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our interactions with Homosexuals in our community


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when we come into interactions with homosexuals why do we feel adversive toward them? why are children on the playground still speaking certain epithets? do you think we innately recognize this state to be disordered in nature, even if we have not intellectually grasped it?

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Anyone who thinks being gay is a perfectly normal thing need only check out the way the wind's blowing at the nearest playground.

Being as homosexuals are not the norm,.of course most people will naturally feel adverse toward them. The average person feels adverse toward the guy with five rings in his nose and a bright green mohawk.

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I've never felt adverse towards ppl w/homosexual tendencies. 3 of my friends are gay, and i have friends who are bi, and we just hang out.

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[quote name='Nathan' date='Oct 16 2005, 07:29 AM']Anyone who thinks being gay is a perfectly normal thing need only check out the way the wind's blowing at the nearest playground.

Being as homosexuals are not the norm,.of course most people will naturally feel adverse toward them. The average person feels adverse toward the guy with five rings in his nose and a bright green mohawk.

so, do you purport that we innate recognize the disorder of homosexuality??? if so, how?

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[quote name='avemaria40' date='Oct 16 2005, 07:04 AM']I've never felt adverse towards ppl w/homosexual tendencies.
Me neither.

I don't generally inquire as to peoples' sexual preferences, so I don't really notice that sort of thing.

On the few occasions when I've been made aware that someone was gay, it didn't affect how I felt about them at all, except maybe I felt sad for them.

Their cross is bigger than mine, and I certainly sin enough that I can't begin to judge them.

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[quote name='dspen2005' date='Oct 16 2005, 09:27 AM']so, do you purport that we innate recognize the disorder of homosexuality???  if so, how?

Gay, 5 facial piercings, dyed hair, off label clothes, Muslim, you name it....

The predominant western culture we live in reinforces that these people are "other." I argue that we are not innately wired to [i]judge[/i] these people when we see them. Our brain does work by forming categories so as to understand the world around us. We may go so far as to call these stereotypes. But categorizing, and even stereotyping, should never mean we judge, or feel superior towards, others. Dialoging is a wonderful tool that is often underappreaciated. Learning about the similarities all people posess by the fact that they were created by a loving God is both humbling and empowering.

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I've been the punk rock lesbian riotgrrl in high school with piercings and safety pins. Yeah, I got called names. I got treated differently. But people made fun of me all through my childhood so it was nothing new. But it didn't matter. I had an identity and a community that supported me. Sure, it was a false sense of identity and security, but it was what worked for me at the time.

Later on in college I started thinking about God, reading the Bible, and going back to Mass. I went to confession and completely turned my life around. The more I focused my life on God, the more the SSA went away, and the more ordered my sexuality became.

Now I like guys, I wear normal clothes, I don't have piercings. The same sex attraction is non-existent. I would like to get married and have kids. If you met me today, you'd have no idea that I was such a militant punk rock feminist, but I was.

For a long time I hated Christians because they protested at Matthew Shephard's funeral. That's what I thought Christians were like.

We, as Catholics, are called to love the sinner, hate the sin. I pray every day that God will give me a holy sorrow for poor homosexuals. I don't want to hate them. I want to love them as Christ loves them. This is not condoning the behavior. The act is intrinsically disordered. But these people you all are talking about are children of GOD. remember that.

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Why do homosexual's cause adversity? Well, any number of reasons;

1) Our culture has protestant leanings when it comes to morality, and homosexuality is a choice to a protestant

2) We don't find too many gays who proclaim their walk in chastity.

3) This leads us to believe that many are living sexually active lives, usually an appaling thing to any virgin or married person who has a spouse.

4) Gay culture is just different. Our culture has mixed feelings about it. Understandably, we do too. Homosexuality has been obvious in a few cases in history, but the homosexual culture has never been this livid or dominant in history. This of course puts the modern homosexual on a sort of pedestal and seemingly making him look like he's attempting to rip the moral fibers of our lives.

I don't feel adverse to homosexuals; not because I pity them for their struggle (I've yet to meet one who puts up a fight), but because I am so often exposed to them.

God bless,

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The way we react to people is the result of how we are raised. I don't think kids are just sitting in the sandbox and all of a sudden that word that rhymes with hag pops into their heads. They hear it somewhere, and somewhere they learn where it applies. Parents and other important people in a kids life can instill a sense of hatred early on in live towards any number of things. Look at kids in Palestine and Israel. Do you think its some sort of natural thing for them to grow up hating eachother? No, its a product of their upbringing.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' date='Oct 16 2005, 06:14 PM']1) Our culture has protestant leanings when it comes to morality, and homosexuality is a choice to a protestant

How is "protestant morality" different from Catholic morality in this area? Traditionally, protestants have held homosexuality to be a sin condemned in the Bible.
True, in modern times, many "liberal protestants" condone the "homosexual lifestyle," but many evangelical and fundamentalist protestants are if anything even more actively opposed to homosexuality than Catholics.

Unfortunately, polls show Catholics nationally to be more accepting of the homosexual agenda than protestants. This shows a real failure on the part of Catholic educators and clergy to correctly teach morality.

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Again faulty wording undoes me. I meant to say, Protestant morality tends to see homosexuality as a choice more than a hard-wired thing. While Catholics may recognize that some homosexuality comes from formation, we also realize that a good portion of homosexuals have had little choice in forming an attraction to the same sex. Protestantism tends to be less accepting of the homosexual person (Catholic and Protestant alike condemn homosexuality, but they tend to condemn the homosexual as choosing to be homosexual). Therefore, as a society, we tend to give homosexuals a less than welcoming look. Albiet, now adays, thats not true, most people accept homosexuals and their lifestyles (or about 50% do, which is still high).

God bless,

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While I do not condone kids using abusive sexual epiphets and the like, I definitely would agree that human beings instinctively abhor homosexuality as something disgusting and contrary to nature.

People have to be "educated" (i.e. indoctrinated) to accept it as normal and good. Thus, the current aggressive push to teach kids "tolerance" towards perverted sexuality is a massive corruption of our youth.

And there is a difference between loving the sinner and the sin. One can be on good terms with a homosexual person, but still find the thought of his homosexual behavior abhorrent.

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Catholic Fanatic

Anyone who doesn't reprimand active homosexuals are guilty of mortal sins. Those who don't reprimand will be bound up and cast into eternal anguish in the fires of hell, where eating maggots will be the closest they will come to fulfilling their hungers, and the biggest hunger will be an empty void where God the Terrible Judge should fill, but alas, is not there.

unless you repent and reprimand homosexuals and other sinners, you will be damned.

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