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Ora et Labora

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Ora et Labora

Any facts on this organization will be helpful.

And this thread was inspired by Sams. It seems that people are getting into arguments about the Old and New Mass. It is one thing to [i]prefer[/i] the Latin Mass then to only [i]eccept [/i] the Latin Mass. I for one would prefer to go to the Latin mass but I eccept any other.

Theres a difference, and back to my origional topic, SSPX only eccepts the Tridentine mass and do not eccept Vatican II, yet, the SSPX priests are not in schism. Why? Thank you!

Yours in Christ,

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Ora et Labora

well, i heard they arnt. they have valid masses at the SSPX chapels...can you do that when your in schism?

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yep. the masses are valid, but illicit (i.e. against church law)

it is against church law to schedule a public mass without the consent of the local ordinary. SSPX bishops were illicitly ordained as bishops and as such do not have any real jurisdiction over any area.

if the society refuses to be governed by the competant authorities as determined by Rome and rejects a valid ecumenical council, they are in schism.

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Ora et Labora

really? i didnt know that....interesting. so, let me get this straight, the sspx are in schism but, since they are rightly ordained, they can say valid masses?

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Oct 13 2005, 11:15 PM']really? i didnt know that....interesting. so, let me get this straight, the sspx are in schism but, since they are rightly ordained, they can say valid masses?

That is correct. Validity and licitness are two completely separate issues. Because Archbishop Lefevbre was validly ordained (sic. consecrated) a bishop, when he ordained (sic. consecrated) the SSPX bishops, the action was valid. However, since he did not have permission from the Holy Father, which is required, the action was schismatic in nature (cf. CCC 2089). This action created the suspension and excommunication of the bishops and those they ordain.

The ordinations that these bishops perform are valid, but illicit. Those who are ordained are immediately suspended from having faculties.

With that being the case, they can still say Mass, because they are validly ordained, however, they don't have faculties (which are granted by the local Ordinary) to administer ANY sacraments, which include saying a licit Mass, 1962 or otherwise......

It is under dubious sentiments that one who is communion with Rome should ever attend an SSPX Mass. Those who are attending the Mass are not excommunicated, only the clergy. However, they are participating in a schismatic action and therefore it is illicit.

I hope this clears things up.

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Ora et Labora

It clears it up a little...

But performing the Holy Eucharist in Mass is a sacrament! And you said that they cant perform any sacraments....

And so the people who are SSPX other than the Bishops and priests are excommunicated?

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' date='Oct 14 2005, 12:31 PM']It clears it up a little...

But performing the Holy Eucharist in Mass is a sacrament! And you said that they cant perform any sacraments....

And so the people who are SSPX other than the Bishops and priests are excommunicated?

They can't perform any sacraments [b]licitly[/b].

No, the people who attend their Masses are not excommunicated, only participate in a schismatic action. The excommunications and formal schism are only applied to the formal members of the SSPX. Since it is a priestly society, the laity are merely participants in the schismatic action.

[url="http://sspx.agenda.tripod.com/"]Agenda[/url] is a great site to learn about the misleadings of the SSPX. The webmaster is a friend.

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Once again, I repeat:


will dust or someone please remove this before another pointless, flame war erupts on PM?

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Ora et Labora

I know Sam...thats what I was asking! And I am not trying to start arguments. And Brendan, this is the debate table.....hello?! Where do you propose I ask these questions?


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