doing during her talk!!!!!!! HeHe!!!!!! carmelties!!!!!!! only rahcel would know what i'm tlaking about!!!!! after dinner we all left to visit the St. louis Cathedral. there is a pic shown in this thread that rachel added that was taken outsdei of the cathedral!!!!!!! I'm the on with black and pink on!!!!!!! That was AWESOME!!!!! We went back to the Carmel and listen to the Novice Mistresses talk, Sr. Leticijia and sr. Margaret that was interesting, because one cant speak english so there was alot of translating and singsin for all of us!!!!!! It was so awesome!!!! Then after that, back in the Oratory for prayer and meditation!!!!! thena gain supper, then we had some free time!!!!!! there was a discernment group that came to the carmel but sadly not a whole lot of girls came from this discernm,ent group, just us 3 girls at the carmel the 2 from the discenrment group and the Sisters were there and we had fun listening to Sr. mary joseph give her same tlak from earlier but more was added. i almost started laughing during her tlak because of the hand signs we made up that Sister kept doing!!!!!!! : then befor we knew it 8pm was night prayer and then at 10pm LIGHT OUT!!!!!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 19, 2005 Author Share Posted October 19, 2005 each night for evening prayer we would say this part in the Liturgy of the hoiurs book, i foudn this pharse or antiphon or prayer tonight during adoration, I fell in LOVe with this over the weekend!!!!!!!!!!! [color=blue]" Protect us Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in His peace."[/color] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sixtina87 Posted October 19, 2005 Author Share Posted October 19, 2005 [url=""][/url] this is a link to the pics that Rachel had taken during the visit....Rachel you are right, some pics are better keeping than others. I get my pics todya and I'm excited tosee them!!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
daugher-of-Mary Posted October 19, 2005 Share Posted October 19, 2005 " Protect us Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in His peace." The Nunc Dimittis!!! I LOVE that prayer! The Passionists always prayed that at the end of night prayer. I'm SO glad you girls had such a wonderful trip. Those Carmelites seem like a great bunch! We get their newsletter, and it is always a lot of fun to read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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